Saturday, March 1, 2025

Your March Horoscope Is Here

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Add These Dates to your G-Cal:

  • March 1: Venus Retrograde in Aries
  • March 3: Mercury enters Aries
  • March 13: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
  • March 14: Mercury Retrograde in Aries
  • March 20: Sun enters Aries + Spring Equinox
  • March 27: Venus Retrograde Re-enters Pisces
  • March 29: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
  • March 29: Mercury Retrograde Re-enters Pisces
  • March 30: Neptune enters Aries

March’s astrology delivers some of the most dramatic and noteworthy planetary events of the entire year! The month starts off in the middle of Pisces season, which is also the final zodiac sign. As the last zodiac sign, Pisces can bring up endings and close out necessary cycles. This, of course, can bring up big feelings. The next few weeks invite you to lead with compassion, reflect on how we are all interconnected, and to release anyone or anything that’s no longer serving your highest good. A fresh start is around the corner but, first, you’ve got to feel your feelings.

The month also begins with Venus—the planet of love, connection, and values—going retrograde in Aries on March 1. The lengthy Mars retrograde that began last December finally ended last month and this can feel like another setback or blow to our morale. Exes can pop back up into your life and it can also bring added conflict to your close connections. This is an important moment to address any simmering feelings of resentment in your significant relationships and to set boundaries as necessary. You may also want to reflect on your personal values: Are you taking action and living in alignment with what you believe in and what you stand for? Taking the time to consider ways you can better embody your values can help bring you and others in your community together.

Conversations feel emotional and a bit fated on the same day when Mercury and the North Node, both in Pisces, link up at the same point in the sky in the sign of Pisces. You could learn news that inspires you or have a healing conversation. Your intuition is heightened and this is an aligned time to engage in spiritual practices that ground and center you.

The Signs You’re Most Romantically Compatible With
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two people kissing in space

The Signs You’re Most Sexually Compatible WIth
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two planets kissing

Think You’re Not Compatible? You Might Be Wrong
Getty/Margie Rischiotto

When Mercury moves into Aries on March 3, you’re telling it like it is and leading with honesty. You have a lot of courage and momentum to take risks and try new things, but you may not have the followthrough to stick with all of your ideas. Have fun, but take the pressure off of yourself to commit to everything you try. You’re feeling motivated on March 7 when the Sun in Pisces teams up with Mars in Cancer. This can give you the spark you need to make progress on some of your goals or to take an emotional risk! Is it time to tell someone you love them? Wear your heart on your sleeve!

You could hear from an ex when Mercury in Aries meets with Venus retrograde in Aries on March 11. You could also be struck with creative inspiration or feel called to return to a project you set aside in the past. Conversations go smoothly and this is helpful energy for smoothing over issues and settling and addressing conflict. There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 that’s set to rock your world! Lunar eclipses are all about release, endings, transitions, and letting go. Coming through in the sign of Virgo, this eclipse encourages us to release the idea of perfectionism and can also help you make changes to your habits, health, and daily routine. Fated endings and beginnings may also unfold, so let destiny take over–you’re just along for the ride!

Mercury goes retrograde in Aries on March 14, and hurt feelings and misunderstandings can take place. People are more apt to speak before they think things through, so do your best to take a deep breath before sharing every passing thought that comes to your mind. You could also experience some delays and setbacks, but reflecting on the past can also be insightful and healing. The Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place in the Northern Hemisphere on March 20, ushering in the astrological new year! If your New Year’s resolutions have been off to a rough start, don’t worry. This is the most astrologically aligned time to set new intentions and goals for yourself. The next few weeks also help you regain more confidence and charge fearlessly after what your heart desires!

You’ve made it halfway through Venus retrograde by March 22 when the Sun in Aries meets with Venus retrograde in Aries at the same point in the sky. This can bring a moment of revelation or help you resolve an ongoing conflict. A few days later, on March 27, Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces, stirring up drama in another area of your life and section of your birth chart. This can be a healing time to reflect on relationship patterns and dynamics and also to prioritize your artistic side. You’re also craving more depth in your connections, and willing to open up and be vulnerable with others.

A chapter comes to a close under the new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29. This marks the final eclipse in the Aries-Libra eclipse cycle that we’ve experienced since October 2023. This will bring you back to events that unfolded under last year’s Aries eclipse in April 2024. Fated endings and beginnings will unfold and people you connect with can feel karmic or fated in some way.

Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day, stirring up more confusion. People can be long-winded and beat around the bush. It’s hard to get definitive answers from people, but this can also be a really wonderful time to work on your relationship with your intuition, to start journaling, or paying attention to your dreams.

Neptune enters Aries (for the first time since 1861!) on March 30, ending the month with a once-in-a-lifetime astrological event! This will mark a new era in the collective, reshaping society. It’s a long transit and will remain in the sign of Aries until 2039, so it will take time for you to feel its effects and it may be more subtle. Over time, this can help you break down illusions and what is out of alignment in your life, and also set your sights on new dreams to pursue for your future.

Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign horoscope for March 2025:



Getty | Margie Rischiotto

It’s all about you, Aries! The month starts off in Pisces season, which puts you in a more introspective mood. You’re reflecting on cycles and patterns that you’re ready to release and move on from before your season begins later this month. This can also be a period of time when you’re catching up on rest and connecting deeper with your intuition. Learning how to protect your time and precious energy may also be necessary and setting boundaries can help. Most of the action this month takes place in your zodiac sign and it all begins with Venus going retrograde in Aries on March 1. This can coincide with a period of deep personal reflection and renewal. You might reconsider your personal goals and close relationships. Exes can resurface and you might also experiment with your style and self-expression. (Avoid making drastic makeover decisions under the end of the retrograde, if possible!)

You’re learning news that impacts you in a personal way when Mercury enters your sign a few days later on March 3. Now, you’re focusing more of your mental energy on who you are and how you show up in the world. This can also be a busy time to come up with new goals for yourself or to stand up for yourself and your desires. You could hear from an ex or maybe you’re the one who is reaching out to an old lover when Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, meet on March 11. Someone from your past could also surprise you and shower you with compliments. You might also feel inspired to return to an old project you set aside or a hobby you once enjoyed.

There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo that brings fated changes to your daily life and routine on March 13. This could coincide with you kicking a bad habit or setting an important boundary. You could also wrap up a major project or personal obligation around this time. If you have fur babies, there could be a development going on in their world, or maybe you’re ready to adopt another pet! This can also bring shakeups regarding your schedule and the way you structure your daily life–like maybe you’re returning to the office or starting a remote role working from home.

The next day, on March 14, Mercury goes retrograde in your sign. You might feel more lost and deal with uncertainty over the next few weeks. This is not the time to put pressure on yourself to have all the answers. Move slowly, and give yourself space to find kernels of wisdom from your past. You could reconsider your personal goals or hear from friends from the past, too. Your season is finally here once the Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20. You’re turning heads left and right and it’s your time to soak up the spotlight! People are intrigued by your authenticity and can’t seem to get enough of you. This can be a lucky time to put yourself out there, whether it’s to date or apply to jobs. Your magnetism is off the charts and you have a little extra luck, so make the most of it.

Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces on March 27, and you’re in a sentimental mood. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself romanticizing the past and old lovers. They might even show up in your dreams, too. You’re getting in touch with your hidden desires and this can also be a healthy time to find a spiritual practice that grounds you. Your intuition is also a guiding force over the next few weeks, so listen carefully to it. There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 that brings sweeping changes to your identity and how you show up in the world. You can learn news that feels like it affects you on a cellular level, but it can also shake up any stagnancy you’ve been dealing with and help you feel more in alignment with your higher self and your life path. People you meet around this time are also karmic and fated!

Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day, and you’re definitely going to need more naps over the coming weeks. Save up those personal days and use them wisely. Let your body and mind rest if and when possible. The month ends with Neptune moving into your sign on March 30, for the first time since 1861! This can help you connect with new goals and dreams you want to set for yourself, but it can also have you looking at yourself and the world through rose-colored glasses. Your imagination can be both your best asset and foster illusions. Do your best to stay grounded but also allow yourself to give into the magic that surrounds you.


the word taurus under a planet

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re focused on building connections, Taurus. The month starts off in Pisces season, which always puts your attention on your community. You might be in a more social mood and crave more time with friends. You could also take on a more active role in your neighborhood and start volunteering, organizing, or giving back through mutual aid. You want to spend time with people who share similar interests and values as you do. This can also be a fun and inspiring time to chase after your goals. Sharing your desires with others can help you make connections with people who believe in you and want to bring your dreams to life.

You’re overwhelmed with nostalgia when Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1. You might start pining over an ex or noticing that they’re popping up in your dreams over and over. This doesn’t necessarily mean you should reach out or that you’ll hear from them, but rather that there is something worth exploring about an old relationship pattern or dynamic. This energy can also help you set boundaries over time, and learn to feel more comfortable spending time alone. Mercury, the planet of the mind, moves into Aries on March 3, making you busier than ever. It will be really easy to feel worn down and pulled in many directions. Your intuition also gets a boost and this can be a fun time to explore different spiritual or psychic exercises to hone your relationship with the Otherside.

You could hear from an Ancestor or loved one in a dream when Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, team up on March 11. As you move throughout your day, you might notice magic in the most mundane places. Pay attention to symbols and synchronicities around you. There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 that brings a romantic or creative situation to a climax. Maybe you’re ready to send your manuscript into a publisher or finally start a social media account that focuses on something you’re passionate about. This can also help you exit unhealthy romantic connections or solidify your plans for the future with someone special. Sometimes this can also simply mark a moment of celebration that helps you reconnect with your joy or inner child in a profound way.

Mercury goes retrograde in Aries the next day, on March 14, and you might struggle with sleep. You could find yourself overthinking or getting in a pattern of staying up late. Engaging in physical, mental and spiritual exercises that ground you and regulate your nervous system will be more than helpful over the coming weeks. The Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20, helping you access parts of your subconscious that are normally out of your reach. You’re more aware of your own habits and behaviors that you’re ready to change. This can also help you process feelings you’ve ignored and close out cycles and relationships that you’ve outgrown. Give yourself space to grieve any endings you’re dealing with and trust that a new beginning is around the corner.

