Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Your Weekly Horoscope for November 24 to 30, 2024

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Brace yourself—here comes Mercury retrograde in your weekly horoscope for November 24 to 30, 2024! The week begins with Mercury going retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25, crossing signals and bringing on the miscommunication. This teleports you back to last year’s Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius from December 13, 2023, to January 1, 2024, and similar storylines are revisited for a final act. When Mercury retrograde moves through the sign of the Archer, you can expect travel delays, debates, and perspective shifts to occur.

The following day, on November 26, the sun in Sagittarius meets with the North Node in Aries, a point that concerns our fate and destiny. You could receive recognition that helps further you along your life path, or maybe feel like you’re showing up more authentically. The sun in Sagittarius mingles with Mars in Leo on November 27, giving you the courage and confidence to go after who and what you desire. This is very productive energy that helps you move mountains, pursue new goals, and follow your passions.

Relationship wounds resurface when Venus in Capricorn clashes into Chiron in Aries, the Wounded Healer, on November 27. Old relationship patterns could reappear, especially dynamics you thought you’d worked through. This is an invitation to address simmering resentment in your close connections and be gentle with yourself if you’re feeling more sensitive than usual.

Meanwhile, a new moon in Sagittarius on November 30 brings new information your way. You could learn about a new opportunity or even decide to go back to school. You’re feeling inspired to take a risk and move in a new direction.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full November 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope. 

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope:

  • Monday, November 25: Moon enters Libra
  • Monday, November 25: Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius
  • Tuesday, November 26: Sun in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries
  • Wednesday, November 27: Sun in Sagittarius trine Mars in Leo
  • Wednesday, November 27: Moon enters Scorpio
  • Wednesday, November 27: Venus in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries
  • Saturday, November 30: Moon enters Sagittarius
  • Saturday, November 30: New moon in Sagittarius


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

You’re changing your mind, Aries, when Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25. Big perspective shifts can occur as you reconsider your beliefs and understanding of the world. Important conversations will also be subject to delays and misunderstandings. If you’re traveling, add some extra time because mishaps and inconveniences are bound to happen!

Fun plans are on the horizon when the sun in Sagittarius mingles with Mars in Leo on November 27. You’re in the mood to try something new! This can be a fun and flirty day, great for a first date, or even just a lucky time to share some of your creative output with the world. People are drawn to you today and luck is on your side, so make the most of it.

A conversation leaves you feeling hopeful under the new moon in Sagittarius on November 30. This is the start of a new concept or idea that puts you in an optimistic mood. You could learn about a new contract or decide to go back to school. There is some vision for your future that’s beginning to emerge, and you can’t wait to start bringing it to life.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

Old bills and unsettled debt might start to resurface, Taurus, once Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25. While this can feel frustrating in the moment, this is an opportunity to get your paperwork in order and come up with a practical budget. Emotionally, you’re reflecting more on the give and take in your close connections. Are you feeling supported by those around you? You may need to ask for help or have honest conversations about whether your needs are being met.

You’re getting things done around your house and in your personal life when the sun in Sagittarius connects with Mars in Leo on November 27. Cleaning and doing a purge of your belongings can clear out clutter and free up emotional space, as well. This is also productive energy for completing little tasks around that you’ve been meaning to do for some time. Some of your personal relationships can also grow deeper, too.

A new moon in Sagittarius invites you to wipe the slate clean on November 30. You’re ready to let go of your past. First, you’ve got to spend time with the feelings you’ve avoided. Embracing your shadow side instead of shaming it can help you process emotions and move on. This can also coincide with important news about a contract, financial situation, or close relationship.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

Here come your exes, Gemini, once Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25. Old lovers might resurface, or perhaps it’s time to address some issues you’ve avoided in your close relationships. While, for some, this can feel like a difficult time in their close connections, for others, this can help pave the way for a healthier and more solid foundation. Contracts and collaborative projects are also subject to possible delays and setbacks—this is temporary!

