Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Monthly Horoscope for February Is Here and It’s All About Passion

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Add These Dates to your G-Cal:

  • February 3: Venus enters Aries
  • February 4: Jupiter Direct in Gemini
  • February 12: Full Moon in Leo
  • February 14: Mercury enters Pisces
  • February 18: Sun enters Pisces
  • February 23: Mars Direct in Cancer
  • February 27: New Moon in Pisces

February promises more passion, drama, and even some relief! You’re in the midst of Aquarius season at the beginning of the month, which invites you to consider the power that exists in building community, like perhaps being more social or focused on organizing and standing up for your beliefs. Aquarius energy puts you in a forward-thinking mood and helps you brainstorm new ideas and goals to pursue, but also ways you can give back and contribute to the change you wish to see in this world.

On February 1, Venus in Pisces meets with Neptune in Pisces at the same point in the sky, amplifying both your emotional side and your whimsy nature. This planetary pairing has you looking at life through rose-colored glasses. It may be easier to miss red flags or get caught up in some illusions or projections. On the other hand, this bodes well for soulmate-type-of-love and growing closer with the people you cherish most, and also for any creative pursuits.

You’re feeling optimistic when Mercury in Aquarius mingles with Jupiter in Gemini on February 3. You could learn lucky or supportive news, or come up with a solution to a problem that’s been aggravating you. On the same day, Venus, the planet of connection, moves into Aries. You’re feeling more emboldened to go after who and what you desire. But remember: New relationships can move quickly, but also have the potential to fizzle out.

The Signs You’re Most Romantically Compatible With
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two people kissing in space

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two planets kissing

Think You’re Not Compatible? You Might Be Wrong
Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re about to get a little luckier once Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, ends its retrograde in Gemini on February 4. You could experience a turning point regarding some of your dreams, feel more confident about where you’re headed, or even have a perspective shift by learning something new.

Vulnerability is your superpower when Venus in Aries connects with Pluto in Aquarius on February 7. Relationships grow deeper and you’re not afraid to share some of your fears, dreams, and hopes with the people closest to you. You can also heal and transform some of your old relationship patterns and dynamics.

An ah-hah moment arrives when the Sun in Aquarius meets with Mercury in Aquarius, at the same point in the sky, on February 9. You could make an important decision, learn meaningful or personal news, or experience a moment of clarity. You’re ready to commit to a project or person for the long haul when Mars retrograde in Cancer teams up with Saturn in Pisces on the same day. This planetary combo gives you the stamina and motivation to see your vision through to the end. It’s also helpful for feeling some of your feelings and clearing out emotional clutter.

Information you learn can send shockwaves to your nervous system when Mercury in Aquarius bumps into Uranus in Taurus on February 10. Expect the unexpected and take a risk in the name of showing up more authentically! The Sun in Aquarius slams into Uranus in Taurus the following day, on February 11, bringing more surprises your way and encouraging you to break free from any situations that leave you feeling constricted or bored. The full moon in Leo on February 12 encourages you to follow your joy and take up space. You’re meant to share your gifts with the world, don’t be shy! You could experience a milestone regarding a creative project or feel called to show up more authentically and self-express in a new way.

Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14, heightening your intuitive mind. Your dream world might become more active and you feel more connected to the collective unconscious. You’re making decisions based on your gut responses and feelings over the next few weeks. The Sun follows suit and moves into Pisces on February 18, putting people in a more compassionate mood. As the final zodiac sign, this is a period of closing out cycles, feeling your feelings, and learning to surrender and let go. As you shed and release what’s no longer in alignment for you, it creates space for new opportunities and connections to find you. Your mind is overactive when Mercury in Pisces slams into Jupiter in Gemini on February 20. This can kick up overthinking and also overpromises. Information might feel a little hazy today—try not to overexert yourself or your mind. Conversations can also lead to a change in perspective.

You’re making progress on a goal or idea when Mercury in Pisces mingles with Mars retrograde in Cancer on February 23. You could return to an old project or a project that’s been delayed can also pick up speed once again. The energy is productive. There’s more to come on February 23–it’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for—the end of Mars retrograde! Mars goes direct in Cancer and your motivation and drive slowly returns over the next few weeks. This can also mark a critical moment for making a decision or experiencing a revelation regarding your own personal Mars retrograde story.

The frustrations you’ve been dealing with begins to subside as Mars begins to regain speed over the next few weeks. You’re setting boundaries or making a new commitment when Mercury in Pisces connects with Saturn in Pisces on February 25. This is a great day for signing contracts, but people might also be in a more serious or terse mood. Try not to take it personally.

You’re got a new, bright idea when Mercury in Pisces teams up with Uranus in Taurus on February 27. This helps you find solutions, take risks, and mingle with new, exciting people! Interactions today leave you feeling inspired. On the same day, there’s a new moon in Pisces that helps you wipe the slate clean and let go of the past. Make sure the tissues are nearby, this is a powerful and healing day to feel your feelings!

Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign horoscope for February 2025:



Getty | Margie Rischiotto

You’re focused on your future, Aries! The month starts off in Aquarius season, helping you reflect on the big picture and refine some of your long-term aspirations and dreams. Important people or developments regarding those goals could also unfold over the next few weeks. Finding cliques and communities that make you feel seen and appreciated are also a priority. You’re feeling more social and craving connection through friendship. You’re the main character once Venus, the planet of connection, moves into your sign on February 3. This is one of the luckiest times of the year for you to use your magnetism and charm to attract your desires! New relationships can enter your life and you’re also experiencing support and progress on some of your personal goals. You might also decide to shake up your sense of style, debut a daring new haircut, or book an appointment for that tattoo sleeve!

Revealing information rocks your world when Jupiter goes direct in Gemini on February 4. You could also feel a surge of confidence when it comes to sharing your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and opinions with others. A lucky contract could come your way or maybe you experience some form of abundance or gratitude thanks to a friend or loved ones. You’re feeling encouraged about some of your dreams when the Sun in Aquarius teams up with Mercury in Aquarius on February 9. This is beautiful energy for brainstorming and confiding in others. Sharing some of your feelings and hopes for the future with people you admire and trust can help bring you closer to some of your goals. You could also have a heart-to-heart conversation with a lover or maybe someone shows up and supports you when you need it most. You’re feeling grateful for the community around you.

There’s a full moon in Leo on February 12 that adds some shock and surprise to your day! You could learn surprising news about a job or raise, or even reach a milestone with a personal project you’ve worked hard on. This can also be a make-it-or-break-it moment for your romantic life and shine a light on some unexpected drama in your friendships, too. Mercury, the planet of the mind, moves into Pisces on February 14, adding some sensitivity and sentimentality to your words just in time for Valentine’s Day. Over the next few weeks, you’re making decisions based on your intuition and gut feelings. This is also an important time for you to resist the urge to take on too much. It’s time to strengthen your boundaries and protect your private life and solo time. The Sun follows suit and enters Pisces on February 18, and important messages are showing up in your dreams! You’re also more aware of which cycles, patterns, and habits in your life have overstayed their welcome. You’re ready to kick bad habits and start fresh.

A challenging situation at home or in your personal life begins to resolve once Mars retrograde in Cancer ends on February 23. You could set a firm boundary with a family member or roommate, or make an important decision about your living situation. You’re ready to wipe the slate clean and break free from the past and outdated patterns that run in your family. It’s time to break cycles! You could feel overwhelmed and exhausted when Mercury in Pisces links up with Saturn in Pisces on February 25. If you’re feeling overworked and underappreciated, this can be a wake-up call and invitation to set a boundary. You could also commit to a new spiritual practice that helps tend to your physical, mental, and spiritual health, as well.

The month wraps up with a new moon in Pisces on February 27, encouraging you to surrender to the unknown. These moonbeams can feel a little more emotional and also invite you to reflect on your relationship with rest and solitude. Spending time alone can lead to enlightening ideas and breakthroughs. You could also come to terms with a relationship, situation, or contract that’s run its course. Give yourself space to accept and feel any grief that may arise from this ending and know that a fresh start is around the corner.


the word taurus under a planet

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re focused on the big picture, Taurus! The month kicks off in the midst of Aquarius season, which always helps you re-evaluate some of your long-term goals. You could also gain more recognition and attention for your talents over the next few weeks, so use this charming and charismatic energy to your advantage! This can also mark a moment of manifestation and help bring some of your visions to life in the real world. You’re craving more privacy or one-on-one time with a lover once Venus moves into Aries on February 3. You’re looking for that soulmate-type of love and nothing less! Spending time alone is also recharging, so resist the urge and social pressure to show up at every event. Spending time at home curled up in your favorite blanket will do your soul some good.

Your financial situation turns around thanks to the end of Jupiter retrograde in Gemini on February 4. Maybe you’re finally offered a promotion, or a contact negotiation is in its final stages. You could also receive a thoughtful and helpful gift or make a purchase that makes your life easier in some way. This can also kick up the urge to overspend, so swipe your credit card within reason. You’re ready to chase after a new goal when the Sun in Aquarius teams up with Mercury in Aquarius on February 9. You could have an important conversation with a boss or make a decision to pursue a new career path altogether. This can also coincide with other exciting milestones in your life like moving in with a lover, adopting a fur baby, or taking a creative risk and sharing a new side of yourself with the world.

The full moon in Leo on February 12 brings a personal situation to a climax. Maybe the past resurfaces, and you experience a surge of emotions. While it may feel triggering or inconvenient, feeling is your key to healing! You could also make a decision regarding your life path, living situation, or learn some significant news about a loved one. Be tender with yourself and others today as surprises can show up and rattle your foundation. Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into Pisces on February 14, and you’re ready to come up with a plan to chase some of your dreams. This can be a lucky time to network and reach out to people who can help make your dreams a reality. You could also be in a more social mood, focused on building community, or connecting with people who share similar interests and values as you.

The Sun enters Pisces on February 18, and new forms of support show up in your life. You could learn about a collaborative opportunity or learn some exciting news about a goal you have for your future. This is also a fun time to connect with friends and form new friendships, as well. A moment of clarity arrives once Mars retrograde in Cancer ends on February 23. You’re feeling assured of the plan you’ve come up with and confident in the decisions you’re about to make. If any contracts or projects you’ve been working on have experienced delays, this can mark a moment or progress. You may also feel ready to set an important boundary or speak your mind.

