Monday, March 3, 2025

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Be honest — but temper it with kindness | CBC Life

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You’ll want to be extra careful with your words at the top of this week, particularly as communication-ruling Mercury enters quick-witted Aries on Monday. The messenger planet will be dipping in and out of the cardinal fire sign from now through the next two months, sharpening our tongues and making it easier for us to speak with passion and confidence. But your ability to be more direct could slip into rudeness during this period if you’re not careful. Remember: honesty can help you get closer to what you desire so long as you temper it with kindness. 

You may feel called to tap into your powers of persuasion when chatty Mercury sextiles transformative Pluto on Wednesday. This will be an excellent opportunity to get people on board with any projects or initiatives you’ve been developing. Nothing in the works at the moment? You can also harness this aspect to dive deep into a subject that piques your interest; have fun seeing just how much you can uncover.

Then, when the intuition-guiding moon waxes into her first quarter in optimistic Gemini on Thursday, you could be tempted to bite off more than you can chew. Still, try to stick to your original plans and focus on doing your current tasks well before adding anything new to your plate. Later that day, the moon will go on to square structured Saturn in temperamental Pisces, which could leave you feeling less confident in your ability to get it all done. Do your best to manage any potential mood swings under this aspect — your efforts will go much further if you’re able to keep things in perspective. 

On Friday or Saturday, depending on your time zone, the spirit-driving sun will trine bold Mars, filling you with the courage and drive to pursue new dreams. This could also be a wonderful moment to make waves in your romantic world — don’t be afraid to amp up the intensity.

Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, March 3, 2025.


Feeling invigorated, Aries? You may find yourself buzzing with excitement and energy as Mercury speeds into your sign at the top of this week. This transit has the potential to ignite your can-do spirit and put you back in touch with your ambition in particular; seize this moment to take on fresh challenges and see how far you can climb. Then, on the weekend, your softer side could come out to play, urging you to connect with others in your space. Whether you’re single or attached, this could be a brilliant time to snuggle up to someone you love for a good old-fashioned movie night. 


Can you find a little stillness, Taurus? As Mercury moves into Aries at the beginning of this week, you’ll be called to take a step back to reflect on where you’ve been investing your time, energy and money as of late. Use this contemplative energy to look deep within and evaluate what ideas and practices you must leave behind in order to move forward. Just keep in mind that being quiet doesn’t have to mean checking out entirely — prepare to speak up mid-week if one of your interests becomes a topic of conversation at work or at home. This could be a beautiful opportunity to showcase your passion and knowledge. 


Get ready for your social calendar to fill up, Gemini. Starting now, and throughout the next few weeks of Mercury in Aries, friends and family will likely be clamouring for your attention, helping you to add all sorts of joyful activities to your schedule. Perhaps you’ll even feel motivated to host a trivia night or intimate gathering with your favourite people. Have fun connecting in ways that’ll stimulate your mind and strengthen your relationships. Meanwhile, if you’ve been looking for someone to join you in a particular workout or wellness practice, don’t be afraid to speak up. The partner you’ve been seeking could be closer than you think. 


You’re more powerful than you think, Cancer. Keep that in mind as Mercury moves into Aries at the start of this week. Over the course of this transit, your attention could shift toward expanding your awareness of the world around you — and what you discover in the process could have a profound effect on the way that you process things, speak and influence others. Then, when it comes to your career, you may feel emboldened to take a big risk mid-week. Enjoy playing around with ideas you’ve previously shied away from and seeing where they take you. Just ensure that you have a safety net in place before you dive in headfirst.


Does it feel like your mind is somewhere else, Leo? Starting now, and throughout the next few weeks of Mercury in Aries, you might notice yourself becoming more detached from earthly matters and drawn toward the philosophical realm. This could be a beautiful moment to explore fresh perspectives or begin plotting your next big travel adventure — just be mindful that you don’t completely check out of your reality in the process. Keeping tabs on your commitments will be extra important under this influence, as you’re more likely to forget essential responsibilities when your head’s in the clouds. 


Are you ready to make some moves at work, Virgo? As Mercury moves into Aries at the top of this week, your intuition could sharpen, making it easier for you to get a leg up on the competition. Channel this newfound sense of awareness toward better understanding the power structures that exist in your professional realm; what you learn now could embolden you to make a tough call that propels you forward in your career. You may also find that this process leads you to discover new things about the way that humans operate. Use this insight to create winning arguments that’ll convince others to help you reach your goals. 


You’re known to feed off of other people’s energy, Libra. But when Mercury speeds into Aries at the beginning of this week, you may notice yourself becoming even more receptive to the thoughts and opinions of those around you. Try to be extra mindful of the company you keep as your accommodating nature goes into overdrive over the next few weeks. Taking space for yourself and sticking close to your inner circle is likely to serve you well. Meanwhile, if you’ve been looking to inject more fun into your life, this could also be a beautiful week to explore your creative side with a trusted friend. Have fun seeing what nurtures your artistic spirit. 


Can you keep up, Scorpio? You may have to face that question head-on when Mercury moves into Aries at the beginning of this week. Over the course of this transit, the pace of your life could speed up considerably, urging you to leap into action and get things done. Use this burst of energy to blast through any tasks that you’ve been avoiding as of late. It could also be a brilliant moment to focus on your physical well-being and explore ways of leveling up your routines. Then, later in the week, you may be in the mood to dive into your own imagination. Enjoy brainstorming how you might bring more adventure into your everyday life. 


Don’t hold back, Sagittarius. Your inner romantic could rise to the surface as Mercury speeds into Aries at the top of this week, making it an ideal time to unleash your passion. If you’re single, this transit could set you off on a dizzying new adventure — take advantage of this moment to explore your options and forge connections with people who intrigue you. Meanwhile, partnered archers will likely be happiest when connecting with their loved ones through mental stimulation and play. Not interested in romance? Use this energy to fine tune your latest passion project and gather valuable feedback from those you trust. 


Have you been feeling disorganized or unfocused lately, Capricorn? As Mercury moves into Aries at the beginning of this week, you’ll be invited to recalibrate by spending some time in solitude and looking inward. Over the next four weeks of this transit, you may not feel like discussing anything else except your home and family, and can re-energize by prioritizing domestic pleasures and spending time with the people closest to you. Come mid-week, giving yourself a solid schedule to stick to could help you avoid distractions and get any essential tasks done. Take note of any intriguing ideas that come your way, and don’t lose the plot. 


Gather your thoughts, Aquarius. As Mercury moves into Aries at the beginning of the week, a flurry of ideas could flood your mind and prevent you from achieving what you actually want. Be sure to give yourself plenty of quiet time under this influence; doing so could help you redirect your attention to any creative or professional projects that you’ve been wanting to make progress on. Come mid-week, you could be hit with a burst of ambition that motivates you to hit the ground running when it comes to your career. Let your imagination run free and see how quickly it takes you to the next level. 


It’s time to come back down to earth, Pisces. As Mercury moves into Aries at the beginning of this week, you’ll be called to tend to your domestic and financial responsibilities, and may find that you’re actually able to parse through them with remarkable clarity. Use the next few weeks of this transit to create more structure in your day-to-day life and solidify your support system. Being direct about your needs and intentions will allow you to gather the resources you’ll need in order to thrive. Meanwhile, you could be hit with a burst of creativity and a desire to create change; think about how you can use your talents to uplift your community.

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