You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!
Neptune Retrograde feels like a release from pretense, false idols, and trying too hard. Just be yourself. Justice brings a message of authenticity, integrity, and playing to your own values. Do what you think is right and you can’t go too far wrong. You will sleep soundly and others will respect you. If you make mistakes, you will be forgiven because people will believe in your good intentions.
Be wary of biting off more than you can chew this week, Aries. Keep your schedule loose and light, and leave plenty of wriggle room. Because trust me, things will get hectic. Get to bed on time, don’t doom scroll, eat well, and drink plenty of water. The Ten of Wands is a nudge to seek deep rest and relaxation so you can handle everything on your plate with a clear and rested mind.
Congratulations, Taurus. The Star is a beautiful card representing wishes and dreams coming true. It’s a week of manifesting and turning your fantasies into realities. You’re ruled by Venus and that means you’re able to imagine how beautiful life can be. This week, you can take something you long for and daydream about and create its presence in your life. What else are daydreams for if not to inspire us to action?
Work hard and be focused. Keep your head down and your gaze on the task at hand. The Knight of Pentacles means business! Hard work strengthens and builds your resilience. There are significant rewards to be had here. What you’re working for is a worthwhile cause, and your success will lead to a wonderful achievement. Keep your eyes on the prize and put the effort in… and then some.
Upgrade your tech. Nurture your network. Polish your social media presence. Get connected to the right people in the right places. A little bit of effort this week will set you up for a lot of new invitations, attention, opportunities, and openings in the season to come. We often take our career presence for granted, never reviewing it in the light of new upgrades, new news, or trends. Take a moment to do so, and I promise it will pay off.
The Hermit is setting you some kind of homework, Leo. Now, don’t despair; this isn’t algebra or physics (unless that’s your thing, of course). This is something you’re interested in and want to sink your teeth and claws into. Maybe it’s a skill you want to learn, a topic you need to explore, or a piece of research about your next big project. Take a week to really dig in, probe, and understand. Good things take time to develop. Invest your time now.
Everything has changed this year. You are not where you were when 2024 began, and neither are your surroundings—some good, some bad, some very unexpected. All of it has been churning away inside and you’ve been struggling to emotionally catch up. Temperance sees you turning a corner this week. You will feel more at home, grounded, and secure. You will start to have faith and the confidence to take the next step. This is a pivot point.
Education is rarely a bad idea, right? Certainly not for smart Libras! Your mind is analytical and hungry for information. The Page of Pentacles is always a good omen for learning. Now is a great time to explore what skills you’d really like to learn and how to go about doing that. Research the options, prioritize, and plan. Knowledge is power.
Scorpio, you are an intensely competitive soul. Good news this week: You’re going to find yourself embroiled in some kind of rivalry or literal contest. Maybe one of your own making? It brings the best out in you, so start your own challenge if none appear. More good news: You’re going to win or at least get what you want out of it. Sometimes we all need prodding into action, and that is going to happen to you now.
You like living in the moment, Sagittarius. In fact, you’re famous for your spontaneous, cavalier, anything-goes approach to daily life. Well, that mood changes this week, Sagittarius. The Nine of Pentacles sits you down and forces you to assess where you’re heading, why, and how. Be hopeful, optimistic, and proactive. Plan for your future and bring those plans into the present. Start a course of action that has longevity. Plant seeds to reap later.
A big decision needs to be made this week, Capricorn, and no one can make it except for you. Carve out some time and space to mentally unravel this choice, deconstruct the options, and weigh the pros and cons. Ask questions, do your homework, discuss your ideas, and sleep on your choice. Then, make a move before the week is out. This decision has lingered around for long enough, and life needs to get going again. Don’t procrastinate. Think critically and then act.
Be wild and free this week, Aquarius. Say “yes” to as many invitations, opportunities, activities, social outings, and friendships as you can. Show everyone what abundance looks like. You are an inherently popular person. Use your network to gather new ideas and options. Follow your passions and interests. Check out new venues and events. See people you haven’t seen in ages. Get around as much as possible and you will set yourself up for a magical summer.
Take ownership for a part of your life that has been tough recently. Rescue is not an option. You need to figure your own way through this. The rewards will be priceless, because personal development and growth happens from hardship. Emotional intelligence comes from making mistakes, being tested, and having to do things that scare you a little. Don’t worry: the Queen of Swords is here to help. You are tough, wise, and brave. Prove it to yourself.

 Kerry Ward has been reading and teaching tarot for over 25 years, and alongside her work as Horoscope contributor for Cosmopolitan UK, has worked for Cosmopolitan US, too. You can book a personal, written tarot reading with her, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, while she is also the published author of Power Purpose Practice, Card of the Day Tarot and The Good Karma Tarot. She also created the Crystal Magic Tarot deck. Follow her on Instagram @mytarotbella for weekly forecasts, insights, and tarot teachings, or find her on LinkedIn.Â