You’re committing to a long-term plan or vision for your future when Mercury and Saturn, both in Pisces, meet in the sky on February 25. On one hand this could look like signing a creative or collaborative contract but, on the other hand, you could also set a firm boundary within a friendship. You’re more aware of who is rooting for you and which of your “friends” might not really have your best interests at heart. The month wraps up with a new moon in Pisces on February 27. This is a beautiful day for spending time with your imagination, creating vision boards, and dreaming of the future life you desire. You’re ready to commit to a new goal or manifestation. You may also feel called to give back to your community through volunteer work or mutual aid, and focus on building community around you.


the word gemini under a pair of lips

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Your future feels bright, Gemini! The month begins in Aquarius season, which encourages you to zoom out and consider the big picture. You’re in the mood to change things up and make new memories. You’re more adventurous, hoping to book some travel, and want to learn new things, as well. Conversations that capture your attention right now are significant and can help decide where you head next on your life path. You feel like you’re in the right place at the right time once Venus moves into Aries on February 3. You could learn news that brings you closer to some of your dreams or receive a helping hand when you need it most. Over the next few weeks, you could also simply want to spend more of your free time with friends and putting yourself out there!

You’re the main character when Jupiter, in your sign, ends its retrograde on February 4. If you’ve dealt with any delays or setbacks, especially regarding personal goals or in your personal relationships, that frustrating energy begins to clear. You could feel full of hope and inspiration once again, and learn lucky news that helps you feel excited about what comes next. You’re speaking your truth when the Sun in Aquarius meets with Mercury in Aquarius on February 9. You could have a personal epiphany or even gain attention for some of your skills and talents. This is helpful energy for any writing or speaking project. Your job today is to use your voice and share your thoughts, ideas, and feelings far and wide! Conversations and information you learn can also lead to a perspective shift.

An ongoing negotiation or conversation reaches a climax under the full moon in Leo on February 12. You could sign a new contract or make a sudden decision to leave a commitment that no longer feels aligned. You might also share news that surprises others today or speak your truth. Conversations can be surprising, inspiring, and even jarring! Breakthroughs and solutions can also show up out of the blue. You’re making decisions regarding your life path once Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. Maybe you’re busy applying for jobs or ready to go after a promotion or raise. You could also decide to pursue another path that is appealing and feels more meaningful. This is a great time to have conversations about your future and reflect on the legacy you want to leave behind.

The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18 and you’re gaining attention for your natural charisma and talent. This brings recognition and honor your way—especially for a job well done or project that you’ve invested your heart and soul into. Influential people could also enter your sphere and help bring you closer to some of the manifestations you’ve focused on and hoping to call in. There’s a turn of events regarding your financial situation once Mars retrograde in Cancer ends on February 23. If you’ve experienced delays or setbacks with a job you’ve applied for or contact negotiations, they may finally begin to clear up. You may also feel ready to express any simmering resentment or frustration with a boss or stand up for your worth!

You’re taking on more responsibility, either in your personal or professional life, when Mercury and Saturn, both in Pisces, link up on February 25. This could look like accepting a promotion, but it could also be walking away from a position or role that left you feeling under-appreciated or undervalued. You could also step up and help out with family more, or maybe you’re ready to get serious and pursue a new professional path by going back to school. The month wraps up with a new moon in Pisces on February 27, ushering in a fresh start to the most public part of your birth chart. You could take on a new role or title, or feel ready to show the world a new side of yourself. This can coincide with a new job opportunity or a decision to pivot and re-examine some of your long-term dreams and aspirations. You’re ready to focus your energy on goals that feel meaningful and leave an impact.


a blue and white logo reading cancer

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Your financial future is top of mind, Cancer. The month begins in Aquarius season, and brings your attention to your resources and financial investments. Maybe you’re ready to pay down some debt or draft up a new budget. This is also a good time to get a head start on taxes or other paperwork you’ve been lagging on. Emotionally, you’re interested in deepening your bonds and ready to show a more vulnerable side of yourself with the people you trust and love most. You’re feeling appreciated and ready to soak up the spotlight once Venus moves into Aries on February 3. The next few weeks bring attention and recognition your way. This is an aligned time to make progress on personal goals, to put your work out there, and to go after who and what you desire. You have a little extra charm and luck on your side and can speed up some of your manifestations when you dare to take up space and boldly go after what you desire.

One of your dreams leads to a realization once Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. This is a powerful day for recognizing the signs, symbols, and synchronicities that surround you. You could receive an important message for an Ancestor or loved one who’s crossed over or just feel like you’re being protected and cared for thanks to the Universe. If you’ve been trying to kick a bad habit, this can be a helpful push in the right direction, too. You’re making an important financial decision once the Sun in Aquarius teams up with Mercury in Aquarius on February 9. Maybe you sign a contract or start applying for jobs. Emotionally, this can also spark a cathartic moment of healing or help you surrender and accept what you cannot change.

