Saturday, February 22, 2025

Your horoscope for June 7-13

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Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post’s famously accurate fortune teller. Let’s see how you will fare this week and beyond.

– (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
– Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
– You can also view previous ones at

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⏰) Expect the unexpected. Things may be changed at the last minute. You may find it difficult to manage the budget or resources that you’re given. What seems easy may turn out to be difficult. Hardship makes you stronger and wiser. 

(₿) A small windfall or side income is on the cards. The payment that you’re waiting for will arrive as promised. If you’re a breadwinner, stay thrifty as you may have to pay for something you don’t see coming.  

(♥) Your relationship feels like a rollercoaster. You two love hard and fight hard. Make sure that it isn’t getting toxic. You two may truly realise for the first time that you two have totally different worldviews.

(⚤) You meet several admirers online and IRL. However, none are interesting enough. If you’ve been seeing someone already taken and you’re well aware of this, you may get a rude wake-up call.   

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⏰) Someone in the upper office echelon shows that they trust and support you. They may offer you an opportunity to show off your skills or lead a team. Don’t get cold feet. Your relationship with colleagues may feel a bit awkward as you’re the new rising star. If you recently sent out CVs, expect to hear back from a few places. 

(₿) You work harder and earn more. You may be offered a freelance job unexpectedly. You become more financially literate and mindful of your financial goals. You’re likely to exceed your savings goal for June. 

(♥) You may become more fussy and moody. Luckily, your partner finds your tantrums amusing and doesn’t mind making more of an effort to console you. Couples who run a business together enjoy prosperity. 

(⚤) You may meet a heart-stopper by chance and hit it off with them. If you’re casually dating someone, they want a serious relationship. Ask them for a few days for you to think this over. 

♊ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⏰) You’re unfazed by roadblocks and challenges. They fuel your motivation instead. Colleagues notice your warrior spirit and get inspired to lend you help. After the storm, comes the rainbow. 

(₿) You may have to pay small fines or fees that you’re unaware of. If you’re waiting for compensation, overdue payment or reimbursement, it’ll arrive as promised. You make new friends and they will enrich different aspects of your life. 

(♥) Couples argue over house chores and expense-splitting but they’ll reach a compromise they’re both happy with. Your sexy time may not happen often but it’ll be quite explosive every time. 

(⚤) Someone who’s already taken may slide into your DMs to see if they still got their mojo. Don’t entertain their messages unless you want drama. If you’re getting to know someone, they make it clear they want a serious relationship.  

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⏰) Your workload may be heavier than usual but you can power through anything. You stay highly proactive and productive and do tomorrow’s work today. You may be rewarded with a promotion or an opportunity to move up your career ladder. Don’t let imposter syndrome kick in.

(₿) Your monthly expenses become higher because you maintain higher standard of living. Shop with friends and you may end up spending more than planned. 

(♥) Couples know when to spend time together and when to spend it apart. They know that they can be frank with each other.  If you’re struggling with an issue, your partner may have the answer. 

(⚤) Your broken heart may finally be mended and ready for love once more. You may meet several admirers of the same and opposite sex, causing you to question your orientation or identity.  

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⏰) You may have to perform several tasks outside your job description. Your workload becomes heavier but you can handle it without much sweat. You realise what’s important to your work life and what doesn’t. Happy clients bring new clients.

(₿) You buy yourself a few nice things or pay for an activity that boosts your wellbeing and/or spirituality. You may secure a new income source. Investors rake in handsome returns. A financial negotiation ends in a win-win situation. 

(♥) Your relationship may not be as romantic or passionate as it first was but your emotional bond is stronger than it has ever been. Someone unaware of your relationship status may slide into your DMs. You’re flattered but not interested. 

(⚤) Someone has a crush on you and doesn’t mind showering you with gifts and free dinners. If you feel like they’re trying to buy you, stop engaging.    

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sept 22

(⏰) You stay highly motivated, proactive and productive throughout next week. Challenges may unexpectedly turn into opportunities to be creative. You achieve more than you usually do. An opportunity many vie for may be handed to you. Don’t get big-headed, especially if you’re a nepo baby. 

(₿) The more money you make, the more you spend. Your daily expense may become higher because you want to maintain a higher standard of living. A cousin may try to guilt you into lending them money. Beware of online investment scams. 

(♥) Couples communicate better and understand each other on a deeper level. A heart-to-heart may improve their relationship significantly. A simple date night may turn out to be memorable. Unmarried couples may bring up their plans to wed before their parents to see how they would react. 

(⚤) A well-intentioned friend or cousin may play Cupid and hook you up with someone who shares a similar background and come from the same social stratum as you. 