You could hear from old friends or exes once Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces on March 27. You might also start to reconsider some of your longterm goals and dreams for your future. Are your visions in alignment with your values? You might benefit from some reflection and readjustment. A new goal or desire could emerge or maybe you’re returning to an old goal you used to be fixated on in the past. There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 that helps you become as comfortable as possible with endings and the unknown. You’re ready to surrender, release control, and trust in divine timing. This also wraps up a major cycle and brings you back to fated events that unfold under last year’s Aries eclipse in April 2024.

Some misunderstandings might pop up within your friendship circle once Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day. You could deal with drama from friends or maybe you’re starting to recognize a “friend” who is more of a frenemy. This can also bring delays to some of your plans regarding your goals, but slowing down and taking your time will benefit you in the long run. The month wraps up on March 30 with Neptune moving into Aries for the first time since 1861! This can encourage you to connect with the spiritual world in new ways. You might want to strengthen your relationship with your intuition, your Ancestors, or spiritual practices that stem from your lineage. This can also bring some delulu energy, too, so try to remain grounded–especially when it comes to certain habits and vices you may need to break free from.


the word gemini under a pair of lips

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re ready to make big moves, Gemini! The month kicks off in Pisces season, which helps you focus on your life path and longterm goals. The next few weeks also put you and your talents under the spotlight, bringing recognition your way! If you want to apply for a raise or promotion, the stars are aligning! You could also spend time reflecting on your current goals and whether or not they still feel aligned. This can be a busy time to make important decisions regarding your longterm relationships, living situation, and regarding family, too. You’re hearing from old friends or possibly even exes once Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1. You might also experience some delays when it comes to personal goals that you’re working toward. Old colleagues from your past could also reappear and want to collaborate with you.

You’re feeling social once Mercury moves into Aries a few days later on March 3. You could be in the mood to put yourself out there and attend more gatherings. This can also be a lucky time to mingle and network with new people. You can smooth things over with friends if you’ve experienced some drama or rough patches once Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, link up on March 11. This can also bring lucky news regarding some of your goals. There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo that brings a turning point to a personal situation on March 13. You might decide to move or experience a shift in a family dynamic. This energy can heighten your emotions and also resurface the past, but it can also spark a cathartic breakthrough. You’re ready to move forward and let go of old baggage. There could also be some shifts and changes in your career, too, a new calling that feels fated could capture your attention.

Mercury goes retrograde in Aries the next day, on March 14, and you’re reconsidering some of your priorities. You might want to return to an old hobby or project that you set aside in the past–maybe new inspiration strikes! You could also deal with some misunderstandings with friends or spend time reflecting on whether or not your current friend groups and relationships align with your values. You might also want to consider volunteering and showing up more in your community. The Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20 and you’re feeling supported and learning lucky news! Someone from your network could show up with an opportunity or offer that helps bring you closer to one of your goals. You could also simply attend a few fun events over the next few weeks, too.

You could deal with some drama at work once Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces on March 27. Maybe conversations about a raise or promotion stall, or if you’re in talks for a new job those conversations can also experience delays. You might also deal with power struggles with a boss or co-worker. This is also an important time to reflect on whether or not your current goals or career path feel fulfilling. Is a new direction calling your name and worth exploring? There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29, which can coincide with fated people entering your life! New friendships can begin and people who support you and your dreams show up. Some friendships may have run their course or maybe you’re ready to move on from a dream that no longer feels aligned. You’re making big changes and creating space for new opportunities and connections to find you.

Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day, and you’re dealing with misunderstanding at work. Old key players from your past could re-enter your life–from exes, people you went to high school with, or even old co-workers. You might also feel more worn down from work and need to set some boundaries. The month wraps up with Neptune moving into Aries on March 30 (for the first time since 1861!), and you’re feeling inspired to network and join communities that share similar values as you do. You want to make a difference in the world and are feeling recharged by spending time with others. This could also place a new dream or goal on your heart that you’re ready to chase after!


a blue and white logo reading cancer

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re craving new experiences, Cancer! The month kicks off in Pisces season, which always helps you connect with your inner adventurer. You want to travel to new vistas, attend classes and learn new things, and soak up all life has to offer. This is also a busy period for communication–coming up with new ideas, sharing your thoughts and beliefs far and wide, and expanding your perspective through dialogue. You’re more willing to take on a beginner’s mindset, try new things, and adapt along the way. You might find yourself rethinking your life path and direction when Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1. There could also be some drama at work or delays in any negotiations or projects you’re working on. This can also bring important people from your past back into your orbit and, yes, that includes exes!

New information is revealed about work or a goal you’re working toward when Mercury enters Aries on March 3. There could also be talks about a potential raise or promotion, or maybe you’re taking on more responsibilities. This can also be a moment of manifestation for some of your goals, maybe your plan is starting to work and you’re making progress. Compliments are pouring in left and right when Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, team up on March 11. Your natural gifts, charm, and talent are standing out! People are eager to collaborate with you and support you. You could also hear from an ex or old co-worker. Generally, though, conversations you have feel heartfelt, creative, and positive.

There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 that brings an important conversation to a climax. You can learn news today that shifts your perspective or maybe you sign a life-changing agreement or contract. This can also coincide with reconnecting with your voice and self-expression in a new way, whether that’s through vlogging, journaling or deciding to finally write your manuscript. You might also decide to go back to school and learn something new–your mind is curious and agile! This is also a powerful time to speak your mind. Mercury goes retrograde in Aries the following day, on March 14, and some conversations regarding your personal goals and career stall. This doesn’t mean give up! Slowing down and reflecting is a natural part of the manifestation process, so give yourself time and space to consider alternative approaches. Solutions will show up in due time.

The Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20, shining a spotlight on you. You’re gaining recognition, confidence, and attention easily. If you want to apply for a job, go viral on the internet, launch a business, or garner attention for a cause important to your heart–people are eagerly awaiting what you have to say and what you have to share. Conversations are prone to misunderstandings and confusion once Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces on March 27. If you’re working on paperwork, there could be delays or documents could get lost in the shuffle. You might also return to an old project, hobby, or subject you once studied or dedicated yourself to–you’re feeling reinspired! Writing and speaking projects can also be subject to delays so be patient and traveling can cause some extra headaches so head to the airport early!

There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 that brings destined changes to your professional world and life path. Maybe a job ends but it opens up the opportunity to follow your heart and pursue a dream or goal you’ve always had for yourself. This could also coincide with you stepping into a new role, taking on a promotion, or receiving a raise. You might also focus more on another major milestone in your life like going back to school, volunteering and giving back to your community, expanding your family, or adopting a fur baby! You’re prone to more misunderstandings than normal once Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day. You could also experience a drastic change in perspective of the world around you and reconsider some of your core beliefs over the coming weeks.

The month wraps up on March 30 with Neptune moving into Aries for the first time since 1861! This is a long planetary transit that will take years to complete. Over time, this can help you integrate your more creative and compassionate side into the work you do in the world. This can also bring you fame and recognition, too! You’re standing out and appear mysterious and alluring to others. This can also help you release the need to people please and live up to other people’s expectations for your life and start following your authentic dreams and heart over time.


the word leo under a sun

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re not shying away from feeling your feelings, Leo. Pisces season helps you get in touch with the emotions you typically sidestep and ignore. You’re more willing to dive deep, be vulnerable, and explore your shadow side. The next few weeks can spark cathartic healing and help you release the past. Financially, you’re focused on getting your budget in order. You might have to have some serious conversations with a partner or roommate regarding shared financial expectations or perhaps you’re busy negotiating a new contract. You could feel drawn to return to an old subject you used to study when Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1. If you’re traveling, you might also encounter some setbacks or delays, so pad in extra time into your commute and plans. This can also help you get back in touch with old mentors or people who you trust and admire. You’re eager to soak up wisdom and lean on others for advice and guidance.

New conversations begin that capture your attention once Mercury moves into Aries on March 3. You could be working on a writing project or maybe you’re negotiating the terms of a new contract or project. Traveling might also be more of a priority and you’re ready to ditch your comfort zone in favor of the unknown. You’re receiving thoughtful feedback or compliments from others when Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, link up on March 11. This could bring some good news amidst all the chaos of this month, but it could also mean hearing from an ex or old friend!

There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 that brings drastic changes to your finances and work situation. Perhaps a job ends or maybe you’re ready to step into a new role. If you’ve been trying to get your business or side hustle off the ground, maybe it’s transforming and entering a new phase. You could also make a major purchase or decide to manage your finances in a new way. The next day, on March 14, Mercury goes retrograde in Aries, making you more susceptible to misunderstandings. Don’t be afraid to over-communicate! If you’re traveling, you might also deal with more delays and inconveniences so keep that in mind for your commute. You might also decide to return to an old idea, project, or subject that once captivated you–a new source of curiosity or inspiration strikes!

The Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20 and you feel more expansive. You’re in an idea phase and in the mood to learn and absorb new information and experiences. You could be busy studying and learning something new, booking travel, or even formulating a plan to bring some of your dreams to life. This is also a lucky time to share your expertise, maybe as a podcast guest or publishing some of your written work. Your ideas and thoughts are magnetic! You could deal with some financial setbacks or frustrations once Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces on March 27. You might need to get some paperwork in order and get more serious about paying down a credit card. Emotionally, this can be a time where you’re reflecting on the concept of reciprocity and trust in your close relationships.

Conversations feel life-changing under the new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29. Maybe you’re negotiating a new offer or contract or perhaps you learn news that changes your perspective in a big way. You could also step into a teaching role or become a student once again. On the same day, Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces, stirring up big feelings. The next few weeks help you explore your shadow side and some of your fears and insecurities. You can experience breakthroughs that help you leave the past in the past and start fresh.

The month wraps up on March 30 with Neptune moving into Aries for the first time since 1861! This is a longer transit that, over time, can reshape your beliefs and help you stand up courageously for what you believe and reclaim the power of your voice. You might also veer into creative writing or become known for your thoughts and ideas over the coming years. Your passions and what you decide to study could also shift in meaningful ways and you might spend more of your time honing your spiritual gifts, beliefs, and practices.


the word virgo under a computer

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re focused on the important people in your life, Virgo. The month starts off in Pisces season, which always leaves you craving more one-on-one time with the people you love most. This can be a lucky time for singles to date—you might meet someone with potential or finally feel ready to define a relationship. Couples are focused more on their shared future and spending more quality time together. If love isn’t of interest, this can bring new collaborative opportunities your way and be a period of making progress on some of your manifestations.