There’s a full moon in Leo on February 12 that brings a financial situation to a climax. You could end a job or step into a new role. This can also coincide with important purchases. You could make an investment into your comfort or lifestyle, or pay off a chunk of your credit card. You’re expanding your horizons and understanding of the world around you when Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. Conversations feel more compassionate and you’re also thinking long-term. There could be new ideas or goals you want to chase after and right now you’re considering all the possibilities. This is also a busy time for booking travel or making a decision to go back to school. There could also be a new skill or hobby you’re ready to take more seriously whether it’s signing up for an online class or picking up a stack of books to learn more.

The Sun moves into Pisces a few days later on February 18, and illuminating conversations take place. Information you’ve been waiting on finally shows up and can help you make a decision about what move you want to take next. This also is helpful energy for seeking guidance and advice from mentors, elders, and people who you trust and admire. You’re also in a more adventurous mood and more willing to ditch your comfort zone. Soaking up new experiences and knowledge helps expand your perspective and put yourself in other people’s shoes. It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for—on February 23, Mars retrograde, in your sign(!), finally ends! If you’ve struggled with excess frustration or delays on personal goals and projects, this will slowly begin to subside. There could be firm boundaries you’re ready to set or new expectations you’re ready to discuss in your close relationships, too. You’re ready to put yourself and your needs first!

Setting boundaries may feel uncomfortable but you know it’s necessary when Mercury and Saturn, both in Pisces, link up on February 25. You could sign a new contact or discuss a commitment—personal or professional. This is also helpful energy for focusing on tedious tasks or learning a difficult skill. If you need to work on a project that requires writing or speaking, you can hone your presentation or project with a critical and careful eye. Conversations can also feel a little more direct and to the point, but there’s no questioning how anyone really feels—it’s all out there and very upfront. The month closes out with a new moon in Pisces on February 27 that initiates a new conversation or sparks an idea within. You could also decide to go back to school, book some travel, or dream up the next exciting blueprints and vision board for your future.


the word leo under a sun

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re spending more time with the people you love and cherish most, Leo! The month begins in Aquarius season, which shines a spotlight on your one-on-one relationships and contracts. This can be an especially romantic time to feel loved up in your romantic relationships or to find a long-term partner (if that’s something you desire!) if you’re single and ready to mingle. New key people and collaborations can also enter your life. This is a busy and lucky time for new client and contract work, as well. Sometimes this season can also alert you to the haters in your inner circle and help you recognize who is worthy of your light and loving energy. You’re learning hopeful news and starting exciting conversations once Venus moves into Aries on February 3. This can bring exciting news your way or maybe you just want to spend more of your personal time traveling or learning something new.

Your goals and plans finally start moving in the right direction again once Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. You could learn about an intriguing opportunity or receive support from someone influential or unexpected. You’re feeling hopeful and confident about chasing your dreams. You’re having a heart-to-heart conversation in your close relationships when the Sun in Aquarius meets with Mercury in Aquarius on February 9. Maybe you’re ready to tell someone you love them or perhaps a BFF shares how grateful they are for your presence in their life. You could also make an important decision about a contract or collaborative opportunity.

There’s a full moon in your sign on February 12 that dares you to take risks and take up space! You could feel more sensitive and emotional as this full moon touches you personally, but it can also feel liberating. You’re ready to reinvent yourself and ditch old versions of yourself. This could also coincide with the manifestation of a personal goal or liberating development in a personal relationship. You’re focused on your finances or ready to ink a new deal once Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. Practically, this can help you get paperwork in order and come up with a budget that sets you up for success. Emotionally, you’re having vulnerable conversations and even sharing some of your secrets and fears with those you love and trust most.

The Sun enters Pisces on February 18 and you could take on a new commitment, job opportunities, or reflect more on the reciprocity in some of your relationships. You might also feel more in touch with your shadow side and parts of yourself that you hide or neglect. This can be a helpful time for healing work and engaging with your psyche and feelings you’ve ignored. You’re setting firm boundaries and calling out secret enemies and haters when Mars retrograde in Cancer ends on February 23. If you’ve been feeling underappreciated, you’re ready to walk away from situations, relationships, and contracts that are leaving you feeling exhausted and undervalued. Your intuition and dream world can also help illuminate patterns and cycles that you’re ready to break or disrupt.

You’re having heavy and serious conversations when Mercury and Saturn, both in Pisces, team up on February 25. The tone isn’t cute or cozy, but at least there’s no beating around the bush. You may need to set a boundary or walk away from an unhealthy relationship, contract, or dynamic. You could learn news today that triggers your sensitive side or even some of your fears or anxiety, but it can also help you give space for feelings that deserve to be acknowledged. Healing is on the other side of speaking your truth, even if it disappoints someone else. There’s a new moon in Pisces on February 27, and you’re wrapping the month up reflecting on your finances. You could land a new job or take on a new personal obligation or commitment. Important relationships in your life can also deepen and evolve when you choose to show up as your most raw, honest, and vulnerable self.


the word virgo under a computer

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re ready to get organized, Virgo! The month kicks off in Aquarius season, which helps you pay more attention to the way you spend your time and energy. You’re more aware of the tiny habits that make up your day and the bad habits that have overstayed their welcome. You might also take on more responsibility or begin new projects or commitments in your personal and professional life that zap more of your time, but also feel rewarding in the long run. You’re also feeling a little more overwhelmed with your schedule, which can actually help you set better boundaries to protect your free time and focus on your self-care in the process.

