Thursday, March 13, 2025

Your Weekly Horoscope Is All About “Lucky” New Beginnings For January 6-11, 2025

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The astrology for this week will reflect sensitive, dreamy, unfocused energy and yet it also stimulates a real pathway to our personal evolution through creativity, spirituality, and sensuality. On January 11, the nodes of the Moon, representing our collective transformation will change from the dynamic paradox of Aries and Libra to the dreamy manifesting axis of Pisces and Virgo. We are collectively encouraged to let go of our need to control and release tendencies of perfectionism. Instead, trust and faith are emphasized. I will talk more about this in future writings.

Keep reading to see your lucky weekly horoscope for the week of January 5-12, 2025.

What’s happening astrologically during January 5-12, 2025?

weekly horoscope | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Mars, the planet of action, is traversing the tender, family-oriented sign of Cancer on its retrograde track this week. Memories will likely surface that either make us nostalgic for better times or remind us of painful times we thought were safely in the past. Use this energy to face whatever comes up, learn from the lessons your memories provide, and move forward to create the life you desire.

Mars has a lot of power, and while it is retrograde, it is wise to take things slowly, try not to rush, but also to take action to harness what you need to grow. Look back in your journal or photo library in October through early November 2024, when Mars was direct in Cancer. Did something become evident during that time that tugged at your heartstrings? We will all yearn for a simpler time. Mars will turn direct again in February 2025 and will remain in Cancer until mid-April. These months will likely be bittersweet. Practice self-care and self-compassion.

woman with white nails against pink flowers | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

woman with white nails against pink flowers | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Our reflections of the past are a catalyst to healing. If we can face, accept, and own our vulnerabilities, we can rise above any self-limiting beliefs. The energies support exercising our capacity for resilience. On January 8th, Chiron, the wounded healer and Shaman of the Zodiac in Aries, is squaring the Sun in Capricorn.

Don’t believe everything you think, as Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on January 6th. Events will likely be dramatic on the world stage, and unless you thrive in a dramatic environment, it is best to lay low until Mercury moves into the stable, practical sign of Capricorn on January 8th. Use the early part of the week to get creative, practice your art, or spend time meditating, doing yoga, or walking in nature. Stay clear of mind-altering drugs or alcohol as things will be hazy or confusing. If you must engage in important business or legal matters, be sure to consult a professional to get advice or to review important documents before signing the bottom line.

woman hiking in the snow | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

woman hiking in the snow | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Acts of kindness, courage, and standing up for the underdog will fulfill an essential need to be part of your community. This week is an excellent time to volunteer at the local food bank or to walk dogs at the local shelter. Ask yourself, “How can I make the world a better place?” and act on every chance you get to be courteous, kind, and generous as Mars forms a trine with Neptune, exact on January 12.

If you would like to know more about how these and other transits affect you personally, contact me at for a reading.

Read Your Weekly Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Signs

aries | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

aries | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You will likely crave anything that provides a new experience or an expanded viewpoint. It is a perfect time to broaden your horizons, be it through travel or learning. Make sure you are motivated by more than boredom but by a true desire to grow and learn. Take advantage of this opportunity to synthesize your life by joining together seemingly disparate parts. The big picture will become clear if you consciously seek ways to learn and grow.

taurus | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

taurus | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Your emotions will be heightened this week. You might find yourself attracted to intense people and a desire to experience life on more soulful or profound levels. Allow yourself to explore these emotions. Spend time in quiet contemplation to get clear about what it means to live life in a more profound way. Take advantage of any opportunity to express yourself about topics that are usually taboo or not easy to discuss.

