Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for September 2024 Is Here

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September is keeping you on your toes, Gemini. The stars are busy this month. On Sunday, September 8, Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom, shuffles into your romantic 7th House. Following themes brought on by this month’s retrogrades and calling back themes from August, this transit encourages you to really examine your relationships and ensure that you’re wisely allocating your time with the right people. But fear not. Thanks to your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, moving into your family-oriented 4th House on Sunday, September 8, your gut will be sending you a strong message about who is and isn’t worthy of your time.

The aforementioned lunar eclipse, which occurs with an intense Pisces full moon, goes down on Tuesday, September 17, in your 10th House of Social Status. Eclipses are times of unpredictable change and often culmination. With this one occurring in your 10th House, there is a chance that there could be changes in your career, but given this month’s focus on your relationships and your task of learning who is worthy of your time, more likely it points to much-needed shifts in your group of friends and/or any lovers. Trust that whatever happens around this date is meant to be.

You’re going to figure it out, Gemini. After the sun moves into relationship-oriented Libra on Sunday, September 22, a date that also marks the fall equinox and Mabon (a witchy Thanksgiving), the next few weeks are about feeling good. If you’re hooking up or partnered, this could indicate being more turned on than usual and lots of hot sex. However, if that doesn’t fit, know that Libra season also indicates lots of lovely times with friends. Just be sure to balance going out with rest and self-care. Also, on Sunday, September 22, caring Venus moves into your healing 6th House, reminding you to take a break before your body does it for you.

The feel-good vibes continue through the end of September, as on Thursday, September 26, your ruler, Mercury, joins Venus in Libra, lighting up your pleasurable 5th House. Just remember to think before you make big decisions, and make sure you’re giving your time to the right people. We’ll see you in October.

Important dates in September 2024:

Sunday, September 1: Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus
Sunday, September 1: Pluto retrograde moves into Capricorn
Monday, September 2: New Moon in Virgo
Wednesday, September 4: Mars enters Cancer
Sunday, September 8: Pallas moves into Sagittarius
Sunday, September 8: Mercury moves into Virgo
Tuesday, September 17: Full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces
Sunday, September 22: Sun enters Libra; Fall Equinox
Sunday, September 22: Venus moves into Scorpio
Thursday, September 26: Mercury enters Libra

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of September 2024 horoscopes.

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