Intimacy is on your mind once Venus, the planet of connection, moves into Aries on February 3. You’re more willing to open up and explore some of your hidden desires and even share your secrets with someone you love and trust. In a practical sense, this could also bring new contracts into your world and help you get back on track with your budget. You know which direction you want to head in next once Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. This can mark a professional turning point or maybe you receive some lucky or exciting news about a goal you’re focused on. Big developments in your personal life can also unfold, especially in your close relationships.

You’re ready to set a boundary or ask for more help once the Sun in Aquarius meets with Mercury in Aquarius on February 9. This can also stir up changes in your daily routines and habits. You’re more aware of patterns you’re ready to break and habits you want to integrate into your daily life. There’s a full moon in Leo on February 12 that encourages you to slow down and get more rest. It can also illuminate situations and information that’s been hidden from you. You’re more in tune with your intuition so listen to those gut instincts. This could also mark the end of a cycle, contract, or situation that you’ve outgrown, which can also bring up big feelings. Give yourself space to process any endings and know a new beginning is around the corner.

Someone special in your life is taking up your mental space once Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. Maybe you’re ready to commit and define a relationship or discuss the future with a romantic or business partner. This is a great time to have meaningful conversations with the people you care about most. This could also bring more client and contract work into your world, too, and is a great time to put yourself out there for work. The Sun enters Pisces on February 18, and you’re spending more time with BFFs, lovers, or your favorite co-worker. You’re craving connection through a more intimate, one-on-one setting. This can also bring progress to some of your goals and projects you’ve been working on, too.

Disruptions in your friendships begin to subside once Mars retrograde in Cancer ends on February 23. You’ve either had a heart-to-heart, set boundaries, or walked away from friends that ultimately didn’t have your best interests in mind. This can also give you a boost of energy and momentum to make moves on some of your long-term goals and aspirations, especially ones that have experienced setbacks due to the retrograde. You’re setting boundaries in a close relationship, making a commitment, or signing a contract when Mercury and Saturn, both in Pisces, link up on February 25. Conversations are a tad more serious and you’re using your mental energy to focus on meaningful projects and people. The month wraps up with a new moon in Pisces on February 27, which can bring new connections into your life! New business or romantic partnerships can show up—use this energy to call in whatever partnerships you desire!


the word libra umder a planet

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Romance and passion are all consuming for you right now, Libra! You start the month off in Aquarius season, which puts focus on your relationship with pleasure, joy, romance, and creativity. You could decide to devote more of your free time to a hobby or activity that you really enjoy or maybe you’re ready to re-enter the dating scene. If you have a fur baby or human baby, their needs, development, and your relationship with them could also be more central in your everyday life right now. You’re also blessed with a little extra luck and charm, and you can funnel this auspicious energy into any area of your life you choose—use these manifestation powers wisely!

You’re feeling the love once Venus, the planet of relationships, moves into Aries on February 3. This is one of the luckiest periods of the year for you to focus on dating and nurturing the romantic relationships in your life. Singles can meet someone with potential and couples are focused on tending to their flame. People are also drawn to you and want to work with you, so you could receive more offers and opportunities to let your talents shine over the coming weeks. A perspective shift is on the horizon once Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. Conversations you have can open your eyes and mind. You could also learn some hopeful news, sign a contract, book travel, or decide to sign up for a class or go back to school. You’re craving new experiences and want to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

Meaningful conversations take place when the Sun in Aquarius teams up with Mercury in Aquarius on February 9. You could learn lucky news about a personal goal or project you’ve been working on. Exciting developments can also unfold in your romantic relationships. You’re gaining attention from others, so this is a great day to share an important message or share your talents and gifts with your fans and the world. The full moon in Leo on February 12 brings some lucky and surprising news your way. Maybe you go viral on social media or attend a fun social event with your besties. You could also receive news regarding some of your aspirations or maybe a dream you had for your future is starting to materialize in front of your eyes!

You’re focused more on the ins and outs of your daily life and routine once Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. Projects and responsibilities can pile up, leaving you with less free time and wearing you down in the process. The next few weeks serve up a lesson in setting boundaries and also breaking habits that don’t serve your highest purpose. You’re more aware of how precious your time and energy are. The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18, and you could take on a new commitment, job, or project. This can also mark a period where you’ve gained recognition for your hard work, too. Major challenges and frustrations you’ve been dealing with take a turn once Mars retrograde in Cancer ends on February 23. You could call out a toxic boss or leave an unhealthy working environment. You could also take on more responsibility or step into a new role. You might feel like you’re finally moving in an aligned direction. Setting boundaries and dealing with confrontations in your close relationships may also be necessary.

