Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Your Weekly Horoscope Shows Cosmic Favor For Lovers (2/9-15)

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According to astrologers, this week is for the lovers. In perfect timing for Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2025, the cosmos put on rose-colored glasses, encouraging us to follow our passions.

On February 12, the heat begins with a Leo full moon. This lunation welcomes us to wear our hearts on our sleeves, finding confidence in bold expression. Our emotions dramatically take over, magnetizing us swiftly towards who and what tugs on our heartstrings. Public displays of affection are expected, and loyalties are shown through loud applause and bold support.

On the Lover’s Day, February 14, the universe delivers an interesting twist. In divine timing, Mercury enters Pisces. While this romantic transit isn’t ideal for critical thinking or problem-solving, it’s perfect for the intentions of this sentimental, sensitive holiday. The Pisces Mercury transit allows us to finish the week on a softer note. Our desires for connection take priority. We can no longer deny our deeper desires, going beyond superficiality and straight for the soul in conversations.

Weekly Horoscope for Each Zodiac Sign for February 9 to 15, 2025

Read for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

This week, Aries is pushed to honor their needs in their love life. The Leo full moon brings out their fiery spirit, encouraging a playful attitude. Romance lulls on in their minds. Being on the same page as a crush or lover is of the utmost priority. It feels more urgent than ever to make your love known and felt and to feel seen by your special people.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

This week, Taurus is encouraged to be vulnerable with their chosen family and close loved ones. The Leo full moon delivers a dramatic, emotional reveal of who and what matters most in their heart of hearts. Passionate confessions and psychological breakthroughs about creativity, commitment, and building a happy domestic life are on the agenda.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Geminis are encouraged to get their pent-up feelings off their chests this week. The Leo full moon offers a cosmic opportunity to practice unapologetic self-expression. Their loved ones will likely follow their lead, holding intellectually stimulating conversations. It becomes essential to let your inner circle know how much they mean to you or resolve tensions where mental energy is going to waste.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

This week’s Leo full moon invites Cancer to look at love through the lens of self-worth. Choices with those who matter most either boost their sense of capability or set them back. Fake it til you make it. Prioritize building practical commitments that root feelings of love into tangible reality. Values and morals act as a guidance system in relationships.

NEXT: The Zodiac Sign You Should Kiss on Valentine’s Day

Leo Weekly Horoscope

With a full moon in your sign, all eyes are on you, Leo. You’re feeling confident in your element, encouraging the best kind of love to blossom: self-care. As others affirm your greatness, remember to appreciate but not get lost in external validation. This lunation allows your romantic nature to flourish, given that you focus on empowering your path.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

This week brings you back to your spiritual, inner center. The Leo full moon pushes Virgo to connect with their private world. Intuition heightens. Telepathy is a love language. Lovers are invited behind the curtain, getting to know each other on profound, intimate levels. Don’t hide from your shadows. This is where integrated healing can occur.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

This week, Libra finds passion with the Leo full moon hitting their progressive sector. Friendships feel closer than ever, and lovers connect through their shared affinity for future goals and aims. There’s joy in anticipating what’s to come next. Dramatic expressions are welcome. Leave imposter syndrome at home.

NEXT: 3 Zodiac Signs Least Likely to Get Married

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio finds inspiration in making their passions visible in the public eye. Shrinking to fit in doesn’t feel as good as daring to stand out. In the workplace, the admiration of others supports their vision. In their personal life, shared, mature goals and intentions give life, helping relationships stabilize.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius is redefining its philosophy on passions this week. Love is intellectual, demanding careful contemplation and moral guidelines to sustain. There’s joy in exploring opportunities outside their usual routine, which can involve traveling out of their comfort zone, literally or metaphorically.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

This week’s Leo full moon brings out a sensitive side of Capricorn. Their desires for intimacy and soulful bonds demand deeper vulnerability. Emotional transformation allows them to get closer with a special someone, or loved ones. Running from their fears doesn’t offer the same alchemizing potential as facing their subconscious blocks does.

RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs Blessed by Jupiter Retrograde’s End

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

With the Leo full moon hitting their partnership sphere, Aquarius is expected to focus on their loved ones more than ever before. There’s hope, love, and full-hearted intentions in store. To find the connection they crave, whether it be love, romance, friendship, or family, this zodiac must be bold and direct with their desires. Allow the emotions to take over, no matter how risky it feels.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

This week, Pisces finds liberation in the Leo full moon, should they decide to prioritize their wellbeing. Their mind, body, and spirit demands a break from daily life demands, chores, or obligations. Leave responsibilites to a minimum. Turn up your fun meter onto maximum, planning for creative outlets, enjoying hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones.

Related: 3 Zodiac Signs Hit by Cupid’s Crossbow as Venus Enters Aries

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