Monday, March 10, 2025

Your September 2024 Monthly Horoscope Is Here

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September really wants you to examine if you’re properly able to work towards your dreams. On Wednesday, September 4, Mars, a warrior planet, moves into caring Cancer, a sign associated with the home. This transit is like leather and lace, taking the required assertiveness and helping you implement it towards being as cozy as possible. Then, shortly after, on Sunday, September 8, the wise asteroid Pallas moves into fire sign Sagittarius, also asking you to reflect on if you’re actually working towards your goals and dreams. With communication planet Mercury coming home to Virgo on the same date, Sunday, September 8, anything creative, whether you’re learning music, writing poems, or another hobby, comes easily, as this transit acts like a muse.

Just beware that there’s a full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday, September 17. Lunar eclipses can bring swift and often unexpected endings. However, you can minimize drama by using this date and the days surrounding it to relax at home. Opt for tea over tequila, and know that you’re allowed to put off major relationship discussions until things settle. You’re totally allowed to use astrology as an excuse to put things off.

However, know that once the sun moves into relationship-oriented Libra on Sunday, September 22, talks about love will come to a head. This date, Sunday, September 22, is also the fall equinox, meaning the hours of the day are of equal light and dark. It’s also Mabon, the witchy Thanksgiving, a time for making gratitude lists. September has the potential to bring sweeping changes to relationships, which are easier to manage if you take things moment by moment. Also on Sunday, September 22, lover Venus moves into sultry Scorpio, adding an extra layer of eroticism to all relationships. Just beware that this transit could also incite some jealousy. But because shortly after, on Thursday, September 26, the divine messenger Mercury moves into Libra, the sign of balance, you’re able to use the vibes for hot sex rather than screaming blowouts. Keep reading to see what September has in store for your sign.

Important Astrological Dates in September 2024

Here are the major dates you’ll want to keep an eye on this month, no matter your astrological sign.

Important dates in September 2024:

Sunday, September 1: Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus
Sunday, September 1: Pluto retrograde moves into Capricorn
Monday, September 2: New Moon in Virgo
Wednesday, September 4: Mars enters Cancer
Sunday, September 8: Pallas moves into Sagittarius
Sunday, September 8: Mercury moves into Virgo
Tuesday, September 17: Full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces
Sunday, September 22: Sun enters Libra; Fall Equinox
Sunday, September 22: Venus moves into Scorpio
Thursday, September 26: Mercury enters Libra

September 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Zodiac Sign:

Not sure what your sun sign is? Here’s a quick refresher of the dates for each. Click a specific zodiac sign below to open up your September 2024 horoscope and see what’s in store for you this month, or keep scrolling for an overview of all the signs.

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