Sunday, February 23, 2025

Your September 2024 Horoscope

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We know it’s September – and Virgo season – when the summer heat starts feeling bearable and students have gotten back into the rhythm of zipping up their bags for school. Virgos are detail-oriented and effective planners, and we can all borrow from their energy this month while we shed the remnants of dramatic Leo season to welcome in the fall. 

On the first day of the month, change-maker Uranus goes into retrograde, where it will continue its backward spin until January 30, 2025. This means you might start realizing what changes need to be made, but things won’t happen quickly. Especially if you’re an adaptable mutable sign – I’m talking to you, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces – September 2024 marks the beginning of a five-month period where your patience will be put to the test. We also have Pluto entering structured Capricorn on September 1 for a short visit, until it’ll re-enter Aquarius in November for the next two decades. Pluto’s stay with Capricorn will be a stopping point to ground itself before a major transit; make sure to establish good habits now.

We also have a partial lunar eclipse happening on September 17. Though it won’t be visible in Japan, we’ll certainly feel its astrological effects; a lunar eclipse is like an extra powerful full moon, and with it being in dreamy Pisces, the weeks following the eclipse will feel like you’ve entered a dream state. The moon might teach us something about our mystical subconscious, but reach out to the grounding forces of Virgo to get yourself out of a mental rabbit hole.

We round out the month by entering Libra season, where we’ll be able to establish and prioritize balance. Mercury also enters Libra at the end of the month, facilitating diplomatic and pleasant conversation. You’ll find it easier to let go of any internal or external conflict which may have risen throughout the intense month full of change.

Keep reading below for your sign’s monthly horoscope, and make sure to check both your sun and rising signs.

Virgo September 2024 horoscope

Virgo September Horoscope

Happy birthday Virgo! September will be a productive month for understanding your own philosophies and long-term goals. At the start of the month, you’ll feel a deep shift in priorities from Uranus’s retrograde, as well as the new moon in your home sign. You’ll get clarity on what your values are currently and moving forward. Mercury also returns home to you on September 9, allowing you to put these budding revelations into words. Treat yourself to some alone time or even solo travels to take advantage of the high of your solar return. 

libra September 2024 horoscopelibra September 2024 horoscope

Libra September Horoscope

This month has many lessons about change in store for you, Libra. Uranus retrograde highlights your 8th house of intimacy, prompting you to reevaluate how you share your assets with the people around you. The lunar eclipse later this month illuminates your 6th house of health and habits, allowing you to better structure your daily routine. You should be feeling shiny and new just in time for your solar return – go out and do something fun with your favorite people for Libra season.

September 2024 horoscope scorpioSeptember 2024 horoscope scorpio

Scorpio September Horoscope

With Pluto being your ruling planet, you’ll feel its return more strongly than others this month. As it highlights your 3rd house of the mind and communication, you might find yourself over-thinking even more than usual. Open up to people you trust this month to not get stuck in your own thoughts. Later this month, Venus will enter your home sign, allowing you to embrace the more romantic and charming parts of you. Be encouraged by the love planet’s nudge and go on a romantic date night with your special someone.

September Sagittarius HoroscopeSeptember Sagittarius Horoscope

Sagittarius September Horoscope

As a lover of change, Uranus retrograde might feel particularly tough for you, Sag. As the planet of ingenuity highlights your 2nd house of work and priorities, you might start feeling a desire for change in the workplace. Just remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side, and even when it is, your new garden still needs to be watered. Use this period of change to assess your long-term goals, and go cool off at a nearby river on the weekends to clear your head.

September 2024 horoscope CapricornSeptember 2024 horoscope Capricorn

Capricorn September Horoscope

Your identity is ever-evolving, Cap, but this is a good time to claim who you are as a person. Pluto returns to your sign at the beginning of the month, meaning you might have to face insecurities head-on. The planet of the subconscious has a tendency of uprooting weak foundations, so it’s important for you to stay true to your core values. Thankfully, since it’s fellow earth sign Virgo season, you’ll be able to use the maiden’s grounding forces to not get sucked into Pluto’s orbit. Don’t get too stressed; go and enjoy a nice cocktail with friends if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed.

