Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: February 7, 2025

Must read

Chloe Grace Moretz, an Aquarius.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Getty Images

You might start the day feeling grumpy, as the moon and Saturn square off, but that’s likely to blow over quickly. Once it does, love planet Venus connects with Pluto, making relationships feel more thrilling than usual. Even if you’re the type of person to shy away from intensity, this could be a welcome development — a reminder that it’s still possible for you to connect on a deeper level, and an opportunity to realize how much love there is in your life.

You tend to be an open book. Whether you’re intentional about being open and straightforward, or you’re simply expressive by nature, the result is the same: Your friends almost always know what’s going on with you. Today, remember that you deserve your privacy; you don’t have to share everything about yourself. When others ask intrusive questions, or when they pry into areas you’d rather not talk about, you’re under no obligation to open up immediately. Make them earn it.

Your friends often tell you that when others treat you poorly, it’s only because they’re jealous. To you, though, this probably feels like a cop-out, well-intentioned but ultimately untrue. And while you’re smart not to attribute every unpleasant interaction you have to envy, the fact is that sometimes people do get jealous, and it makes them behave in weird and unkind ways. Today in particular, if others are being antagonistic, don’t assume that it’s because they dislike you — chances are, they want more of your attention, not less.

While you don’t normally worry too much about anyone else’s approval, today you might find that you’re eager to impress a specific person or group. Even if you don’t care at all about most outside opinions, you want these people to think well of you. It might feel a bit strange to suddenly be so concerned with outside judgment, but it’s not a bad thing to have role models. Trying to be liked by everyone is a recipe for disappointment, but trying to live up to the expectations of those you respect most can help you grow into the best version of yourself.

Everyone always seems to talk about the importance of facing your fears — but that can take a lot of work. Sometimes, in the interest of going about your life and preserving your energy for the activities and people you love, you prefer to give a wide berth to whatever it is causing you anxiety. The trouble is that you can’t avoid every stressor forever. Today, you have the strength and courage to face whatever you’re afraid of. It might not be easy, but it’ll feel much better than running away.

You’ve heard that when you find someone intensely irritating, it’s probably because they remind you of the parts of yourself that you dislike. But you know that this isn’t always true — some people just bug you. Today, however, your reactions to those around you probably do have a lot to say about you. Pay attention to whatever annoys you or makes you anxious — or makes you feel confident, happy to be you. Others can illuminate the areas you want to work on yourself — but they can hold up a mirror to your very best qualities, too.

You’re probably not the sort of person to wait around for another person to fix your life — you don’t entirely trust anyone else to do the job right, so you’ll roll up your sleeves and do it yourself. Today, though, stay open to the possibility that other people could still transform your life for the better. This doesn’t mean you’re placing your fate in the hands of your friends — it just means that with a support network as robust as yours, anything could happen.

Some people fly off the handle every time the tiniest thing goes wrong, but it probably takes a lot to throw you off. You’re good at maintaining your composure, even under intense pressure. Most of the time, this is a valuable quality, but sometimes, it could hold you back. Today, give yourself permission to let your feelings out — your frustration, your fear, your desire.Don’t worry about whether you’re being “reasonable,” or whether others will agree with you. The goal isn’t to be persuasive or strategic, but to be real.

It takes a lot to rile you up — but once someone’s gotten on your bad side, it’s almost impossible to get back into your good graces. While your long memory often protects you — nobody gets a chance to hurt you twice — it can sometimes mean that you waste your energy stoking old grudges and resentments. While you don’t have to forgive anyone if you don’t want to, make sure you’re using the best of your energy to build the future, not rehash the past.

Sometimes, the big milestones and major journeys are hard to ignore. Other times, though, the important moments don’t come with any fanfare; it’s not always clear when you’re meeting someone who will end up being deeply important to you, or when a seemingly minor decision has the power to change everything. Today, be careful not to assume that the little things don’t matter, and try to approach even the smallest interactions with curiosity, integrity, and a sense of possibility.

Although you don’t mean to, you sometimes underestimate the people around you. If you don’t see them working hard, it’s easy to imagine they’re simply not; if they aren’t vocal about their big dreams, you might assume they don’t have any. It’s enough to make you worry there’s nobody in your life who’s as smart and ambitious as you are. Today, though, you don’t need to meet new, more exciting people — make it safe for your friends to share their wildest ideas, and they might surprise you.

It feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get through all the work on your plate. Between the demands of your job, your care-giving obligations, and your responsibilities in your community, you’re already overloaded, and that’s before you consider any creative projects or personal dreams. There’s nothing wrong with you if you’re struggling to keep up with all of it.Today, instead of trying (and inevitably failing) to do everything, think about where you might pare back. Focus on what’s essential to you, and let the rest go.

When life gets especially stressful, it can be comforting to retreat to your daydreams. No matter how frustrated or worried you get, you still have the ability to imagine other possibilities, to envision a better future. Today, just remember that you don’t have to idly fantasize, hoping that something better will magically appear someday: You can take small steps right now to create the life, community, or future you want.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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