Thursday, October 24, 2024

Your Daily Horoscope, by Madame Clairevoyant: October 24, 2024

Must read

Katy Perry, a Scorpio.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

When you’re facing an intimidating task, it’s easy to get stuck in your head spending so much time worrying about the complications and what-ifs that you never get around to doing anything. This evening, driven Mars and unpredictable Uranus could give you the push you’ve needed to finally take action.

You recognize that you can’t always get your own way — at least, not if you want to maintain strong relationships. You’re not the only person with ideas about how things should be done (even if you secretly think your ideas are best), and you know some compromise is necessary. But today, you may realize that you’ve compromised too much. You have a chance now to make things right by being honest about what you’re willing to give and finding a balance that works better for everyone.

The bigger the challenge and the longer the odds, the more you shine. Other people’s doubt only spurs you on; you get a thrill from proving everyone wrong. Sometimes, though, it’s the smaller chores that go undone — it’s harder to be motivated to do things anyone could accomplish, so they tend to pile up. Today, it’s possible to tap into an innate drive. Use it to take on whatever you’ve been putting off. The work may not be thrilling, but finally checking these tasks off your list will be satisfying enough.

Sometimes, you fear that staying true to your principles will doom you to a life of loneliness and failure. You worry that if you were to stop being so accommodating and start standing up for yourself, people wouldn’t want to spend time with you. Today, try to be firm about what you believe in anyway. Sure, some people won’t like it — but there are others who feel exactly as you do, and when you’re honest about what you value, you make it possible for them to find you.

Self-reflection is valuable, but it’s not enough on its own. It’s all well and good to contemplate what kind of person you are, but you don’t exist in a vacuum; at a certain point, the best way to learn about yourself is to engage with the world around you. Today, especially, you’ll benefit from interacting with others, from friends and colleagues to strangers. The more new people you meet, the more you’ll learn about who you are and whom you might become.

Other people’s expectations sometimes motivate you to do your best work; when you know you’re being observed, especially by those whose opinions you care about, you may rise to the occasion. At other times, however, the weight of everyone else’s eyes on you gets to be too much. Today, you could benefit from some privacy. Without having to worry about anyone else’s judgment, you’ll be bolder, more willing to take creative risks, and better able to make choices that aren’t necessarily popular but are best for you.

It sometimes feels as if you always get stuck doing the grunt work while others get to go off and have adventures. You’re good at keeping things running, and you’re happy to pitch in — but sometimes you want to be the one having the exciting experiences. Others don’t always notice your daring side, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have one. So if a friend invites you along on an adventure or you get an unexpected opportunity, say “yes.” You’re always picking up the slack for everyone else; today, let others support you.

Self-promotion tends to strike you as vaguely unseemly. It isn’t that you don’t want attention or that you’re opposed to having your ideas recognized; it just seems wrong to come right out and ask for it. The trouble is you can’t always rely on other people to champion you or your work. So if you want to be noticed, it’s up to you to hype yourself. Tell people about your good work. Apply for the opportunities you want. Brag a little bit. Nobody else will do it for you, so do it for yourself.

There are plenty of things you’ve always planned on doing “someday” — places you’ve dreamed of visiting, subjects you’ve hoped to learn about, adventures you’ve always assumed you’d have someday. Today, though, you may feel a bit more urgency. Time isn’t infinite, and there’s no guarantee that the life experiences you want will fall into your lap. So use the day’s restless energy to take a more active role in your life. Find something you’ve always wanted to do and take steps to make it a reality.

It can be easy to assume that the people in your life are more or less the same as you and that, while they may differ on the surface, their deeper needs, values, or goals align with yours. Today, you may be surprised to discover that your friends are different from you in some meaningful ways. Don’t pretend you agree when you don’t — conflict may be uncomfortable, but for the relationship to last, you’ll have to embrace (or at least accept) each other for who you really are, differences and all.

Sometimes, you can sense that something’s off-kilter in a relationship, but it takes a long time before you’re willing or able to do anything about it. Maybe you’re afraid that bringing up the issue will only make things worse, or maybe you simply don’t have the energy. But avoiding the problem won’t fix anything, so today, it’s time to face whatever’s wrong. Talking things through may feel messy, it may even be painful in the moment, but it’s also the only way to reach an actual solution.

You enjoy living an unconventional life, but that isn’t the same thing as a chaotic one. Your more traditional friends and family members may not get it, but there’s a strong internal logic to everything you do. You’re not someone to switch things up on a whim — why mess with what works? But sometimes life gets stagnant. If your gut is telling you it’s time to start doing things differently, there’s no reason to delay. You may as well start now.

In general, you try to think before you speak. While spouting off impulsively can feel satisfying in the moment, it can ultimately cause more trouble than it’s worth. Today, it’s much better to express yourself honestly — if imperfectly — than to bottle up your emotions as you wait for the perfect words. Don’t be afraid to make a scene right now. Speaking from the heart may stir things up, but sometimes a bit of drama is exciting or generative or exactly what is needed to clear the air.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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