You’re moving forward with an exciting idea when the sun in Sagittarius bumps into Mars in Leo on November 27. This can be a wonderful day to take the next step on a creative project, sign a contract, or even take a leap of faith with a romantic partner. Conversations and negotiations also move along quickly and in your favor!

You’re ready to discuss the future of your important relationships under the new moon in Sagittarius on November 30. You may need to clarify your long-term goals and desires—do they align? Boundaries and expectations are also on the table—especially if you feel like your needs haven’t been met lately.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

It’s time to rework your daily routine, Cancer, when Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25. Projects and responsibilities that you are involved in day in and day out can also feel a bit more frustrating. This is an opportunity to walk away from obligations that leave you feeling unappreciated and streamline your habits to become more efficient with your precious free time.

Your hard work is paying off—literally, when the sun in Sagittarius connects with Mars in Leo on November 27. A raise may be in order or perhaps you receive a compliment from a co-worker or peer that boosts your self-confidence. You can also come up with solutions to some of your problems today, and investing in self-care is a must.

You’re taking on a new commitment under the new moon in Sagittarius on November 30. Maybe you’re proving your worth at work by spearheading a new initiative, or you’re stepping up in your personal life by helping out family or friends in some way. This is also helpful energy for restructuring your habits and lifestyle.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

Old flames show up in your dreams and your DMs, Leo, once Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25. You could hear from an ex, or if a romantic connection is starting to feel sour, you may go back and forth about whether or not you should walk away over the next few weeks. You can also return to an old creative project or feel like you’ve temporarily lost your creative spark. It will be back and better than ever by the end of the retrograde!

You’re making exciting progress on a personal goal when the sun in Sagittarius links up with Mars, in your sign, on November 27. There’s no shortage of attention and this is an auspicious time to share your work and talent with others. Your magnetism is at an all-time high, so take advantage of it! The energy is also flirty and passionate—great for first dates or tending to the flame of an established relationship.

Pleasure and play become more of a priority under the new moon in Sagittarius on November 30. You’re ready to commit to a new project or hobby that helps you find joy in your everyday life. You could also birth something new—whether it’s a creative idea, a literal human, or even a fur baby!


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

You’re feeling more sentimental than usual, Virgo, when Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25. This can dig up your past in both beneficial and emotional ways. You might also deal with some drama with family members or roommates or reconsider where you’re living. This is also a powerful time for addressing feelings you’ve buried and kept to yourself and breaking cycles or patterns that run within generations of your family.

You’re ready to put a grudge to rest once the sun in Sagittarius teams up with Mars in Leo on November 27. This is lovely energy for letting go and finding solace in the process. You’re feeling deeply and able to also share those feelings with the people you need to. Working with your intuition or engaging in a spiritual practice can also lead to your next creative spark.

Are you thinking about moving? The new moon in Sagittarius on November 30 will help you decide. You could also experience a fresh start within a family dynamic, or you may be looking for new roommates. This can also bring some luck to your professional world, too.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

Watch out for miscommunication and misunderstandings, Libra, when Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25. This retrograde will manifest in the most cliche of ways for you—travel delays, technology issues, and communication mishaps. Choose your words wisely and don’t assume others know your genuine intentions or your meaning. Overcommunicating can save you! You could also experience some drama with BFFs, siblings, and extended family members along the way.

You’re in a social mood when the sun in Sagittarius meets up with Mars in Leo on November 27. This is a fun day to put yourself out there, try out a new hobby or group class, or perhaps you’re bouncing from social event to social event. You can also learn some exciting news about a long-term goal or aspiration or mingle with someone who can help bring about some of your dreams.

A new idea captures your attention under the new moon in Sagittarius on November 30. You have the power to shift your mindset under these moonbeams, too. You can kick limiting beliefs and usher in a new way of thinking. You may also book some travel, sign up for a class, or meet a new potential BFF.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

Work might become a bit more frustrating, Scorpio, once Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25. Conversations about raises or promotions may experience delays. On the bright side, old colleagues could pop up with new opportunities. This is also an invitation to get back on track with your budget. You may need to reconsider your spending habits and expect some payments to be delayed, too, so budget wisely.

