Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Horoscope for the Last Week of 2024 Is Filled With Magic & Mayhem

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Your horoscope for the week of December 29 to January 4 offers an inspirational start to 2025. You’re making plans, thinking about the future, and pouring your heart into what you know you deserve. Take this time seriously, because it has everything to do with your destiny.

The Black Moon in Capricorn on December 30 sets the tone for the beginning of the new year, urging us to focus on long-term goals and release anything that hinders our progress. A “Black Moon” is essentially a highly potent new moon, as it is the second new moon to take place in the same calendrical month. Set aside time to hone in on what truly matters to you. Capricorn’s disciplined energy reminds us that Rome was built one stone at a time, and this is the perfect moment to settle the blueprints for your next success story.

On December 31, Pluto’s sextile to the North Node of Destiny deepens this theme, shining a light on our destiny. It’s a gentle but profound nudge to align with our higher purpose. Look for subtle signs and moments of synchronicity—they are the universe’s way of guiding you toward what feels most authentic and meaningful. Embrace this transformative energy with courage; what you release now will create space for what’s meant to flourish.

After love goddess Venus enters Pisces on January 2, the energy will soften and surround you with magic. This invites you to deepen your connection with your emotions, your creativity, and your compassion. It launches a period of heightened pleasure and romance, as Venus is technically “exalted” while moving through water sign Pisces.

Passion and potential conflict intensifies on January 3. This is when Mars retrograde will oppose Pluto in Aquarius, stirring passion and uncovering hidden tensions. Face power struggles and frustrations with honesty and courage, but don’t do something you might regret later. However, if you’re willing to confront what feels difficult, you’ll walk away with a strength you didn’t have before.

This week could be exhausting, which is why the astrology of January 4 is exactly what the doctor ordered. The Capricorn sun will form a helpful sextile to stabilizing Saturn, giving you time to get grounded, settled, and prepared. While it may be a while before you reach the full completion of your goal, the results will be lasting and meaningful.

How the planets will affect your zodiac sign this week

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

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