Saturday, February 22, 2025

Your weekly tarot horoscope reading for January 13 to January 19

Must read

Get ready for a new week (Picture: Getty/

The week begins with the year’s first Full Moon (in Cancer) which is emotional, sensitive, and intuitive. You will be feeling ALL of the feels!

And by the end of the week, Aquarius season will have started which activates innovation, invention and progressive thinking.

What thinking in your realm do you need to move on? What are you changing your mind about?

What might emerge as a sensitivity this Full Moon in order to be something you move on from or progress come Aquarius season? Let the tarot guide you…


March 21 to April 20

aries star sign
Bite the bullet this week (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Aries for this week: Two of Swords

Meaning: You will feel a little sensitive about a decision you’ve not made (and need to make) this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by the Two of Swords. Procrastination is not your usual style but something about the options on offer here has made you dither and delay.

Continuing to dither is no longer an option though, because you’re just stagnating and in a limbo. Action is easier than dread. Get into this. Make a choice. Act on your gut feeling.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

taurus star sign
Taureans can struggle with change (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Taurus for this week: The Wheel of Fortune

Meaning: You will feel a little sensitive about changes ahead or already in progress this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by the transformative Wheel of Fortune. You don’t like change. Taureans are fans of certainty and stability, you like things to be under control and safely in hand. Change feels chaotic and messy and unstable.

It’s okay, Taurus, the best way out is through, so resolve this too shall pass and just keep going. Clarity is coming. You can take steps towards firmer ground.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

Avoid second-guessing things (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Gemini for this week: Two of Cups

Meaning: You will feel a little sensitive about the strength of the bond in your closest relationship this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by the Two of Cups. I want you to know, Gemini, that this fear is unfounded and it’s just your busy mind hyping up a scary idea to torture you and stimulate you.

Instead of spiralling and imagining all sorts, just do something nice for the one you love. Date night, a meal, a gift, compliments, morning coffee, an event planned for spring… whatever suits. You are loved.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

cancer star sign
You can resolve this within yourself (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Cancer for this week: Five of Coins

Meaning: You will feel a little sensitive about a regret or loss from long, long ago (in a galaxy far away) this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by the Five of Coins. Why have you gone back here? This was years ago.

Well, there’s a new insight nugget awaiting you if only you’ll process this old wound one last time. You’re dispassionate enough about it now to glean a fresh take on things and extract a useful piece of self awareness or knowledge that you can use in the present. Go back in order to move ahead.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

leo star sign
Work is on your mind this week (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Leo for this week: Four of Wands

Meaning: You will feel a little sensitive about your progress in your career this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by the Four of Wands. You live in a spotlight, you have high expectations of yourself, and you deeply care what others think (or what you perceive them to think).

Leo, it’s okay, you’re doing great, things are what they are. All you need to do is make some fresh decisions and things can change too, so you can flip a switch anytime you want and transform this realm of your life. Sit down, reflect fully, make a plan of action.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

virgo star sign
Give yourself some slack (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Virgo for this week: Judgment

Meaning: You will feel a little sensitive about your own sense of identity or self worth this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by Judgment. Virgo, you are a hard, harsh, cruel inner critic and judge to yourself. You say things to yourself that you couldn’t imagine anyone ever saying to another person.

Don’t do this. Don’t spiral. Distract yourself with music, affirmations, activity, celebrations, good company. Stop being your own enemy and learn to be kind, patient and compassionate towards your most precious asset in life – you!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

libra star sign
Time to make a decision, Libra (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Libra for this week: Seven of Coins

Meaning: You will feel a little sensitive about a long term and significant shift you’re going through this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by the Seven of Coins. You really don’t like ‘losing’ anything or feeling like your options are narrowing. You like to hedge your bets and feel abundant in choices. Weighing up options is like a pro sport for you, but you rarely finish the job, you just procrastinate.

This Full Moon you can see that you will have to pick an option, and narrow it down, and it makes you anxious. It shouldn’t. Each option leads to a whole raft of new ones, think of it as opening doors vs closing them.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

scorpio star sign
Death is the card of transformation (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Scorpio for this week: Death

Meaning: You will feel a little sensitive about an ending you’re facing this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by Death. This tarot card actually represents your sign so this is something very personal to you, perhaps an ending that you have instigated but now feel worried about the aftermath.

Scorpio, fear not! You are the ultimate phoenix from the ashes, the rebirth champion, the comeback kid.  Reinvention is what you do. Have faith in yourself, be optimistic, and look ahead, the best is all still to come.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

sagittarius star sign
Why beat yourself up? (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Sagittarius for this week: Three of Cups

Meaning: You will feel a little sensitive about the idea of over-indulgence or having too much fun this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by the Three of Cups.

Maybe it’s a literal hangover, maybe a sense of regret after a splurge kind of Christmas and New Year, maybe a feeling you’ve been playing more than you’ve been working recently and it’s time to knuckle down. Don’t feel guilty, that’s a waste of energy and doesn’t solve anything. Just make an adjustment and start afresh!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


December 22 to January 21

capricorn star sign
This ‘perfect’ time doesn’t exist (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Capricorn for this week: Ace of Coins

Meaning: You willfeel a little sensitive about a new goal you’re plotting this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by the Ace of Coins. In short, you’re not sure you’re ready.

Cap, no one is ever ready, not really. You can learn ‘on the job’, make it up as you go, figure it out on the hoof. It’s time to act vs carrying on thinking about this. This goal is a long-term one anyway so you’ve got loads of time to experiment, fail, start anew, and get going. It’s likely to impact the realm of health, wealth, work or home. The time is right to make that start.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


January 22 to February 19

AQUARIUS star sign
Don’t let your fears get in the way of greatness (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Aquarius for this week: The Star

Meaning: You will feel a little sensitive about a dream you’re really, really hopeful will come true in 2025 this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by The Star. This is really personal to you, as The Star is your sign’s card, and it truly represents a heartfelt wish, a vision or ideal you really need to happen.

Aquarius, focus on taking steps vs worrying. Get your mindset positive and optimistic because then you’ll vibrate at the right frequency to attract opportunity, luck, and openings to make this wish come true. Worrying is a blocker.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


February 20 to March 20

pisces star sign
Grind it out (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Pisces for this week: Nine of Wands

Meaning: You will feel a little sensitive about a problem you know you need to resolve this Full Moon to Aquarius week, as shown by the Nine of Wands.

Don’t worry, Pisces, you’ve got this in hand! You can handle this dilemma, and ten more like it! The Nine of Wands is a massive reassurance that this issue will simply evaporate once you put your full attention upon it, so get stuck in and get working on a solution. This will be easier than you think.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with nearly 30 years of fortune telling experience and many happy clients all over the world. Join her tarot club on Patreon for exclusive forecasts, predictions, lessons, readings and 1-1 access.

Your daily horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.

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