Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Monthly Horoscope for September Is Here and It’s, Um, Eventful!

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Add These Dates to your G-Cal:

  • September 1: Uranus Retrograde begins in Taurus
  • September 1: Pluto Retrograde enters Capricorn
  • September 2: New Moon in Virgo
  • September 4: Mars enters Cancer
  • September 8: Mercury enters Virgo
  • September 17: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
  • September 22: Sun enters Libra + Fall Equinox
  • September 22: Venus enters Scorpio
  • September 26: Mercury enters Libra

You survived Mercury Retrograde, but September’s astrology brings a new kind of drama: Eclipse season! The month starts off in the midst of Virgo season, reminding you to read the fine print and pay attention to the details. No matter your zodiac sign, you’re getting things in order, making plans, and focusing on the small habits that help you feel grounded.

The first day of the month kicks off with a double-whammy: Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus and Pluto Retrograde re-enters Capricorn. Uranus’ change of direction brings a frenetic energy—maybe it’s harder to sleep, you’re hit with a sudden idea you want to pursue, or you’re feeling trapped. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, and this 15-year story and the lessons associated with it are finally coming to a close. But before that can happen, you must face your fears and reflect on your relationship with tradition and ambition.

The following day, on September 2, there’s a New Moon in Virgo. While New Moons in Virgo are typically an ideal time to set new goals for yourself, change your habits, and refine your thoughts and ideas, this one is different because on the same day, Mars in Gemini will clash into Neptune in Pisces, stirring up chaotic and sensitive energy. People are more prone to project, and there is an urge to defend what you believe in. Things in your life may also feel a little fishy and suspicious. You’re moving through a fog under this New Moon, so don’t except to have all the answers just yet.

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Mars, the planet of action and anger, enters Cancer on September 4. Over the next few weeks, you may feel called to protect and defend your loved ones and react based on how others make you feel. A few days later, on September 6, Mercury in Leo bumps into Uranus in Taurus. This will bring you back to shocking conversations or revelations that unfolded earlier this summer. Surprising encounters and odd conversations take place.

The Sun in Virgo stares down Saturn in Pisces on September 7, putting you in a more serious mood. You may find yourself reflecting on your relationship with duty and responsibility. Maybe you’re taking on more commitments or honing your craft. Your leadership skills could receive some attention, but you may be harder on yourself, too. Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, enters Virgo on September 8, and the post-retrograde shadow period finally ends on September 11. Misunderstandings start to clear up and you’re communicating more effectively. Also on September 11, Mercury in Virgo mingles with Mars in Cancer, urging you to make a decision or take action on one of your ideas. It’s time to put a plan into action and merge your intuition with your ideas!

You’re ready to celebrate yourself when the Sun in Virgo clashes with Jupiter in Gemini on September 12. You may make progress on a goals or feel a boost in your self-confidence. Today could mark a moment of celebration, but try not to give into an overly inflated ego. The two luckiest planets in the sky link up on September 14 when Venus in Libra meets with Jupiter in Gemini. This is a great day for brainstorming, making progress on an idea, or receiving lucky news. Share your thoughts, ideas, and feelings far and wide.

Enjoy the good vibes while they last because a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces takes over the skies on September 17. Pisces is the final zodiac sign, so this eclipse may coincide with you wrapping up a cycle, processing an ending, or learning to surrender to what you cannot control. Themes of both loss and faith may be central to your eclipse story as you experience both fated endings and destined beginnings.

Mercury in Virgo sits across the sky from Saturn in Pisces on September 18, and you might to set a boundary or make a decision regarding a storyline that began earlier this month. Communication is more direct and even terse. This isn’t the time for flowery poetry and big displays of affection. People are feeling glum and grumpy. Fortunately, the Sun in Virgo connects with Uranus in Taurus on September 19, making a new perspective accessible. You might feel like taking a risk or sharing a more authentic part of yourself with the world. Solutions present themselves and exciting ideas or personal revelations may also occur. The following day, on September 20, the Sun in Virgo locks eyes with Neptune in Pisces. It’s easier to get caught up in your fantasies and imagination and harder to access reality. Then, you’re feeling empowered when the Sun in Virgo mingles with Pluto in Capricorn on August 21. You may have a realization about the past that sets you free and you’re feeling proud of who you are. You could also gain some recognition in your professional field.

Prepare for a vibe shift: The Sun enters Libra and the fall equinox takes place on September 22, shifting the cosmic scenery, thinning the veil between the worlds, and bringing a fresh start. Libra season puts your important relationships front and center over the next few weeks. Important connections could form, you could sign a big contract, or maybe you’re just spending more time with a BFF, lover, or roommate. Libra and the equinox symbolize change and mark beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. As the days begin to grow shorter, it’s time to set boundaries in your close relationships and focus on the people who make you feel seen and appreciated.

On the same day, Venus in Libra rams into Pluto in Capricorn, stirring up power struggles. You might deal with topics like control, jealousy, or obsession in your close relationships. This is the time to address the taboo and confront your fears. What have you avoided saying? Sharing your feelings with others can lead to healing. Later in the day, Venus, the planet of relationships, enters the mysterious domains of Scorpio. Over the next few weeks, you want to go all-in with matters of the heart. You’re looking for that soulmate type of love! You’re finding out some interesting information on September 24 when Mercury in Virgo links up with Uranus in Taurus. Innovative ideas might flood your mind and your intuition is heightened. Lean into those gut impulses, stay open-minded, and try new things!

The following day, on September 25, Mercury in Virgo sits across the sky from Neptune in Pisces, creating a confusing atmosphere. Information feels a bit murky and it’s harder to tell fact from fiction. This can be a productive time to focus on creative tasks, but try to save anything that requires your logical mind for another time. Later in the day, conversations can feel healing, powerful, and transformative when Mercury in Virgo teams up with Pluto in Capricorn. This is a potent day for changing your habits or your own mindset. Mercury enters Libra on September 26 and for the next few weeks, you’re communicating with more tact and charm. You might also focus your mental energy on important relationships or collaborative projects.

Mars in Cancer syncs up with Saturn in Pisces on September 29, and you’re ready to go after what you desire. You have a plan and the dedication to see your ideas through. You can also process some of your emotions today, especially through a physical medium like working out. The month ends with an epiphany when the Sun in Libra meets with Mercury in Libra on September 30, and you know who you want to bring with you in the next season of your life.

Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign horoscopes for September 2024:













Headshot of Stephanie N. Campos

Stephanie is an astrologer, psychic medium, and witch. She’s studied the mystical arts for over a decade including the stars, mediumship, palm reading, tarot, curanderismo, and more. She is the author of Seasons of the Zodiac: Love, Magick, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year and host of the podcast Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign. Her work has also appeared in Refinery29, Well + Good, Bustle, among other publications, and she has appeared on the Today Show as an astrology expert and modern mystic. 

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