You’re dealing with some financial issues once Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1. Taxes or paperwork could feel more confusing than normal or there may be some temporary delays or setbacks you encounter. If you’ve accrued some debt recently, this is an invitation to come up with a budget and stick with it. Emotionally, you’re reflecting more on your shadow side and exploring some of your hidden desires.You could learn about a new contract opportunity once Mercury enters Aries on March 3, or maybe you finally land on a budget that sticks and feels manageable. This is also an important time to have conversations with loved ones and roommates about financial expectations and resources.

You might also want to dive deep with others or actively engage in healing work. You’re ready to start fresh. The skies are steamy and intimate when Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, team up on March 11. You could have a particularly sexy time with someone special or reflect on your desires and what turns you on. This could also bring some relief financially—maybe a delayed check arrives in the mail!

There’s a full moon lunar eclipse, in your sign, on March 13 that shakes up every aspect of your life! This one feels personal, and it is! You could experience major shifts in your close relationships, or maybe you want to show up differently and stand up for yourself and your desires in a new way. You could also change the way you show up in the world, self-express in a different way, or even have a milestone you’ve been focused on finally manifest. You’re making major life changes and ready to embrace the unknown! Mercury goes retrograde in Aries the following day, on March 14, and you’re feeling tender and sensitive. Maybe you’re reflecting on your relationship with trust, vulnerability, and reciprocity in some of your closest relationships. You could also experience some delays regarding finances or negotiations for a new job. Everyone is moving slower than normal, so be patient.

The Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20, and you’re learning some news regarding your Mercury retrograde in Aries story. You could hear back from a job you applied for or have a serious heart-to-heart with a lover or someone important to you. The next few weeks also remind you that you deserve to ask for help from your support system when you need it most. That’s what friends are for! Here comes your ex once Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces on March 27. If you’re not hearing directly from an ex, they could show up in your dreams or maybe you’re reflecting about relationship patterns and dynamics that you experienced in old connections. This can also bring some tension and misunderstandings in your current relationships, but can help you recognize whether you want to get back on the same page as this person or move on once and for all.

There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 that helps you embrace your shadow side and release the past. This can stir up some of your fears, anxieties, and insecurities, but when you choose to be present with the feelings that emerge, you can experience a cathartic breakthrough.

A new fated contract can also enter your life. You’re ready to address old relationship issues that you glossed over once Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day. Confrontation can be healing and helpful. This can also bring old co-workers back into your orbit with potential job opportunities, or maybe you suddenly feel like picking up an old project you were working on but set aside in the past for whatever reason.

Your relationship with your intuition gets an overhaul once Neptune moves into Aries on March 30 for the first time since 1861! You’re also confronting illusions regarding your relationships with vulnerability, trust, and reciprocity in your close relationships. Are you giving more than you’re receiving? You’re ready to dive deep over the next few years and learn to trust your gut and intuition above all else. This can also be a powerful time to embrace your shadow side and face some of your fears.


the word libra umder a planet

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re finally feeling grounded, Libra! The month starts off in Pisces season, which helps you get back on track with your daily routine and responsibilities. This can be a busy time for you—hopping from appointment to appointment, meeting to meeting, and juggling everything else in between. Since your time is limited, you’re ready to make changes to your own habits to set yourself up for success. The next few weeks can also serve up lessons on setting boundaries and asking for help.

You’re hearing from exes and experiencing some hiccups in your close relationships when Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1. The next few weeks help you navigate relationship issues and dynamics that you’ve glossed over. Some may decide to part ways, while others are finding healthier ways to communicate. This can bring shake ups to all of your relationships, from clients to BFFs to roommates and family members, too.

It’s time to talk it out when Mercury moves into Aries on March 3. You’re having more conversations in your one-on-one relationships and reflecting on your current dynamics. This can also bring new work or contract opportunities your way.

If you’re hearing from an ex, chances are higher when Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, link up on March 11. Is this person still worthy of your time and energy? Their words may be sweet, but do their actions align with what they’re saying? You could also receive some recognition or compliments that are long overdue.

There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 that brings some sort of ending. You’re closing out a cycle or walking away from a connection you know is no longer healthy for you. This can bring up big feelings as you are able to access parts of your subconscious that have previously been out of reach. You could also set a boundary, end a big project, or change some of your own habits.

Mercury goes retrograde in Aries the next day, on March 14, and misunderstandings in your close relationships can start to become more of a regular occurrence. You might feel misunderstood. Someone important in your life could also be moving through a challenging situation and maybe they’re leaning on you more for support.

The Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20, bringing some fresh and supportive energy to your relationships. Since the Sun is the great illuminator in the sky, the next few weeks could reveal important information or feelings about some of your closest connections. This can also bring more collaborative or contract opportunities your way.

Your daily schedule might start to feel a bit more overwhelming once Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces on March 27. Some projects you thought you’d wrapped up might require some finishing touches. This can also be an important time to set boundaries and address issues with co-workers, especially ones that make you feel micromanaged or under-appreciated. If you have fur babies, their care could also take up more of your time over the coming weeks. Maybe it’s time to potty train that puppy! There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 that brings major endings and beginnings to your close relationships. Some relationships will be eclipsed, but as you let go of connections that are no longer aligned you’re making space for healthier people to enter your life. People you meet and interact with around this time can feel fated and new collaborative relationships can also form.

Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day, and you’re dealing with petty arguments and misunderstandings. Tensions can feel high and you are prone to being misunderstood over the next few weeks. This can also serve up lessons in any self-sacrificing behaviors you default to–it’s time to set boundaries and protect your precious time and energy. Neptune, the planet of dreams and romance, enters Aries for the first time since 1861 on March 30. This can bring a whimsy and romantic quality to your relationships, but it can also have you missing red flags. You’re craving that soulmate type of bond with others and exploring relationship dynamics over the next few years. Some life-changing relationships that feel like they’re from another world can enter your life but you may also need to release and sacrifice old connections that have run their course!


the word scorpio under an open mouth

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re in the mood to have more fun, Scorpio! The month starts off in Pisces season, which encourages you to recenter joy and pleasure in your life. For some, this could look like putting themselves back out there in the dating world, and for others, this could be picking up a hobby they enjoy.

The next few weeks are also a powerful time to engage in inner child work and letting your inner teen call the shots. You might also have some chance encounters and extra luck over the next few weeks, too, tis a season of being in the right place at the right time. The month starts off with a sense of overwhelm, though, once Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1. You could experience some petty arguments with co-workers or simply feel like there’s not enough time in the day to juggle all of your responsibilities! The next few weeks serve up lessons on setting boundaries and protecting your precious time and energy.

You might be ready to ask for help once Mercury moves into Aries on March 3. You could also be in discussion to take on a new project or role at work, or just find that your schedule is jam-packed with meetings and appointments. You’re also spending more of your mental energy focused on your holistic wellbeing and taking care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Some relief arrives when Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, link up on March 11. A solution to a project could pop up, maybe you smooth over tension with a co-worker, or you could even hear from an old colleague about a new job opportunity.

There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 that brings drastic changes to your friendships. Maybe you’re ready to build community and connect with new people who share similar interests and values as you do. This could also be an exciting (and fated!) time to renovate your social media presence. Are you ready to give being an influencer a try? Put yourself and your ideas out there–others want to support you and collaborate with you! Mercury goes retrograde in Aries the next day, on March 14, and you might feel under-appreciated at work or in your personal life. Are your roommates leaving all the daily chores for you? Is your co-worker taking credit for some of your ideas? It’s time to speak your mind and set boundaries as necessary.

The Sun moves into Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20, bringing some recognition your way. If you’ve been showing up for your loved ones and making sacrifices to help others out, here comes the long overdue acknowledgment. You could also learn about a potential raise or promotion, too.

Exes can resurface once Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces on March 27. If you’re not hearing from them directly, you might be dreaming about them or even reflecting on old dynamics from past connections. You might also return to an old hobby you enjoy or a personal project you set aside in the past. This can also help you experiment and renegotiate your relationship with pleasure and desire.

There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 that invites you to change up your habits and routine. You can break old habits you’ve outgrown and replace them with something more sustainable. You could also make major decisions regarding your wellness and health, or even adopt a fur baby. This can also shake up your daily schedule in a big way–like maybe you start traveling for work or pivot into a new career or line of work. Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day, and you can feel like you’ve temporarily lost your creative urge and inspiration. Give yourself space and time and new inspiration will strike by the end of the retrograde next month.

The month wraps up with Neptune moving into Aries on March 30 for the first time since 1861! You might find yourself feeling more connected to the collective unconscious and wanting to show up and give back. You’re leading with your compassionate side and may want to explore alternative healing modalities over the coming years. This can also blur your relationship with boundaries, too, so try to commit to a daily grounding practice that gets you back into your body.


the word sagittarius under a field of planets

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You’re focused on your sense of security, Sagittarius. The month starts off in Pisces season, which puts you in touch with your private side. You want to spend more time at home with your chosen family–the people in your life who recharge your batteries and make you feel safe and appreciated. The next few weeks can also bring up conversations regarding your living situation, your relationships with family members, or even stir up the past in big ways. You’re feeling emotional and sentimental. Feeling your feelings can set you free from the past over the next few weeks, and also offer insight on how you want to move forward.

You could hear from an ex once Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1. This can bring old situationships back into your life, but also helps you explore your connection to desire and pleasure. Is who and what you’re attracted to evolving in some way? This can also put you in a more experimental mood in terms of intimacy and it can also stir up drama and tension in your romantic and platonic relationships, too. On the bright side, you might return to an old passion project or hobby that brings you joy. Mercury moves into Aries on March 3 and you’re learning lucky news! The good vibes continue on March 11 when Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, team up. You could receive a thoughtful invitation or have a heart-to-heart with a lover, new or old. Your creative inspiration could also surge and you have a new idea you want to pursue. Your chances of gaining recognition are higher because of your magnetism, so put yourself out there!

There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 that brings major life changes your way. You could change careers, decide to leave a job, or accept a promotion. There could also be major shakeups (that feel fated!) in your living situation, significant relationships, and relationships with family, too. Be gentle with yourself as you process these seismic changes. Mercury goes retrograde in Aries the next day, on March 14, and you could experience some bumps in the road in your romantic relationships. This can be an important time to not gloss over any feelings of resentment but to explore them instead. Some couples will feel closer by the end of the retrograde and others will be ready to move on. This can also help you get in touch with your gratitude and find pockets of inspiration and joy if you’ve felt lost or stuck.

The Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20, encouraging you to put yourself out there. You’re also turning heads left and right! Your charm and magnetism are off the charts and this is a lucky time to share your ideas with others, ask for support, and to go after who and what you desire. You can make a lot of progress on some of your current desires and manifestations.

You might experience some drama with family members or roommates once Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces on March 27. You might consider moving or be working on a home renovation project. There could also be drama with a landlord or maybe you’re simply reconnecting with people from your past.

There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 that sparks a new creative vision. You could find a hobby or activity you really enjoy and want to take more seriously, or maybe you’re ready to finally send a manuscript to a publisher. This can also coincide with meeting new romantic partners or exploring your relationship with desire in new ways. You’re feeling sentimental once Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day. This can help you navigate conflicts or issues you’ve sidestepped in the past. You could also deal with some inconveniences at home like maybe your dishwasher breaks or your rent check gets lost in the mail.

The month wraps up with Neptune moving into Aries on March 30 for the first time since 1861! This can give you rose-colored glasses in terms of your romantic relationships. It will be easier to miss red flags so try to keep one foot on the ground–especially if someone seems too good to be true! This can also help you unlock your untapped creative potential. You’re feeling inspired to pursue activities and projects that bring you joy, simply for having fun rather than seeking a specific result or outcome. Listening to your intuition can also lead you to creative and romantic breakthroughs over the coming years.


the word caapricorn under a planet

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

There’s a lot you want to say, Capricorn! The month kicks off in Pisces season, which always reconnects you with your voice. Your mind is active and curious. On one hand you want to stay busy–connecting with close friends and family, attending fun social events, or even signing up for online classes that interest you. You’re also reflecting on the way you speak to yourself and can brush up against some limiting beliefs. It’s time to leave those old thought patterns in the past. This is also a busy time for negotiating new contracts and taking your ideas and putting them into motion!

You could deal with some drama at home once Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1. Maybe a family member is relying on you more for support or you start to hear from people from your past. This can also bring up tension with roommates and in your close relationships. Ultimately, dealing with any feelings of resentment now can help you establish a healthier dynamic moving forward or help you come to terms with relationships you’re ready to release. Reflecting on your past can bring new insight that’s applicable to your current situation once Mercury enters Aries on March 3. You might also find yourself frequenting some of your old stomping grounds, like old bars or visiting old jobs and co-workers. You’re feeling seen and supported when Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, team up on March 11. You could also hear from a secret admirer! This can also bring some lucky news regarding work, too.

There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 that brings shocking and critical news your way. Conversations feel life-changing–maybe you’re the one sharing some feelings you’ve kept to yourself or you learn news that changes your entire perspective on a situation. This could also coincide with you making a decision to go back to school or step into a teaching position. You’re gaining attention (and confidence) for your expertise! Mercury goes retrograde in Aries on March 14, bringing some drama on the home front. Maybe your landlord is being difficult or a roommate decides to move out last minute, leaving you in a pinch. You might need to renegotiate some of your private relationships or even crave more time alone.

The Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20, illuminating any ongoing drama and situations that have been unfolding in your personal life. You could feel more certain about decisions you want to make regarding your closer relationships and living arrangements. You might also simply spend more time with your chosen family or even experience some recognition at work or hit milestones you’ve been focused on. You might want to pick up an old writing project or return to a subject you enjoy learning about once Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces on March 27. This can also stir up some conflict in your relationships with siblings, BFFs, and extended family members. But it can also serve up lessons on setting boundaries, speaking your truth, and releasing limiting beliefs.

A new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 brings drastic and personal changes your way. Maybe you decide to move across the country on a whim or experience a profound shift in a personal relationship or with a family member. You might also be more cognizant of the patterns and cycles that run in your family and the ones you’re ready to break and leave in the past once and for all. Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day, bringing up some baggage from the past. You might need to confront any simmering feelings of resentment that you’ve avoided. The next few weeks you might also suffer more from misunderstandings or deal with typical Mercury retrograde issues like technology mishaps and typos. Triple check those texts before ending!

The month wraps up with Neptune moving into Aries on March 30 for the first time since 1861! You might confront feelings of overwhelming empathy and also illusion regarding family and your past. This can also blur boundaries between you and family members, and also bring up the potential for gaslighting. Your intuition will be razor sharp, so use it as a guiding force. Your sense of home, foundation, and security is evolving in new and profound ways.


the word aquarius under the planet saturn

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Your resources are a priority right now, Aquarius. The month starts off in Pisces season, which brings your attention to your spending habits and also the way you support yourself. There could be changes at work or maybe you’re considering applying for a different job. This is also a busy time to focus on your budget and come up with financial goals for yourself. You might also be in the mood to treat yourself and make some purchases that bring joy and comfort to your everyday life over the next few weeks.

You could reconnect with old friends from the past once Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1, but it can also stir up tension in your close relationships. While this might be temporarily uncomfortable, it can help you set boundaries. If there are any feelings you’ve wanted to express, this can help you reacquaint yourself with your voice. Try out some throat chakra meditations! Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Aries on March 3, and important conversations begin. Maybe you’re negotiating a new project or contract, or putting the finishing touches on a plan to put one of your ideas into motion. You might also be in the mood to read more or sign up for an online class and learn something new.

