Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Your January 2025 horoscope is here

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January suitably starts in Capricorn, the Saturn taskmaster of the zodiac, who acts as our career coach, financial advisor, PT and accountability checker. So, you will be feeling serious, focused, and keen to get on track with your health, wealth, work and home situation.

Is it a good time for resolutions? Personally, I think ‘no’. Spring is astrological New Year and a time of rejuvenation and growth, so leave all that until then. For now, just get your fundamentals organised, your home tidy and cosy, and your daily routine back on track.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th January is an emotional one, bringing suppressed or secret feelings and desires to the surface. A great time for journalling and getting together with trusted friends to talk about your secret hopes for the future. Make a wish! Toast each other’s fortunes. Resolve to help each other thrive.

Aquarius season, and an Aquarius New Moon on the 29th, makes the latter half of the month more overtly optimistic and future-focused. It’s a great season for tech upgrades or training, science-y research, career education, intention-setting and travel planning. Broaden your horizons, start thinking about what you’ll activate in Spring, start lining up some options and ideas. The year is now getting underway!


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(Ace of Swords, Five of Cups, King of Cups)

Your January theme is truth, as set by the Ace of Swords. The underpinning emotion is grief, as set by the Five of Cups, and the outcome or reward is emotional intelligence, as set by the King of Cups.

This month is all about remembering hard times, failures, or losses, and resolving to talk about them. Commit to reliving those episodes and coming to a fresh understanding or take on it all. This homework is important because it’s how you process your own life story, grow as a person, and learn compassion for others facing similar challenges.

A key part of this is talking, expressing, releasing, saying things out loud… and maybe hearing some home truths or wisdom in return. Take it all in. This is a month of huge personal development.


taurus horoscope predictions and star sign reading

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(Five of Wands, Eight of Cups, Knight of Wands)

Someone has let you down and it has caused a great deal of inner turmoil, as you try to both make sense of their actions, mitigate for but also chastise them, and come to a conclusion about what to do next. The Eight of Cups shows that your disappointment is real, justified, and must be met with action. Don’t try and sweep this away or move on without remorse or recourse. You need an answer.

The Five of Wands shows the turmoil and disquiet… but it will pass. And then what? Ask yourself what you want to come out of this with? Peace of mind, a repaired relationship, a clean slate or maybe a clean break. Broken trust is not easily mended, and not quickly either. It is likely you will need time to come to a new understanding, if at all.

The Knight of Wands urges you, by month end, to make your stand, say your piece, and create the next step. Be the doer, not the done to. They did not think of you when they were causing you pain and discomfort, so make up for that now and think mainly of yourself.


gemini star sign horoscope

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(The Sun, The Moon, The Emperor)

What a pleasing and interesting trio of cards – of course the major arcana which means unseen and powerful forces are afoot, and literally cosmic with both The Sun and The Moon. Watch out for the moon transits this month; I suspect that great revelations and news will come at each phase. The Moon is about illusions dispelled and new news surfacing. The Sun suggests it’s all for your benefit and what you learn makes you very happy indeed. It galvanises you and brings new fuel for your progress and advance. Geminis are more ambitious than people realise!

And finally The Emperor. Yes, here is the ambition. At the end and in the end, you are interested in how this all can be used to further your success, agenda, and prosperity. And it certainly can. Be the strategist, be the ruler, and lead the way. You are truly on the right path.


cancer star sign traits horoscope reading

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(Six of Swords, Ace of Coins, Nine of Swords)

It’s time to throw off the lingering, final remnants of self doubt and fear, and step forward into your future. Sounds a bit dramatic? Well, why not! Drama gets the blood pumping, which is what you need right now, because you’re going to actively, ruthlessly, and single-mindedly cut loose a whole lot of dead wood and dead weight. The Nine and Six of Swords both serve you here and will help you to logically see what holds you back (in all kinds of guises – mentally, physically, emotionally, and externally) and to extricate yourself from roles, relationships, commitments, habits, and beliefs.

This is truly a new beginning, Cancer. The Ace of Coins shows that this year will bring health, wealth, new work opportunities and home improvements or stability. You are laying the foundations, but it starts with this final clear out.


leo star sign dates horoscope

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(Four of Wands, The World, Two of Coins)

A busy and bracing start to 2025 for you, Leo, like hitting the ground running – and what else would there be for the zodiac’s winner! The Four of Wands is about promotion, progress, advancement, building on successes and reaching the next level. Education, career upgrades, location changes or expansion might all be on the table. Seize the opportunity.

The World hints at the location change or expansion being a key factor, and that this shift will bring about an ending. Don’t worry, it’s one which leads straight into a new beginning, so a new role or change of work feels likely. Make sure you’re going for the things you truly want, aim high, think big. There’s more available than you realise!

Two of Coins shows it’s not all about work. Life feels abundant and full. You have got loads going on across the board and this satisfies you deeply, you love being busy and in the mix.


virgo star sign horoscope traits

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(Eight of Wands, Nine of Coins, King of Coins)

Mercury is your ruling planet which is all about commerce, travel, intellect and communication, and all of those things come together for this January with the Eight of Wands which asks you to network. It’s become a bit of a dirty word, hasn’t it, often inducing dread in those told to do it by their managers. I want you to see it as fun, interesting, a discovery process; a leap into other worlds without risk or commitment. Talking to folk opens new doors – and it’s free.

