Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Your Libra Monthly Horoscope for August

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Add These Dates to your G-Cal:

  • August 4: Venus enters Virgo
  • August 4: Mercury Retrograde begins in Virgo
  • August 4: New Moon in Leo
  • August 14: Mercury Retrograde enters Leo
  • August 19: Full Moon in Aquarius
  • August 22: Sun enters Virgo
  • August 28: Mercury Retrograde ends in Leo
  • August 29: Venus enters Libra

It’s social butterfly season, Libra! Leo season puts you in an outgoing mood, eager to experience life and connect with others. This is a busy time for making plans with friends, attending concerts, and just getting out of the house. Over the next few weeks, you might spend more time networking and chasing after some of your goals. You’re full of ideas and the confidence to bring them to life.

The month kicks off with Venus, the planet of love, moving into Virgo on August 4. This can put you in a sentimental mood. You might find yourself dreaming about exes or pining over people from your past. You could also work on a creative project that you’re not ready to announce to the world just yet. Focus on improving your self-care practices and to catch up on rest.

On the same day, Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo. Over the next few weeks, you will need to master the art of saying “no”—boundaries will become your new best friend! This is an important time to get serious about your daily habits. You might grapple with some self-critical thoughts, but you can change the way you speak to yourself. There’s also a New Moon in Leo on the same day, which might put a new exciting idea into your head. Maybe there’s a new goal you want to pursue or a class you want to sign up for. A new friendship may also begin to form, or maybe a new ally enters your life.

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Uplighting news arrives on August 7 when the Sun in Leo meets with Jupiter in Gemini. You might have fun plans with friends, book some travel, or get the green light to publish some of your work. This is also an exciting time to discuss the future with lovers and friends. On the same day, Venus in Virgo meets with Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. You might have a dream about a former lover or experience a revelation about an old relationship or a relationship dynamic. Sweet messages and intuitive downloads can find you in your dreams, too. This is a great day for slowing down and self-care.

You’re feeling argumentative when Mars and Jupiter, both in Gemini, meet up on August 14. You know what you stand for and you’re not shy about sharing it. Your thirst for adventure is next level, and you ‘re ready to ditch your comfort zone. On the same day, Mercury Retrograde moves backward into Leo, and old friends and acquaintances might re-enter your life. Some of these people are coming back to make amends and others are here to test your boundaries. Are they worthy of your time now? Have they really changed? Use your discernment! Some goals you’re chasing after may experience some slight delays. You might need to problem-solve before you can move forward.

Pressure builds as Mars in Gemini slams into Saturn in Pisces on August 15. Your to-do list feels miles long, and you’re stressed! This is not the day to take on even more commitments—if anything, you may need to suck up some of your pride and ask for help. Some unexpected and frustrating delays can also pop up, like getting a flat tire or spilling your coffee just as you head out of the house. Fortunately, there’s good news worth celebrating on August 18 when the Sun in Leo meets with Mercury Retrograde in Leo. An important person might show up and support you when you least expect it, or perhaps you land on a new idea you want to pursue.

Finding a balance between play and work will be necessary when Jupiter in Gemini rams into Saturn in Pisces on August 19. There may be adventures you want to experience or something new you want to commit to, but it’s hard to fit it all in with your current responsibilities. This isn’t meant to deter you, but to encourage you to find a balance. Can you delegate some of these duties? There’s a Full Moon in Aquarius on the same day, marking a moment of celebration. Maybe you’re attending a party, learning some exciting news, or feeling ready to take a romantic relationship to the next level.

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, and you’re ready to press pause. This Virgo season is all about catching up on rest and spending some time alone. Solitude can help hone your intuition, which in turn can help you make informed and aligned decisions on your path. This is also a time to process any necessary endings. Take care of yourself as you let go of what or who you’ve outgrown. Your season is just around the corner, and it will be full of new life and opportunities. Mercury Retrograde ends in Leo on August 28, and you’ve got a new plan to reach your dreams. You’re also ready to decide if old friends or exes are worth your time and energy.

The month wraps up with you as the main character as Venus, the planet of relationships, enters your sign on August 29. New people enter your life, and if you’re in a relationship, this is a reminder to put yourself first. You might spend more time on your personal goals or receive support for some of your dreams. Luck is on your side, so take a risk—you will be thrilled with what shows up next!

Headshot of Stephanie N. Campos

Stephanie is an astrologer, psychic medium, and witch. She’s studied the mystical arts for over a decade including the stars, mediumship, palm reading, tarot, curanderismo, and more. She is the author of Seasons of the Zodiac: Love, Magick, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year and host of the podcast Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign. Her work has also appeared in Refinery29, Well + Good, Bustle, among other publications, and she has appeared on the Today Show as an astrology expert and modern mystic. 

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