Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Your weekly horoscope sees major changes coming

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Overview: Eclipse season starts now! Every six months, a lunar eclipse and solar eclipse act as powerful checkpoints in your life. For the first time since 2016, a lunar eclipse in Pisces renews your relationship to spirituality and creativity. Perhaps spirituality is about more than getting what you want — it’s also about growth and love. On Sunday, the seasons shift from grounded Virgo to romantic Libra, highlighting your relationships for the next month. Venus enters intimate Scorpio on the same day, inspiring deeper trust in your dynamics.

Read your sun/rising sign horoscope

Surrender isn’t quitting, Aries. Tuesday’s lunar eclipse in your Pisces-ruled release zone inspires you to let go of a tight grip on an agenda or outcome. Libra season begins on Sunday and kicks off your most romantic time of year with opposites-attract chemistry. Venus enters Scorpio on the same day, inviting you to experience trust in relationships by navigating risk, doubt, and uncertainty.

Ask for support, Taurus. A lunar eclipse in your Pisces-ruled friendship zone on Tuesday helps you request what you want from your friends. On Sunday, Libra season starts and motivates you to improve your wellbeing by focusing on small goals. Venus enters Scorpio on the same day, attracting experiences and partners who are very different from you, helping you grow.

Your calling is calling, Gemini! Tuesday’s lunar eclipse in Pisces occurs in your chart’s your professional zone. This asks you to align your career with your calling by taking a big creative leap into the unknown. Libra season’s start on Sunday gives you the confidence boost to make it happen. Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday too, attracting people who want to help you succeed.

Level up, Cancer! A lunar eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday expands your horizons to new possibilities through travel and education. Libra season begins on Sunday and helps you find the people and places that provide emotional safety. Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday, motivating you to share more truths about your feelings, hopes, and desires with those who need to know.

Take a trust fall, Leo. An intimacy-seeking lunar eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday wants you to do something vulnerable to deepen your relationships. Libra season begins on Sunday, softening your approach to communication for clarity and connection. Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday, drawing you to relationships that provide emotional safety.

Happy birthday, Virgo! Looking for love? A lunar eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday puts romantic relationships in focus. Libra season’s start on Sunday brings opportunities for financial windfalls and belated birthday blessings. Venus enters Scorpio on the same day, enhancing your fluency in subtext, body language, tone, and cues — areas you already excel in!

Pay close attention, Libra. Tuesday’s lunar eclipse in your Pisces-ruled mindfulness zone helps you zoom in on small details that lead to big personal changes — just in time for your birthday season, which starts on Sunday! May all your wishes come true. Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday, connecting you to your pleasure principles and what lights up your body.

Vulnerability is your strength, Scorpio. A lunar eclipse in your Pisces-ruled courage zone on Tuesday motivates you to bravely share a big truth about yourself, transforming your self-perception. Libra season begins on Sunday, giving you much-needed downtime and rest. Venus enters your sign on Sunday, too, bringing beautification, harmony, and love to your most meaningful relationships.

What is “home,” Sag? A lunar eclipse in your Pisces-ruled home and belonging zone on Tuesday helps you find the place where you can heal and feel at peace with yourself. Libra season’s start on Sunday inspires you to clock out and connect with friends. Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday, giving you a chance to heal from painful patterns in the past so you can love more bravely in the present.

Put the “commune” in communication, Capricorn. Tuesday’s lunar eclipse in Pisces encourages you to see language as a bridge for connection, love, and understanding. Libra season’s start on Sunday begins your most professional time of year — remember to invest in relationships and they’ll invest in you. Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday too, helping you integrate the best of friendship and romance.

Practice what you teach, Aquarius! A lunar eclipse on Tuesday in your Pisces-ruled integrity zone inspires you to put your favourite ideas into action as fully as you can. Libra season starts on Sunday, encouraging you to follow your curiosities and wanderlust to new countries and campuses. Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday too, attracting colleagues who want to help you professionally succeed.

Begin again, Pisces! A lunar eclipse in your sign — the first since 2016 — gives you the chance to make powerful changes to your identity while healing from the past and staying hopeful in the present. Libra season’s start on Sunday motivates you to work on positive self-talk, which is helpful for your mental health. Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday, offering you a helpful crash course in relationship happiness!

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