Don’t let petty issues at work get you down because you’re still gaining recognition for all your effort when the sun in Sagittarius connects with Mars in Leo on November 27. You’re feeling confident, and this is a great time to put yourself out there. Others want to collaborate with you and are excited by what you have to offer!

A new moon in Sagittarius on November 30 brings new financial opportunities your way. You could start a new job or quit a contract that no longer feels aligned. You may also make an exciting purchase or come up with a new business idea you want to pursue. You’re also feeling financially and emotionally secure and grateful for the people who show up for you day in and day out.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

You’re the main character, Sagittarius, when Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on November 25. The next few weeks might feel more personal—and they are! It’s time to put your needs and desires first in your relationships, and a few exes or old flings could also reappear. You may also decide to return to an old collaborative or passion project and breathe fresh life and inspiration into it!

You’re full of inspiration and creative ideas when the sun, in your sign, links up with Mars in Leo on November 27. This is also a powerful day to connect with your voice. Sharing your thoughts, feelings, and ideas with others can inspire them, bring new opportunities, and shift others’ perspectives. Conversations feel uplifting and encouraging today. You’re excited about the direction you’re headed.

It’s your yearly fresh start under the new moon in your sign on November 30. It’s time to let go of all outdated versions of yourself and step deeper into your own authenticity. You may experiment with your style, take on a new role or title, or commit to a new relationship or personal goal. This is your season of new beginnings—you can use it however you please!


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

Overworking is catching up with you, Capricorn, when Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25. The next few weeks remind you that resting is often the most productive thing you can do. You may also become more aware of the cycles, people, or habits you’re ready to move on from. Spending time honing an aligned spiritual practice can also be grounding and offer insight over the next few weeks.

You’re processing feelings you’ve avoided when the sun in Sagittarius meets with Mars in Leo on November 27. You can experience closure today when you choose to engage with emotions you’ve ignored. You could also be working on a creative project behind the scenes or just crave more alone time than usual.

It’s time to kick a bad habit under the new moon in Sagittarius on November 30. This can mark a moment of self-awareness that helps you identify how you sometimes block your blessings. What behaviors and patterns of yours are keeping you stuck? It’s time to consider alternative approaches.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

Old friends come back around, Aquarius, when Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25. Friends you’ve lost touch with may reach out to reconnect. You could also experience some misunderstandings or drama in your friendships. You may encounter temporary setbacks or delays if you’re focused on a specific goal or collaborative project. This can also be a fun time to return to old hobbies that used to light you up.

Someone in your network could introduce you to an influential person when the sun in Sagittarius meets with Mars in Leo on November 27. This is a great time to network and expand your friendship circle. People you interact with today can also help move along some of your creative visions and desires. The energy is also lively and passionate—great for a first date or reigniting a romantic spark!

A new moon in Sagittarius gives you the passion and courage to pursue a new dream on November 30. You’re feeling full of inspiration, and brainstorming with others can help you reach some of your goals faster. You could also learn some lucky news or make new friends when you least expect it.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

You’re rethinking your life path and direction, Pisces, when Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25. You may feel pulled to go after a new professional trajectory and shift your priorities. You can expect delays and setbacks if you’re up for a raise or promotion. Don’t lose hope; just know the process may take longer than normal. Prominent people from your past can also reemerge, and yes, that includes exes!

Solutions to your problems are easy to come by when the sun in Sagittarius teams up with Mars in Leo on November 27. The energy is also incredibly productive and you’re standing out for your problem-solving skills. This is also helpful energy for asking assistance and sharing some of your hard work with a wider audience.

You’re ready to prioritize a new calling that feels more meaningful to you under the new moon in Sagittarius on November 30. This is also a good time for setting new goals for yourself and working toward a vision for your future. You’re figuring out what is most meaningful for you and ready to carve out a unique route and plan to make it happen. You may also decide to leave a job, start a new role, or take the next major step in a relationship—whether for business or pleasure.


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