gemini | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

gemini | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

In your personal life, you can successfully broach sensitive topics with your loved ones to create more harmonious relationships. Use compassionate language and approach each opportunity to get closer with patience and kindness. In your professional life, negotiations are favored if you meet each occasion with respect and a desire for long-term collaboration. Communicate with a desire for reciprocity and fairness for all concerned.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope November | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Cancer Weekly Horoscope November | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Focus on details, stay organized, and be ready for any mutually beneficial encounters as you actively pursue your goals. Your intellect will be keen, and you will have an eye toward practical, achievable solutions. Strive to maintain an energetic balance in your activities and tend to your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health. This is potentially a busy week; keep any anxieties in check and practice mindfulness daily.

leo | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

leo | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Take advantage of every opportunity to express yourself creatively and clearly. Don’t forget to interject playfulness and joyfulness in your life. Connect with your natural child-like enthusiasm and approach everything you can with curiosity and wonder. Engage in lively conversations whenever you can. Interactions with strangers, through social media or in direct conversations, will illuminate your strengths and unique attributes. You are an essential part of the greater fabric of life, and the more you express yourself, the clearer that becomes to you.

virgo | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

virgo | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Dig deep to access your courage this week. Don’t let a fear of criticism or failure keep you from pursuing your goals. Seek like-minded allies and use family connections for support. Rely on your sharp intellect to communicate. Focus on solid solutions and practical proposals. Keep in mind that what you actively strive for needs to benefit not only yourself but those around you, as well. You are entering a powerful time to align your desires with the zeitgeist.

libra | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

libra | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your mental abilities are strong. Use your sharp intellect to maintain curiosity and keep an open mind to learn new things. Listen more than talk as your conversations will broaden your horizons; challenge the status quo by expanding your understanding. This is a time for gathering information and knowledge from a wide variety of sources to tap into solutions that apply to a wide audience. Remain adaptable, flexible, and open-minded.

scorpio weekly horoscope | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

scorpio weekly horoscope | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This is a critical time to integrate your internal value system with the outer manifestations of your life. How do your financial and material realities reflect your deeper beliefs? It is a time to align these parts of your life. Use your strong rational mind in balance with your acute inner intuition when faced with making choices and decisions. Our bodies hold accumulated wisdom from our lives and our ancestors’ lives. Tap into how a choice feels in your body before acting.

sagittarius weekly horoscope | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

sagittarius weekly horoscope | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Conversations this week offer a chance to not only articulate your ideas but to refine them. The seeds you plant, if properly tended to, will likely result in successful endeavors. Use this time to expand your ideas by engaging with people who may not think or believe as you do. Travel during this time will be especially fruitful as you will be forced to see life from a fresh perspective. You might also be interested in changing your appearance and the way you present yourself to the world. Observe any reactions to these changes from a curious viewpoint.

capricorn weekly horoscope | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

capricorn weekly horoscope | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Solitude is essential as you connect with the deep layers of your essence. Hidden facets of your nature are yearning to come to your awareness, and as you take time for introspection, these obscure elements of yourself can be revealed. A clear mind and heart will allow these new parts of yourself to be released. Refrain from judging whatever is uncovered. Try expressing any newfound awareness with written words or through music or poetry. Connect with your spiritual side as often as you can.

aquarius | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

aquarius | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Use this week to network and engage in community activities. You might find yourself questioning if your social networks and friends share your dreams and aspirations. If they do, use the time to strengthen, nurture, and honor those connections. If you feel disconnected, engage in honest and truthful conversations about your priorities and visions, and listen to their dreams on an equal level. Be willing to envelop their ideas into yours to enhance compassion and inclusivity. This is not a time to go it alone but to find strength in numbers and diversity.

pisces | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

pisces | Destiny Buchman/Dupe Photos

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Your career is in focus. It is a good time for strategic, long-term planning. Envision a way to expand your skills through education or training. Invest in yourself to achieve your ambitions. Make every effort to keep the big picture in mind and not get lost in the small details. Focus on your core values as you strive for your ideals. If sacrifices need to be made to reach your goals, any short-term discomfort will be worth the effort. Emphasize your unique talents when making decisions.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at!

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