Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Your January Horoscope Says You’re Starting the New Year Off With a Bang

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We’ve made it out the other side of the tumultuous waves of 2024, and the January 2025 horoscopes for each zodiac sign have new beginnings in store for all. The down-to-business vibe of Capricorn season gives us the discipline and work ethic necessary to take our New Years’ resolutions seriously and set pragmatic goals for the year ahead. However, you may need to move a little more slowly than usual, as Mars retrograde carries on through the entirety of the month, causing exhaustion and a general lack of motivation.

The personal planets hit the ground running during the first third of the month, all switching signs within a week of each other. Relationship planet Venus is dipping into sweet and sensitive Pisces on January 2, highlighting romantic fantasies and submerging everyone in the dreamier side of love. On January 6, Mars retrogrades back into fellow water sign Cancer, which could cause some passive aggressiveness or the pressure of bottled-up feelings. Find ways to express your emotions gently. Two days later, chatty Mercury hits methodical Capricorn, helping you plan shrewdly and practically. 

On January 11, the North and South Nodes of the moon cycle into Pisces and Virgo, heralding a brand-new eclipse cycle that’ll dominate throughout the year to come. Speaking of lunar energy, January 13 brings a beautiful full moon in Cancer, giving everyone a  chance to tap into their hearts and emotions amidst an otherwise business-minded Capricorn season. Feel your feelings and embrace the unexpected! 

A fresh cosmic breeze starts blowing come January 19, as the sun enters free-thinking and futuristic-minded Aquarius. Aquarius season inspires a rebellious and counterculture attitude, so don’t be afraid to get weird and be different. Mental Mercury follows the sun into this cool and collected air sign on January 27, making it easy to think objectively and consider the greater good of the collective. The new moon peaks in Aquarius on January 29, giving you a chance to set some forward-thinking intentions for the year ahead. The following day, Aquarius’ ruling planet Uranus ends its retrograde, putting everyone on the fast-track toward innovation and electrifying changes.

Your January 2025 monthly horoscope for each zodiac sign

Read on for your full horoscope for the month of January 2025, according to your sun sign and/or rising sign:

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