Your horoscope for the week of December 29 to January 4 offers an inspirational start to 2025. You’re making plans, thinking about the future, and pouring your heart into what you know you deserve. Take this time seriously, because it has everything to do with your destiny.
The Black Moon in Capricorn on December 30 sets the tone for the beginning of the new year, urging us to focus on long-term goals and release anything that hinders our progress. A “Black Moon” is essentially a highly potent new moon, as it is the second new moon to take place in the same calendrical month. Set aside time to hone in on what truly matters to you. Capricorn’s disciplined energy reminds us that Rome was built one stone at a time, and this is the perfect moment to settle the blueprints for your next success story.
On December 31, Pluto’s sextile to the North Node of Destiny deepens this theme, shining a light on our destiny. It’s a gentle but profound nudge to align with our higher purpose. Look for subtle signs and moments of synchronicity—they are the universe’s way of guiding you toward what feels most authentic and meaningful. Embrace this transformative energy with courage; what you release now will create space for what’s meant to flourish.
After love goddess Venus enters Pisces on January 2, the energy will soften and surround you with magic. This invites you to deepen your connection with your emotions, your creativity, and your compassion. It launches a period of heightened pleasure and romance, as Venus is technically “exalted” while moving through water sign Pisces.
Passion and potential conflict intensifies on January 3. This is when Mars retrograde will oppose Pluto in Aquarius, stirring passion and uncovering hidden tensions. Face power struggles and frustrations with honesty and courage, but don’t do something you might regret later. However, if you’re willing to confront what feels difficult, you’ll walk away with a strength you didn’t have before.
This week could be exhausting, which is why the astrology of January 4 is exactly what the doctor ordered. The Capricorn sun will form a helpful sextile to stabilizing Saturn, giving you time to get grounded, settled, and prepared. While it may be a while before you reach the full completion of your goal, the results will be lasting and meaningful.
How the planets will affect your zodiac sign this week
Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, you’re moving extra fast.Â
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in Capricorn. Over the next couple of weeks, you’re getting stuff done. You have no trouble checking things off your to-do list. You understand your responsibilities and recognize the benefits of carrying those burdens. You are a boss now.
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of dreams and nightmares. You might feel a cloud of negativity coming at you from others. Aries, you need to brush it aside and recognize that what other people say to you or what they put out into the media doesn’t have to be your future. Don’t accept someone else’s vision for your life. Read your full 2025 horoscope.
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, you are picking up speed.Â
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in Capricorn. Taurus, this harmonious energy helps you take sure and steady steps toward your goal. Now you might exercise more self-discipline and make good progress. Over the next two weeks, you have more focus and determination than usual (which is saying something).
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of friendships and acquaintances. Now you might be surrounded by people who are not bullish on the economy or optimistic about the future. They could be sounding the alarm about climate change or politics, but in general they’re not helping your mood. Don’t let other people’s nightmares cloud your judgment. Read your full 2025 horoscope.
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, you’re soaking up information like a sponge.Â
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in Capricorn. Over the next couple of weeks, there are a lot of people who are quick to tell you what your responsibilities are. But this might be their attempt to delegate something they should do themselves. Today, you might need to set some boundaries around obligations and people.
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of career. People around you seem very distracted. They aren’t good at switching from task to task. Gemini, you might have to remind people of what they were talking about or send you what they promised. On the other hand, you might be happily juggling multiple conversations and interactions at once. Read your full 2025 horoscope.
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, you’re making things better.Â
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in Capricorn. Over the next couple of weeks, there could be important discussions about responsibilities between you and people who are close to you. You might be divvying up chores at home or discussing how a relationship will move forward. Cancer, this is a good time to talk about the obligations you have to each other.
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of information and travel. Now you might be mentally elsewhere. You might be dreaming of trips you’ll take or hope to take at some point. Your mind is transported to foreign lands and exotic locations. But this is all a dream right now. Today, you’re distracted by what isn’t real or what isn’t here. Read your full 2025 horoscope.
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, you can hit it out of the park.
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in Capricorn. Over the next couple of weeks, you could be focused on security. You might alter some of the things you do on a daily basis to increase your confidence that you’ll succeed. You might save more, exercise more, and let go of a bad habit.