You’re learning some tough news when Mercury and Saturn, both in Pisces, link up on February 25. Conversations can feel heavy or disappointing, or maybe you’re the one who needs to set a firm boundary with someone else. It can also simply feel like you’re overwhelmed by all you have to get done today, and it can leave you feeling more exhausted than normal. Know this energy is temporary and try your best to not overdo it. There’s a new moon in Pisces on February 27 that helps you change your habits and set yourself up for success. You could also take on a new role at work or project around this time. This is an invitation to find a healthier work-life balance so you can achieve your goals and desires. The small steps you take now will lead you to the future you’re dreaming of.


the word scorpio under an open mouth

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re spending more time reflecting on the past, Scorpio. The top of the month starts off in Aquarius season, which puts you in a private and sentimental mood. You could have more meaningful conversations with family, roommates, or lovers, bringing you closer to those you appreciate most in your life. You could also learn some important news about a loved one or make key decisions about your living situation, as well. Allowing yourself to feel your feelings deeply and confront any old emotional baggage from your past that you’re ready to ditch can help you heal and create space for new blessings and beginnings to find you.

You finally feel like you’ve got a handle on all of your personal and professional responsibilities once Venus moves into Aries on February 3. It can feel like you’re in flow or alignment and solutions to some of your problems also arrive. This can also be a lucky time to ask for a raise or go for a promotion. Singles could also meet someone while they’re taking care of items on their to-do list and couples are focused on showing their love through acts of service. There’s a shift in your financial situation when Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. Maybe you receive an unexpected payment or finally pay off a credit card. You could also receive some sort of emotional or financial support when you need it most. New contracts and opportunities can also pop up.

Reflecting on the past sets you free when the Sun in Aquarius meets with Mercury in Aquarius on February 9. You could be ready to break a cycle or have a meaningful conversation with a loved one or roommate. You might also make an important decision regarding your living situation—like moving, finding new roommates, or focusing on creating a space that feels comforting and nurturing. The full moon in Leo on February 12 brings a culmination to your professional and public life. You could accept a raise or leave a position that no longer feels aligned. If you’ve been working hard in a new field, this could bring some long-overdue recognition. This is also a moment of manifestation and can coincide with exciting developments in your personal relationships or regarding any major milestone you’ve been focused on in your life.

You’re ready to bring more joy into your life when Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. This can reignite a creative spark and give you inspiration and confidence to get more serious about some of your passion projects and hobbies you enjoy. This can also bring lucky news your way or put you in the mood to start dating again. The Sun enters Pisces on February 18, making you more magnetic than normal. People are drawn to you, and this is a beautiful time to take up space and share your gifts with the world! You can gain attention when you self-express and you’re feeling grateful and connected to the present moment. Romance is also more of a priority, and you could spend the next few weeks exploring your relationship with pleasure or caught between the sheets with a lover!

Conversations feel a bit more tense once Mars retrograde in Cancer ends on February 23. While you might have to set some boundaries and have tough confrontations, ultimately, this can help you speak your truth. You could also make an important decision about something you want to study, a writing project, or learn information that shifts your perspective and understanding of the world. You’re taking on a creative commitment when Mercury and Saturn, both in Pisces, link up on February 25. This could also mark the start or end of a romantic connection—maybe you’re ready to define the relationship and take the next step, or walk away from a confusing situationship.

There’s a new moon in Pisces at the end of the month on February 27 that promises a fresh start and hopeful beginnings. You could learn lucky news or receive an invitation or opportunity that feels creatively or emotionally fulfilling. You might also find a new hobby that you want to invest more of your free time into, or decide to go all-in on a passion project that brings you joy. Singles could also explore their relationship with pleasure and desire—maybe who you’re attracted to or the partner(s) you desire are evolving in some way.


the word sagittarius under a field of planets

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

There’s something you want to say and you’re tired of keeping it to yourself, Sagittarius! The month begins in Aquarius season, which puts you in touch with your mind and your voice. This can be really beneficial if you’re negotiating a contract, working on a writing project, or ready to go viral on social media. This can also help you shift your mindset, ditch limiting beliefs, and change the way you speak to yourself. Over the next few weeks, you could also decide to learn something new, book some weekend trips, or spend more time investing in your relationships with siblings, BFFs, or extended family members.

You’re feeling romantic once Venus, the planet of relationships, enters Aries on February 3. This puts your relationship with pleasure and desire front and center! Are your needs being met in your current relationships or are you ready to update your dating profile and put yourself out there once again? You can also make a lot of progress on creative goals and you’re more likely to be in the right place at the right time. Share your ideas and desires with others, people are eager to help you make them a reality! There’s a shift in your relationships once Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. You could have a conversation that pushes you outside of your comfort zone and there could be a drastic or exciting change! Singles could meet someone with potential and lovers could make a decision about their future together. New collaborative opportunities can also pop up.

A moment of clarity arrives once the Sun in Aquarius meets with Mercury in Aquarius on February 9. You’re more connected with your inner voice and better able to speak your truth. You could have a realization regarding a plan you want to focus on, sign a contract, or have a meaningful conversation with someone special in your life. You might also decide to start studying something new! There’s a full moon in Leo on February 12 that encourages you to share your beliefs and stand up for what you think is right. Sharing your perspective and experiences can open others’ eyes. This could also mark an exciting moment of sharing your expertise, having something published, or learning key information that changes everything! You’re ready to move forward and make decisions now that you’re equipped with whatever news you learn under this full moon.