♎ Libra

Sept 23 – Oct 22

(⏰) A higher-up may entrust you with a big project. You may be bestowed with power to make more decisions. Colleagues take you more seriously. A few may be cold as you climb up the office echelon. Don’t let this bother you because it’s more to do with their own insecurity.

(₿) You destress by shopping and spending on entertainment. If you go over budget, you may get stressed again though. Lend a friend or family member the amount of money that you’re comfortable with and only when you don’t expect them to pay you back.   

(♥) You may catch your partner lying but you don’t confront them about it because it’s rather harmless. Your friend or family member may think that you deserve someone better but you believe you’ve found your soulmate.

(⚤) Dating app users, beware of fakers and scammers. If you’re trying to get close to your crush, your competition may make themself known.  

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⏰) Brace yourself for tight deadlines and manpower decrease. These result in more challenging and longer hours for you. However, you manage your energy and time quite well and don’t get stressed out. If you work for the govt, a hater tries to discredit you in front of higher-ups. 

(₿) Your income may shrink. If you’re a provider, stay thrifty as you may have to pay for something unexpectedly and it’ll cost a pretty penny. Be mindful of your belongings and money while travelling abroad even if you’re in a country that’s known to be safe. 

(♥) Faithful couples bicker and banter in moderation. They may brave a daring activity together, which helps bring them closer emotionally. If you’re two-timing, you may get caught in the act. 

(⚤) You may meet someone who’s your type. However, don’t be too eager to get to know them as they may consider you awkward and desperate. If your ex is trying to win you back, something may remind you why you two broke up.      

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⏰) You almost miss a few deadlines, thanks to unclear directions from clients or supervisors. Brace yourself for meetings that could have been emails. A colleague may turn foe and is on standby to report you when you slip up. Keep copies of your work somewhere safe in case of a cyberattack. 

(₿) You may have to pay for something you don’t see coming and it can’t wait. It has to do with your car or home. Investors may have to cut their losses to prevent further bleeding. Read any contracts twice (fine print too) before putting your name on them.  

(♥) You may come upon a dark secret of your partner or their toxic side that you’re unaware of. You’re taken aback but your love for them remains intact. Cross-cultural couples may face legal or paperwork issues. 

(⚤) You pay more attention and time to your work and the pursuit of your own happiness. You choose to stay single for now. You may lose interest in your friend with benefits and want to demote them to be just your friend. 

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⏰) If you’re stuck on an issue, you may experience a eureka moment when you stop obsessing over it. An opportunity to show off your skills (and, more importantly, silence the haters) is on the cards. Go get em!

(₿) An opportunity to increase your income presents itself but you’ll have to act quickly. Whether you’re waiting for compensation, reimbursement or overdue payment, it’ll finally arrive. You become more financially literate to find out whether you’re doing well for someone of your age.

(♥) Couples can truly be themselves when they are around each other. They don’t feel the need to impress each other but show affection through small and everyday gestures. Unmarried couples may be nudged by their parents to tie the knot.

(⚤) You become infatuated with someone upon the first meeting. Luckily, they seem to fancy you, too. If you’re getting to know someone, you two may decide to officially be an item after having a heart-to-heart.

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⏰) Opportunities to collaborate with and support colleagues are aplenty. Everyone in your team is on the same page and wavelength. You stay highly motivated and proactive throughout the next week. What seems bad may turn out to be good. A reward or recognition for your hard work is on the cards. 

(₿) You reward yourself by buying something on your wish list. You spend money on activities that enrich your life and fulfil you emotionally. If you have debts, you’ll be able to pay off at least one of them.    

(♥) Couples enjoy smoother communication. They can share everything from silliness to serious talk. They treat one another with the same respect whether they’re at home or in public. Married couples may be reminded of how they first met.  

(⚤) Whether you’re trying to turn your friend into a lover or rekindle an old flame, Cupid is on your side. Go out more and you may meet someone who’s physically your type. They make you go hamana-hamana-hamana.  

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⏰) An internal job rotation may result in a new position for you. It’s an opportunity for you to pick up new skills but comes with a heavier workload. Important paperwork or equipment will arrive early and your progress won’t get delayed. The jobless may get offered a part-time job.

(₿) You attend more parties and events. Your circle of friends and acquaintances expands as does the likelihood of new opportunities coming your way. If you’re trying to sell someone else’s property, you’ll close the deal soon. 

(♥) Your child(ren) will make you proud. Trying couples become expecting couples. A playful outing this weekend is on the cards. Someone unaware that you’re happily married may come onto you. You’re flattered, nonetheless. 

(⚤) If you’re competing for someone’s heart, you’re likely to win the love race. Dating app users may meet their match IRL on the same day they exchange pleasantries online.

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