Aquarius horoscope September 2024Aquarius horoscope September 2024

Aquarius September Horoscope

This is a month of establishing strong foundations for you, Aquarius. Uranus retrograde highlights your 4th house of family and emotional foundations, encouraging you to shift familial dynamics and how you understand your roots. Pluto also moves out of your sign and into Capricorn for a short stay. Don’t relax too much though; the planet of transformation will be back in Aquarius in November. To take advantage of this time that you’re out of Pluto’s scrutiny, solidify your relationship with yourself and the people you’re closest with. This doesn’t have to be stressful – go do something fun over the weekend.

September horoscope pisces 2024September horoscope pisces 2024

Pisces September Horoscope

As someone who loves the fluidity of change, Uranus retrograde might feel a little stifling for you, Pisces. The key is to let your imagination run wild, even when the material world isn’t catching up to you. Thankfully the lunar eclipse later this month, which is happening in your home sign, will help bolster the dreamscape you want your reality to be. Romanticize your life by going to a dreamy cafe or journaling at your favorite park.

September 2024 horoscope ariesSeptember 2024 horoscope aries

Aries September Horoscope

Aries, you’re not known to back down from a fight, but this month, letting go is your shortcut to happiness. With Uranus retrograde and Pluto’s return to Capricorn forcing you to reassess your daily schedule, you might realize habits you’ve picked up that aren’t serving you. Use the organized energy of Virgo season to declutter your life before we get into your sister sign, Libra season.

taurus September 2024 horoscopetaurus September 2024 horoscope

Taurus September Horoscope

You’re going to feel creative and social this month, Taurus. Well into fellow earth sign Virgo season, you’re already feeling grounded in your identity, but Uranus and Pluto prompt you to dig into what your creative aspirations are. Later this month, the lunar eclipse in Pisces illuminates your 11th house of social awareness and wishes. Get creative with social gatherings – we all know you like the finer things in life, take your friends to an affordable Michelin restaurant near you.

gemini September 2024 horoscopegemini September 2024 horoscope

Gemini September Horoscope

This month might give you some big ideas about your finances or your career, Gemini. Uranus’s retrograde prompts you to think about your roots and how they’ve gotten you to where you are. Later this month, the lunar eclipse illuminates your 10th house of long-term goals and public image, so you might have some revelations about what chapters you want to close career-wise – and which ones you want to open moving forward. Stepping into the future can be scary, but it’s also incredibly exciting for a sociable free-spirit like you.

September 2024 horoscope cancer September 2024 horoscope cancer

Cancer September Horoscope

The next couple of months might feel a bit intense for you, as Pluto re-enters Capricorn, your sister sign. Your social circle will particularly be under fire with Pluto’s discerning gaze; conflicts and concern may arise, but as long as you lead your interactions with kindness and compassion, everything will be alright. We also have a lunar eclipse in fellow water sign Pisces later this month – take advantage of the dreamy inspiration for change the moon brings, and embrace the adaptable nature of Pisces. This month, learn to go with the flow, and perhaps take literal inspiration from an aquatic getaway.

September 2024 horoscope Leo September 2024 horoscope Leo

Leo September Horoscope

This month is about getting all your ducks in a row, Leo. Pluto has entered Capricorn, giving you a little space to breathe from its scrutiny – but not for long, as it’ll re-enter Aquarius, your sister sign, in November. Having Pluto in subversive Aquarius means major transformation is underway, but you want to establish a strong foundation beforehand. The lunar eclipse later this month highlights your 8th house of intimacy, prompting you to think about how you share your resources with those you’re closest to. Tie any loose ends you might have now, so you can step into the next cycle of your life with confidence. 

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