You’re spending time focused on your living situation when Mercury enters Pisces on February 14. Maybe you’re communicating more with a landlord or spending more time with roommates or family members. This can also put you in a sentimental mood. Reflecting on the past can help you break free from old cycles and patterns that you’re ready to leave behind you. The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18, and you’re craving more privacy. Spending time with people and in places that make you feel nurtured and appreciated are critical right now. This could also bring some positive changes to your professional world, too. You might be juggling a lot in both your personal and professional life, but also appreciate the attention and recognition for your hard work.

Emotions run high once Mars retrograde in Cancer ends on February 23. You’re more aware of contracts and commitment that don’t fully feel reciprocal. You might walk away from relationships or set boundaries and discuss expectations. If you’ve been accruing more debt than normal, this could help you come up with a plan to get you back into the green and help you save for your future. You’re having tough but necessary conversations with your loved ones when Mercury and Saturn, both in Pisces, meet on February 25. You could also learn news that’s disappointing or makes you feel emotional. Give yourself space to process your feelings and take it easy today. There’s a new moon in Pisces on February 27 that breathes some fresh air into this sector of your birth chart. You’re ready to let go of the past, and focus on building relationships and an environment that feels truly supportive.


the word caapricorn under a planet

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Your mind is bouncing between an abundance and scarcity mindset, Capricorn. The month starts off in Aquarius season, which puts your focus on your finances and resources. You’re thinking more about the work you do and if it still feels meaningful, but also if you’re being paid your worth. This is an important moment to embody how valuable and unique you really are and to ask for what you deserve. You could also come up with plans to build a nest egg or make some key purchases you’ve had your eye on for some time. Home is where your heart and focus are once Venus moves into Aries on February 3. You’re focused on beautifying your space and creating an environment at home that feels inviting and cozy. You could host more of your loved ones or just crave more down time than normal. This can also bring some peace and harmony if you’ve dealt with any roommate or family drama recently.

Help shows up when you need it most once Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. You could also receive some long overdue recognition for a project you’ve been working hard on or even land a promotion or raise. This could also be a moment that helps you set a boundary or change up your daily habits to help you take smaller steps toward your big goals. You’re making an important financial decision when the Sun in Aquarius meets with Mercury in Aquarius on February 9. You could accept a new job, apply to jobs, or have a realization about the type of work you want to do that feels meaningful. This can also help you get back on track with your financial goals or give you a boost of confidence. You’re more aware of what makes you stand out and so special!

There’s a full moon in Leo that stirs up some drama and big feelings on February 12. You might need to slow down and spend some time acknowledging feelings and fears you’ve avoided. This is an invitation to reacquaint yourself with your shadow side and to accept and nurture the parts of yourself you are sometimes ashamed of. Healing can take place under this full moon when you’re willing to be vulnerable and honest with yourself. Practically, this can also bring a change to a contract or a financial situation, as well. You’re learning important news once Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. This is also a romantic and compassionate time to speak from your heart or focus on a creative project. Tell someone special you love them or appreciate them!

The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18 and you could come up with a new idea, decide to go back to school, or even book some travel. You’re also in a more social mood and focusing your energy on spending time with friends and loved ones. This is also a helpful time to reflect on the way you speak to yourself and release limiting beliefs. Mars retrograde in Cancer ends on February 23, and reignites some relationship issues. You could decide to walk away from a relationship that’s run its course or have a direct but meaningful conversation that helps you get back on the same page as someone else.

Conversations feel disappointing and serious when Mercury and Saturn, both in Pisces, sync up on February 25. There’s no use in trying to soften the blow. This is your moment to say what you really mean and express how you really feel. Even though it may be tough in the moment, you’ll appreciate your emotional bravery in the long run. A new moon in Pisces on February 27 inspires you to move forward on a project or contract that feels emotionally fulfilling. Conversations that begin around this time are also meaningful and can help you form a plan for the future you’re working so hard to create.


the word aquarius under the planet saturn

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Happy birthday, Aquarius! You’re the main character as the month starts off in your sign. The next few weeks remind you that you deserve to be the center of your own Universe from time to time and it’s OK to focus on yourself and your desires. This can also bring new, key people and relationships into your life, or help you advocate for yourself in important connections. You’re also gaining more attention, and people are drawn to you and what you have to offer. You can really make progress on personal goals, especially when you choose to take up space, share your talents, and embody a more authentic and confident version of yourself.

Here comes the lucky news you’ve been waiting for once Venus enters Aries on February 3! You could land a contract or job you applied for, or maybe you’re ready to tell someone you love them. Conversations go more smoothly over the next few weeks and you’re in a more positive mental space, as well. This can also be a good time for receiving help and support for some of your ideas and plans. You might also want to plan some trips or consider signing up for an online class or workshop. The lucky vibes continue when Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. You could make progress on some of your dreams, take the next step in a romantic relationship, or find a new hobby or project that enriches your life. Letting your inner child and inner teen call the shots today can also bring you more luck and expansion.