Someone from your past reaches out with a thoughtful message or compliment when Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, link up on March 11. Today, you’re feeling grateful for your past relationships. This can also help you smooth over any misunderstandings that have taken place or make a final decision about a contact or commitment you’ve been discussing. There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 that puts you in an emotional mood. You might need to discuss finances with a lover or business partner, which can feel sticky. This can help you come up with a financial plan, get paperwork in order, or negotiate your shared financial expectations. Emotionally, this can put you back in touch with the concept of impermanence. You’re confronting some of your fears, anxieties, and ready to release the past in the process. A cathartic breakthrough is under weigh.

Mercury goes retrograde the next day, on March 14, and it’s too easy for wires to get crossed. Your laptop could die, you could drop your phone in a pool, or maybe you send a personal text to your boss by accident. Miscommunication abounds so triple check emails and texts before sending. You could also deal with travel delays and transportation issues, so try to be flexible and pad in extra time into your commute and travel plans over the coming weeks. The Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20. You’re feeling inspired and might have a lot of ideas you want to pursue. This is also a busy time for socializing and skill building–maybe you’re focusing your energy on learning something new.

Watch your spending once Venus retrograde re-enters Pisces on March 27. You could deal with banking issues or delayed checks and payments. If you’re in negotiations for a raise or promotion, those talks could also experience delays or setbacks. Don’t give up and don’t back down on your worth! You might also use this energy to get back on track with your budget or reconsider your career path altogether. Maybe you’re ready to explore a new opportunity or profession. There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 that marks the beginning of a new idea or conversation. You could land a contract or even form a new, meaningful friendship. You might also start traveling more, for fun or pleasure–or even take more weekend trips to explore your local neighborhoods.

Some unexpected expenses might pop up once Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day. This energy can help you go through your budget and monthly subscriptions with a fine-toothed comb. You might also deal with some setbacks at work or run into issues or delays with projects you’re working on. Things are simply just taking longer and people are taking their sweet time responding to your emails! Be patient, this too shall pass–don’t stress. The month wraps up with Neptune entering Aries on March 30 for the first time since 1861! Your belief systems and goals may change in big ways. You’re also confronting some of the illusions and limiting beliefs you’ve outgrown. You might also consider getting more involved in your community and focusing on ways you can contribute and give back. Over the coming years, you could also feel called to learn something new or even hone your intuition in new ways.


the word pisces under a planet and fish

Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Happy birthday, Pisces! It’s your season and time to shine at the start of the month. The next few weeks remind you that it isn’t a crime to put yourself and your needs first! This can be an exciting time for setting new goals for yourself and making progress on some of your desires. New, important relationships can also enter your life. You might also feel like experimenting with your style or sharing some personal news with people you love most. You could experience some financial hiccups when Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1. If you’re applying for jobs, those conversations could experience some delays and checks can get lost in the mail. You might also deal with more drama at work or come to the realization that you’ve got to come up with a stricter budget.

You have some new ideas about how to manage your money once Mercury moves into Aries on March 3. New conversations about your job also emerge–maybe you learn some gossip about the company or hear whispers about a new position opening up. You might also reconsider the work you’re doing–perhaps it’s time to take a risk and start your own business! You could receive a thoughtful gift when Mercury and Venus retrograde, both in Aries, link up on March 11. It’s also possible you’re in the mood to treat yourself or maybe a delayed payment finally shows up. There’s a full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13 that brings seismic changes to your close one-on-one relationships. Maybe you’re ready to get engaged or perhaps it’s time to throw in the towel and walk away from a relationship you’ve outgrown. This can also bring changes to any contracts or collaborative projects in your life, too.

The following day, on March 14, Mercury goes retrograde in Aries, and miscommunication can take place at work. There could be minor frustrations and delays you’re dealing with at your bank or maybe you ordered some items that you just didn’t like and need to return. This isn’t the best time to spend freely. Sticking with a budget and only making necessary purchases over the next few weeks can help you feel secure and grounded. The Sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place on March 20, and you’re learning some helpful news about work and your finances. Maybe an old co-worker sends you an email about a new job opportunity or wants to collaborate again. You could also pay down some debt and feel back on track with your budget.

You’re rethinking your close relationships and how you show up in the world once Venus retrograde re-enters your sign on March 27. You might feel like making drastic changes to your appearance. This isn’t the best time to get a risky haircut–try to wait for the end of the retrograde if possible. This can be a productive time to do a closet edit, though. It’s possible exes or other important people from your past resurface and this serves you up a lesson in setting boundaries and protecting your peace. There’s a new moon solar eclipse in Aries on March 29 that brings fated changes to your relationship with resources. Maybe you make a major purchase, like buying a car, or perhaps you’re ready to leave a job that no longer feels aligned. This could coincide with the beginning or end of a work project or role, too.

People from your past start reaching out when Mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces on the same day. It’s up to you to decide whether these people are still in alignment with you. You could also start to reconsider some of your personal goals–maybe you have a new idea that you’d rather prioritize. Neptune moves into Aries on March 30 for the first time since 1861, and this can bring massive changes to your relationship with your finances and work. Maybe you want to pursue a professional that involves more of your creative or empathetic side. This can also stir up some confusion when it comes to managing your resources, so being diligent with a budget will only be helpful over the coming years.

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