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of resources from others. Leo, someone might offer you something that really sounds too good to be true. And it is. It’s very easy for sales pitches to seem wonderful, compelling, and possible now. But this aspect can make you vulnerable to sales hype. Be cautious around those who have an ulterior motive. Read your full 2025 horoscope.
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, you’re finding what you need to know.Â
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in Capricorn. This harmonious energy will help you get stuff done over the next couple of weeks. Focus on delegating responsibilities and checking in with people to make sure they’re doing what you asked them to do. Virgo, this is a good time for team plans even if the team is your family.
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of close personal relationships. It’s possible your partner is in a funk. They might be seeing the glass as half empty. Be careful that you aren’t buying into their current view of the world. Don’t give up your vision of the future even if they tell you what they see is fact. Read your full 2025 horoscope.
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, you’re getting things just right.Â
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in Capricorn. Libra, you could be very focused on setting up your home just the way you like it. You might build furniture, remove clutter, and create a home office or study area. You might also pull together gym equipment for a small workout area. Over the next few weeks, you’re structuring your home to be more useful.
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of daily living and general well-being. You might long for romance and wish for ease and comfort, but there are chores to be done. Now there’s a conflict between what needs to be done and the bliss you want to experience. Happiness is possible, but you still need to do the laundry and shop for groceries. Read your full 2025 horoscope.
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, you’re highly effective.Â
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in Capricorn. Over the next couple of weeks, your thinking is clear and it’s easy for you to formulate a plan. Consider looking at your obligations and seeing what you can delegate, streamline, or eliminate. Take your new ideas and write out a plan. Once you have a plan, put it in your schedule.Â
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of romance and fun. You and your partner could explore a shared fantasy. Scorpio, your imagination is vivid now, and you could have a blissful time. If you’re looking for love, be cautious. This is fickle energy. You might feel great attraction today but not tomorrow. Read your full 2025 horoscope.
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, finances are on the upswing.Â
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in Capricorn. As you get more serious about your finances over the next couple of weeks, you will find opportunities that you missed before. Now they are big, bright, and easy for you to spot. Sagittarius, this is a good time to set up a plan to access this money. You could plant good seeds for your future prosperity.
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of home and family. Sometimes relatives can be difficult to deal with, especially if they’re skewing toward the negative. But you will have to allow other people their own journey. Don’t let someone else’s negative thinking stir doubt in you. Today, you can break free of other people’s thinking. Read your full 2025 horoscope.
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, you’re in the right frame of mind.Â
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in your own sign of Capricorn. This begins your lunar year. Doing new things and meeting new people represent seeds that you’re planting. Over the next four weeks, the more seeds you plant, the bigger your harvest will be six months from now. This is a good time to be out in the world connecting with others.
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of communication. Today, communication could be garbled. There might be unclear instructions, changeable schedules, and a real lack of priorities in those you’re dealing with. Before rushing off to a meeting or trying to get a task done, check with the people involved to confirm. Capricorn, this will save you headaches later. Read your full 2025 horoscope.
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, you’re ready to tackle something big.Â
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in Capricorn. This is the last month of your lunar year and a good time to assess what has happened over the last twelve months. Aquarius, look at your goals, progress, and the year ahead. This is also a good time to declutter and let go of unfinished projects that you’re no longer interested in.
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in your own sign of Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of personal finance. To manifest more money, consider doing some money magic, especially around eliminating self-doubt, erasing worthiness issues, and letting go of limiting beliefs. You might consider writing issues on small pieces of paper and burning them in a fire. This can help you start the year fresh. Read your full 2025 horoscope.
Image Credit: Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster This week, you are helping as others help you.Â
On Monday, December 30, there’s a new moon in Capricorn. You might sit down with a friend and discuss doing business together. You could help someone you know find a new job. Pisces, you might consider doing some professional networking. If you’re looking for a job, you have great possibilities over the next two weeks.
On Tuesday, December 31, Venus in Aquarius makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of personal expression. Today, you and your partner could be a little out of sync. You might feel amorous, but they’re talking on the phone. They might want to have fun, but you still have work to do. It will take a bit of effort to meet each other halfway. Read your full 2025 horoscope.