You’re ready to make an important personal decision when the Sun and Mercury, both in your sign, team up on February 9. You could share personal news with others or even meet someone special. If you’ve felt uncertain about how to focus your energy or what direction you want to head next in your life, this can clear up the confusion. Conversations impact you in a personal way today, as well. The full moon in Leo on February 12 shakes up your key relationships. You could get engaged or call it quits! The energy is a bit unpredictable, but it’s also possible you’re just craving more adventure, novelty, and new experiences with someone special. This could also bring some intriguing developments regarding contracts or other commitments in your life, as well.

You’re thinking more about your resources and how you invest your time and energy once Mercury enters Pisces on February 14. There could be a new calling that you want to pursue or maybe you just simply want your work to feel more enjoyable and meaningful. This is an aligned time to advocate for your worth and ask for that raise, too! Spending your time coming up with a financial plan that helps you get back on track with your budget is also possible. The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18 and you’re gaining attention for your unique talents and gifts. This can be a good time to line your pockets and feel both financially and emotionally secure. You could learn about a potential raise or promotion, or maybe you’re gaining traction with a side business or project you’ve launched.

It’s time to let go of a responsibility or project that’s left you feeling worn down once Mars retrograde in Cancer ends on February 23. You’re done with the self-sacrificing behavior and ready to put yourself first and set boundaries as needed. You may also need to ask for help if you’re feeling overwhelmed with everything you’re juggling in your personal and professional life. Confrontations can also take place and are hard to avoid, but this is a moment that requires you to speak truthfully and honestly even if feelings are hurt in the process. You’re signing a contract or giving your two-weeks notice when Mercury and Saturn, both in Pisces, link up on February 25. You could learn some news about your finances that feels like a bummer, or maybe you’re coming up with a plan to pay down some debt.

Don’t panic because a fresh start is around the corner! There’s a new moon in Pisces on February 27 that brings new financial ideas and opportunities your way. You could also receive a thoughtful gift or heirloom. This is also a moment to reflect on your self-worth and self-esteem. It’s time to build yourself back up and embody a more confident version of yourself. You possess unique gifts and talents that you’re meant to share with the world!


the word pisces under a planet and fish

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re ready to slow down and spend some time alone, Pisces. Aquarius season reminds you that healing is a key part of the manifestation process. Before you focus on the new beginnings and blessings that lie ahead once your season starts later this month, you have to do some of the internal work. You’re ready to close out cycles, and let go of relationships or commitments that are holding you back. And you’re even willing to hold yourself accountable, too! You know there are patterns and habits you’re ready to break. Surrendering to the process and engaging in a good cry every now and then will help you clear out the energetic and emotional clutter so new beginnings can find you soon.

Some financial luck is headed your way thanks to Venus, the planet of connection and finances, entering Aries on February 3. This is an opportune time to stand up for your worth and ask for a raise! You’ll also have more luck on your side when it comes to sending out pitches or applying for jobs. You could also make some purchases that bring more ease, comfort, and delight into your life. You’re in a sentimental and emotional mood when Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ends on February 4. You’re more aware of patterns that run in your family and how they’ve affected who you are and the life you’re living now. You could feel ready to let go of past situations you’ve outgrown and start fresh. This can also bring some exciting news regarding loved ones in your life or a living situation.

Your dreams illuminate your way forward when the Sun in Aquarius meets with Mercury in Aquarius on February 9. Signs, symbols, and synchroneities can show up in both your dream world and waking life. This is a critical moment to pay attention to your intuition and gut response. You could also be more aware of a habit you’re ready to break or cycle you know must end. The full moon in Leo on February 12 marks a turning point in your closest relationships. Maybe you receive a contract out of the blue or take the next step with a lover. You can learn surprising news about a loved one or even have a full circle moment regarding a personal goal you’ve worked hard toward.

It’s time to focus on yourself once Mercury, the planet of the mind, moves into your sign on February 14! You could come up with a plan for a new personal goal or learn news that impacts you in a personal way. This is also a powerful time to use your voice—people are drawn to your ideas and what you have to share. You may also want to spend more time advocating for your needs and desires in certain relationships or contracts. New, meaningful connections and opportunities can also enter your life, too, over the coming weeks. The Sun moves into Pisces a few days later on February 18, making you the main character! This gives you the charisma to make your dreams a reality! You’re also focused on reinventing yourself and could play around with your style and self-expression. You’ve got a boost of confidence, and this can also be a lucky time for matters of the heart and in love!

You’re ready to go all-in or walk away from a romantic situation when Mars retrograde in Cancer ends on February 23. You may need to set a firm boundary or feel empowered to take the next step in your relationship. This also gives you a creative boost and, if you’ve struggled with a lack of inspiration or writer’s block, this all begins to subside. Your creativity is flowing freely once again! You’re making an important promise to yourself when Mercury and Saturn, both in Pisces, team up on February 25. You could set boundaries with someone else or just choose to move forward differently and protect your time and energy above the feelings of others. You deserve to put yourself first sometimes, especially when it comes to chasing after your dreams.

There’s a new moon in Pisces on February 27 that is your yearly reset! You’re shaking off the past and ready to debut a new version of yourself to the world. You could also make personal commitment and goals right now that feel aligned. This energy delivers a fresh start, and it’s up to you to decide how you want to make the most of it!

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