Saturday, February 22, 2025

Your Monthly Work Horoscope for September 2024

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Your Monthly Work Horoscope for September 2024. Discover your Monthly Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Issues with coworkers could arise during Pluto’s backward spin, which consumes all of September after it reenters Capricorn on the first.

When the new moon in Virgo rises on September 2, you will be able to see things from a new perspective. Instead of carrying on arguments with those you work with, you might decide to take a step back and watch the office drama unfold without you playing an active role in it. Not consuming your life with the ongoing work saga your colleagues are facing will feel good, that is until Mars enters Cancer on the fourth.

Unfortunately, the ongoing power struggles and competitiveness at the office is creating a toxic work environment this month. All the more reason for you to get back in your lane during the entrance of Venus into Scorpio on September 22.


If you’ve been contemplating quitting your job, now is the time to start thinking about what you should do. Virgo season is making you assess your future, which could leave you feeling slightly melancholy. Words of advice: Don’t share your thoughts about leaving your position. There could be someone waiting in the wings to pounce on it and even report your current sentiments to your boss. The bottom line is that you have to watch your back because there are vultures that are waiting and wanting to usurp everything you’ve worked hard to create throughout the years.

Truth be told, this will come as a surprise to you during the lunar eclipse on September 17. This energy will make you aware of secrets going on behind your back at the office and help you gain the tools to work through such problems and issues when they arise when Venus enters Scorpio on the twenty-second.


Virgo season is allowing you to refine the work that you do. You are realizing that taking on too many projects at one time is creating too much anxiety in your personal life. It’s not that you are seeking a break from work, but you are minimizing the projects that land on your plate during the eclipse on September 17. You may even start referring work or clients to colleagues at the moment while you take time to yourself.

Having said that, the twenty-second gives you the motivation and wind beneath your wings to start taking on more projects and tasks. You just needed a little break to rest and relax. After all, you take on a lot of responsibilities, and the stress can get to anyone. You deserve a hiatus to chill and enjoy life without worrying about your in-box overflowing with emails.


The only foreseeable issue this month is that you will spend too much time focusing on the minor details of matters and need to see things from a larger perspective when Pluto reenters Capricorn on September 1. The finite part of your objectives won’t be figured out until you can assess problems and gain the foresight to avoid them in the future.

The lunar eclipse on the seventeenth marks a time when you can refresh and revise the scope of your career. After chatting endlessly with coworkers about the direction you want to take and objectives you want to attain during Virgo season, you’ll be inclined to work on augmenting your role so that it encompasses a larger range of tasks and topics.

Don’t stress! There is a learning curve that comes with cultivating success. As long as you don’t let your ego take charge, you’ll be able to make the most out of the situation.


The lunar eclipse on September 17 gives you a sense of freedom and wholeness in your life. This will help you attain a sense of newness in your professional endeavors, as the cosmos has been holding you back from speaking up at project meetings with your team and letting your voice be heard in emails regarding upcoming events.

When the lunar eclipse occurs, you’ll have the confidence to be the most fearless version of yourself and make sure that you’re being appreciated by being given attention from your peers. This will undoubtedly inspire you to work harder at work and reclaim your position as the leader of your team in the office. You have been on hiatus for some time, which is why it is a pristine moment for you to take charge of your life and career in September.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


The new moon on September 2 aligns with your sun sign. This will give you the stamina and drive to get your hustle on for the last half of the month. By showing your team that you’re working hard and burning the midnight oil, you will prove to your boss and colleagues that you are able to multitask and take on many jobs at the same time without complaining or fretting over the amount of projects and tasks you have on your plate.

This will ultimately lead to talks of a raise by the time the eclipse occurs on the seventeenth and Leo season commences on the twenty-second. The truth of the matter is that you are at the top of your game, proving to everyone that you have the motivation to give your all to your career and showing your ability to do your best in all that you do for the company you represent.


Rather than plan for the future or dwell on the past, you’ll be wanting to focus on the here and now, especially during the new moon in Virgo and Mercury entering Virgo, both of which occur midmonth.

With Venus entering Scorpio on September 22, you are finding that connecting with your old acquaintances is finally resulting in work opportunities for you. This allows you to expand your horizons and evolve in ways that you never thought possible.

The fall equinox that same day helps you feel seen and heard by your colleagues. You’ll have the rare opportunity to present original and extraordinary objectives that force you to think outside the box. This is a moment that pushes you forward. Enjoy the successes and riches that come as a result.


With the Virgo new moon on September 2, you’ll be able to assert your aspirations at the office and hone in on your specific goals and desires. This earthy energy combined with your determination and passion will give you the chance to make waves at work by creating opportunities for yourself that haven’t existed until now. Being that you have a fire underneath your belly which never goes out (due to your personal intensity), you’ll be pushed to succeed in all that you do. It’ll be easy to attain your professional hopes and goals by the time the lunar eclipse occurs on September 17.

The movement of Venus into your sign on the twenty-second will offer you a professional reprieve, allowing you the chance to make right on past ventures and finally seal some deals that have been on the back burner for the past few months.


The new moon in Virgo on September 2 brings positive professional news your way. You’ll receive notice of an opening in your office or a raise that might be coming to you. Opportunities are opening and the good spirits are flowing at work, allotting you a positive position on matters.

Given the chance, you may decide to take your extra earnings and invest it all to double your cash flow. With luck permeating the ether, you could win big. Therefore, it’s a pristine time to bet on yourself. If there is a professional goal or dream that you’ve always wanted to attain, now is the time to go for it. You have the power to manifest your vision into reality. All you have to do is believe in yourself to make it happen. With the right amount of gusto and determination, your fiery can-do spirit has the capacity to make anything happen.


Think of this month as your professional wake-up call. Although things won’t manifest or happen in your career until the fall equinox and the sun’s shift into Libra on September 22, it doesn’t mean that you won’t find your way to greatness.

The first three weeks of September are going to motivate you toward defining your goals. Like most of us, you’ve been lost in a fog of confusion about what you wish to accomplish and achieve, but you’ll be able to get clear about your professional interests and desires. As a result, you’ll be able to bring your passions to life at this time. Before you know it, you’ll be one happy Sea-Goat, as you have committed to a wonderful path that speaks to your heart and spirit.


The Uranus retrograde, which begins on September 1, gives you a sense of power and autonomy in the professional landscape you’ve created.

They say money makes the world go ’round, and you’re finding it to be true this month. The new moon in Virgo on the second is making you very aware of the importance of having good cash flow in order to fund your professional vision. If you’re strapped for money, you might find that crowdfunding is a great option. Not only will it help you offset expenses, but it’ll bring you closer with the community that you live in and are a part of.

The lunar eclipse on September 17 will push you forward in unexpected ways.  As the month comes to a close, you’ll see the fruits of your career on the twenty-second.



Aligning with potential clients or partners will be challenging for your career this month. Everyone has their own vision about how projects should proceed, and none of them are going to be able to project the best sentiment to the public. Luckily, the new moon in Virgo on September 2 gives everyone involved a chance to start fresh with ideas.

Creativity will flow when the lunar eclipse (which is aspecting your sign) highlights and ignites your artistry on the seventeenth. Although people working on your team will try to steal credit for your hard work and ideas, they won’t be able to.

September 22 exposes everyone who tries to stand in your way, due to the sun’s entrance into Libra, which gives you the upper hand.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.

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