The Nine and King of Coins shows that the result of your networking (maybe not immediately, but seeds will be sown and they will come to fruition between now and May) will be a change in status and position, for the better. Something positive will be offered in the realms of work, wealth, home or health. Something will be given to you which gives you a chance to get ahead and make headway, and this opportunity isn’t a fly-by-night thing either, it’s sustainable and solid, it’s significant and worthwhile. So, figure out who might have opportunities worth pursuing and go talk to them. Be the zodiac’s chatterbox.


libra horoscope predictions 2025 and tarot reading

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(Page of Wands, Six of Cups, Three of Cups)

This trio of cards has very childlike energy, in a positive way. They feel playful, fun, affectionate, curious and creative. This is the mood this January, however you choose to activate it. The Six of Cups suggests walking down Memory Lane, looking back at old photos, songs, recollections, friendships, sibling stories and so on.

The Three of Cups asks you to focus on the fun stuff and maybe even arrange some kind of friendly reunion amongst folk you can get together, a kind of post-Christmas shindig now the festivities have settled. It might cheer everyone up and prove to be the right start to the year – coming together to remember good times.

The Page of Wands asks you to get creative this month too – draw, paint, dance, invent, write… whatever floats your boat, have a go. Get in a flow with giving voice to your feelings through creative means. You will feel good.


scorpio traits star sign readingpinterest

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(The Wheel of Fortune, The Fool, Three of Wands)

A month of opportunity and transformation, a stepping stone between 2024 and 2025 when real change is invited into your realm and new beginnings emerge which thrill and motivate you!

The Wheel of Fortune is the tarot’s change agent, sweeping through a realm and creating lasting shifts and transformations. Welcome this energy in and let it do its work. Be open minded. Don’t cling to the old.

The Fool follows it and brings a new beginning that you don’t yet realise is coming. It’s something radical, surprising, significant and exciting. Something you do purely for yourself, and on one else. In fact, others may disapprove, but that’s their problem!

The Three of Wands shows that all of this will happen spontaneously, unexpectedly and from surprising sources. Be alert, be proactive, be ready. Change is afoot and it’ll be a fun ride!


sagittarius star sign dates horoscopes

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(The Magician, Three of Wands, Strength)

Powerful cards this January, Sagittarius, so muster your strength and make progress, because all of the right cosmic forces are aligned behind you. The Magician and Three of Wands both bring amazing new opportunities your way. Opening, promotions, pitches, ideations, creations, inventions, innovations and projects to showcase your talents. These openings will come from weird and wonderful places and directions, so prime your radar to notice and respond to stuff that you didn’t expect. Better yet, seek and pursue unusual collaborations, projects, and perhaps even tasks that others have shunned. It’s OFF the beaten track that these wonderful new gifts are found.

The Strength card shows that you will feel so fulfilled and proud of all you achieve this month, that it will act as a building exercise in terms of your confidence and self belief. Aim high.


capricorn star sign horoscope dates

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(Queen of Wands, The Hermit, The Empress)

Focus on the way you spend your precious time when you’re by yourself this month, when you’re left to your own devices. Create a new routine that reflects your priorities and hopes for the future. I can tell you the main ingredients. Ready?

Firstly, the Queen of Wands equates to travel, outings and explorations. See more of your local area or whatever expanse you can afford to go to! Be consciously looking for ways to leave your comfort zone and just experience more of different places. It’s mind-expanding and perspective-changing.

Secondly, The Hermit shows how you need little solo projects, pastimes, hobbies, and studies to feed your mind and make you feel like you’re accomplishing something. Be it a craft, course, artistic endeavour, piece of research or class. Feed your brain.

Thirdly, The Empress asks you to spend the best times with your family and loved ones; your inner circle. Don’t take this for granted or just ‘turn up’. Make actual plans, create a sense of expectation and excitement about what you do together.


aquarius star sign dates horoscope readings

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(Knight of Coins, Ten of Wands, The Hierophant)

Hard work lies ahead this month with the dutiful Knight of Coins. And work that will be rewarded so don’t worry that your efforts will go unrecognised. Your graft is valued. Do your best.

At the same time, don’t overdo it! The Ten of Wands warns of burn out and fatigue. You need to maintain a good balance and ensure you’re getting deep rest and mental ‘time out’ from work. Perhaps plan for busy weeks and quiet weekend, or vice versa. Make sure there’s a balance. Take ownership for carving that out for yourself and making it a reality.

The Hierophant asks you to find a mentor, coach or confidant about your career this month, someone you can bounce ideas off and get shrewd advice from. This might prove to be the key to unlocking new advances and moves in 2025. Having someone who’s been there and done it give you the benefit of that vast and knowing experience.


pisces star sign dates horoscope traits

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(Ace of Swords, The World, Death)

Something is coming to an end this January and it has been a long time coming. I don’t want you to fear or dread this transition because, ultimately, it’s happening at the right time (and you know it, deep down.) The Death and The World cards are very powerful, potent omens of endings which lead straight into a rebirth and new beginning. You have outgrown something, someone or someplace. You have run your course with an ambition or commitment. It has done its job and now needs to be vacated. You are ready for something fresh.

Be honest, Pisces. The Ace of Swords reveals that as soon as you admit this to yourself, then things will start to unfold and unravel and the way ahead (or OUT) will be obvious and easier than you currently think. You are not trapped. You are free to move on. And you will.

For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, including your own life story reading, visit Kerry’s TarotBella page

The Cardless Tarot: Choose Your Own Destiny Tarot Readings

YEAR AHEAD PREDICTIONS 2025 tarot reading by Tarotbella

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