The holidays are coming in quick, bringing an abundance of energy — and good fortune — along with them in your horoscope this week! From Capricorn season’s grand entrance to Jupiter’s major moves, there’s a LOT to unpack! Here’s everything you need to know about your weekly horoscope…including who’s in for the best luck!
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What’s happening astrologically during the week of December 22-29, 2024?
a woman sitting next to three wrapped gifts | Brit + Co
The freewheeling Sagittarius energy is past, and we enter the depths of Capricorn season. This week heralds several important transits that have far-reaching effects for the coming new year. On December 24, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, forms a beneficial sextile with Chiron, the wounded healer and shaman of the Zodiac. Don’t let this opportunity pass. We can gain access to an understanding of our own innate self-worth. If we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and honest, we can face our insecurities and move past any blockages to growth and evolution of our very essence. We all have insecurities that prevent us from living our best lives at times, but with Chiron moving forward on December 29 after months of retrograde motion, the momentum is building toward lasting healing. It won’t come easily, however. Chiron wounds are buried deep. Still, the work we put into addressing our core issues will result in a sense of ultimate freedom. It’s a great time to work with a therapist or astrologer to identify and heal our innate wounds.
woman holding a coup of champagne with a red ribbon tied on the stem | Brit + Co
Also on December 24, Jupiter squares Saturn. This monumental transit will reflect tension in the zeitgeist for the next two years. We will be face-to-face with the reality of the decline in our societies, where injustice and immorality rise to the surface. There might be a sense of despair resulting in despondency and hopelessness. But no one will benefit from putting their head in the sand. We must face our problems head-on — growth requires hard work. On a personal level, it feels like we have one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. It is a good time to take a pause from the indulgences of Sagittarius season, withdraw from society for a bit to gain a better perspective, and realize that a shift is required. As the frustration passes, we will be able to see that for growth and abundance, we must focus and systematically rework our approach. Patience and hard work are required, and Saturn provides the inspiration for that work. If we’re successful and as we move from frustration to empowerment, we’ll have the rewards we seek in the long term.
a snow globe christmas cookie surrounded by candy canes and ornaments | Brit + Co
Venus in Aquarius will square Uranus in Taurus this week, and we might be feeling irritable with our loved ones or personally restless. Realize this energy will pass, but it will need to be expressed in one way or another. Harness it and use it to infuse some excitement into your relationships. Do something new together. Experiences outside our normal routines will be a good way to let the energy manifest. If you don’t initiate something, be prepared for some unexpected display of this tension between the planet of love and the planet of disruption.
Read Your Weekly Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Signs
Aries Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
The tension of the week will require an adjustment in your daily habits. Focus on healthy eating, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep. It’s a good time to break a bad habit or form a beneficial new one — just be sure to fully lean into whichever choice you make. If you don’t put your passion into something, I know you’ll struggle to fully commit, Aries…
Being of service to others is another way to ease any personal frustration you’re dealing with this week. While we all suffer, helping others puts our own struggles into perspective. Buy some gifts for the people you love! Work at a soup kitchen! Get out there and share your infectious energy and love with the world around you.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Taurus (April 21 – May 21)
You might be feeling a sense of personal scarcity. If you find yourself on an unstable foundation, pause and allow yourself to retreat for a bit. Use any solitary time you can manage to get creative and devise a solution to your dilemma. Use light and positive affirmations to overcome any tendency toward despair. It will feel difficult until you break free from the darkness. However, I know you can use your natural tenacity to pull you through.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
Spend as much time with your family and at home as you can. Take time to nurture yourself and to let others nurture you. This week is a good time to recover and recuperate. You’ll need to be strong and healthy in the coming weeks and months — the depths of winter can be totally brutal, so it’s best to take care of yourself now. Cultivate and focus your heart on love, and let that love energy flow around you. Allow the feeling to permeate your cells and remember the healing energy of love when faced with challenges in the weeks ahead. This can help sustain you if things get tough!
Cancer Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Communicate as clearly as possible what you’re experiencing. Instead of holding your feelings in, hiding them from the people around you, share your emotional landscape with your loved ones. The healing power of love is exponentially more powerful when you give it away freely — so share that love, and let others share their love with you. It’s a good time to rise above and overcome any insecure feelings you have. If you are so inclined, poetry or music can be a great way to express yourself or as a source of inspiration. Whatever you choose, just let yourself feel all the feelings and express them!
Leo Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
It’s a good week to re-evaluate your resources. Do what it takes to create security, and clear out anything that is excessive or unnecessary and focus on what really matters for your stability. The space you create will soon be filled with more meaningful and appropriate activities, people and things. Be sure that whatever you do involves joy and lightheartedness. That energy and levity will propel you towards greatness, Leo, helping you create stronger foundations for your dream life.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Prioritize yourself and your needs this week — basically just go full ‘treat yourself’ mode. If you’re rested, healthy, and organized, everything else will proceed more smoothly. Your natural inclination to be of service will only benefit you and others if you take care of yourself first. Set clear boundaries and communicate your needs so that there are minimal misunderstandings. This will give you the recipe for the best holiday season yet!
Libra Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Your spiritual practice will give you much comfort this week. Be sure to devote adequate time to quiet contemplation and ritual. Listen to music, go to a museum, or practice your art form and spend time in nature for inspiration. Tap into anything that elevates and soothes your spirit. You deserve the peace and tranquility — even (and maybe especially) if you’re craving something else. Let the peace wash over you.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Spending time with your community and engaging in social connections will help alleviate any tension you feel this week. It’s important to allow others to be themselves and to relinquish any tendency to control those around you. The more you go with the flow, the easier it will be to maintain harmony and joy. You can enjoy things without having to hold so tightly to the reins — let go, release, and live.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)
Hopefully, you’re fully sated with the holidays and can focus on any lingering responsibilities before the end of the year. Take time to get organized and set realistic goals to accomplish important tasks. I know that’s not your favorite advice, but resist any tendency to procrastinate so that you can start the new year from a stable and productive position. You’ll appreciate it so much more if you do!
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)
This first full week of Capricorn season will find you in a philosophical state of mind. A broad perspective will help you navigate any tension you feel — keeping an open mind and heart can help you adopt habits, rituals, choices, and more that you may have previously ignored at first glance. And if you’re not in the market for big changes on your own, at least take a moment to realize that while you might know exactly what you need, you may not know what others need. Practice being more flexible.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)
Tensions that may come up during the holidays — as always, these are best navigated from the perspective that all things are temporary, and all things change. Check your attitude and realize you might be too intense for productive exchanges with others. Spend time alone to understand what is going on within and try your best to let others experience life on their personal terms. It’s more than okay to take a moment to reset and come back to the group when you’re ready.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope December 22-29 | Brit + Co
Pisces (February 20 – March 21)
Experiencing harmony in your relationships will give you peace this week. It’s important to balance your needs with the needs of others, though. Reciprocity and fairness can be achieved, so be sure to equally emphasize the needs of everyone. Resist the temptation to acquiesce your needs to keep the peace — that will only leave you feeling depleted and resentful. Relationships go both ways, and it’s okay to demand that of them.
Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at!
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