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If you have the courage to go after your dreams this year there is precious little you cannot do. For best results, listen to what your inner voice tells you and follow its advice to the letter. You are destined to accomplish some seriously special things.
ARIES (March 21 – April 20):
What has been bothering you the most in recent weeks won’t worry you in the slightest once mind planet Mercury ends its retrograde phase on Wednesday. And once your mental outlook changes your luck will change as well, very much for the better.
TAURUS (April 21 – May 21):
If you feel the need to force the pace, either at home or at work, over the next few days just go for it and don’t worry if friends and colleagues and loved ones seem unconvinced. They may doubt you but you must not doubt yourself.
GEMINI (May 22 – June 21):
As your ruling planet Mercury is coming to the end of its retrograde phase you need to look back at the changes you made in recent weeks and ask yourself honestly if you made the right calls. There is still time to change them back again.
CANCER (June 22 – July 23):
New opportunities are opening up for you now and you must not hesitate to take advantage of them. The social side of your life will be especially busy over the next few days and some of the contacts you make will bring unexpected benefits.
LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23):
Something that has been preying on your mind for several weeks can and must be dealt with over the coming week. Most likely it is not the potential disaster you led yourself to believe it was, and what happens next will come as a huge relief.
VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23):
You may not have been on the best of terms with certain people of late but when Mercury, your ruler, moves in your favour again in midweek the issues that have divided you will no longer seem so important. The simple fact is they never were.
Missed one of your horoscopes? Here are the most recent days’ forecasts:
LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23):
You need to choose a path and stick with it. You have chopped and changed so often in recent weeks that you are no longer sure which direction you are facing. If you don’t know your own mind how can you expect others to assist you?
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22):
If you are frustrated with the lack of progress you’ve been making on the work front then do something about it. Mercury’s influence will clarify what you have been doing wrong, so you can make the right choices next time – and there is always a next time.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21):
The planets indicate not only that you have a duty to perform but that there is no way you can get out of it. Identify what needs to be done and then apply yourself with 100 per cent mental and physical effort. There must be no half measures!
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20):
Something you see or hear over the next few days will spark your interest and get you thinking along more adventurous lines. But don’t get carried away and end up rejecting everything that went before. Build on what you know, don’t junk it.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19):
Any doubts you may have about a relationship will start to fade and then disappear completely over the coming week. Looking back you will realize there was precious little to be worried about in the first place – it was your mind playing tricks on you.
PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20):
How committed are you to your current vision? Around the time that mind planet Mercury ends its retrograde phase in midweek you will come to the conclusion that maybe that vision was not the right one for you. Don’t fret about it, just find a new one.
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