Friday, March 7, 2025

Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: February 3, 2025

Must read

Laura Dern, an Aquarius.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

Everything seems stressful and chaotic lately, but today Mercury and Jupiter could offer a short reprieve. You might get some much-needed good news, or a long-awaited opportunity could finally come your way, or new people could enter your life. Whatever else is going on, it’ll be possible to find small reasons to hope. Even the seemingly insignificant moments of happiness matter, so when you find them today, make the most of them.

One of the best things you can do with your time today is learn: Read, ask questions, follow your curiosity wherever it leads you. The key is not to rush — although your instincts are sharp and you’re inclined to move quickly, you’ll benefit from taking a slower route now. Remember that there’s no prize for moving faster than anyone else. Sometimes the best insights need time to unfold, so resist the impulse to immediately take action.

You do your best to stay upbeat — you may even have a reputation among your friends as a constant source of positivity. But underneath all that, you could feel cynical. Your goals seem so distant, and you worry that your best efforts just aren’t enough for you to “make it.” It seems like all the success and happiness goes to other people, and there’s none left over for you. Today, though, try to trust that there’s enough for everyone. It might take some time to get where you want to be, but that’s no reason to give up hope.

As self-confident as you are, you also understand that self-assurance isn’t always enough. No matter how deeply you believe in yourself, you won’t make things happen unless you’re willing to put in some tangible effort. Today, just be careful not to overcorrect and forget entirely about the power of sheer confidence. Your faith in yourself is a valuable tool — and while it might not be enough to push you forward on its own, it can make a difference, so don’t forget to use it.

You sometimes feel like you have a duty to read people’s minds, fixing their problems and fulfilling their desires before they can even express them. Today especially, you might be unusually intuitive, able to pick up on others’ moods and sense what they need from you. Showing compassion and generosity to others can make you feel useful — just remember that you’re doing it because you want to, not because you’re responsible for other people’s happiness. If somebody wants something from you, it’s up to them to make that clear.

You’re strong-willed and independent, not the sort of person to turn to others to make the tough choices for you. Your life is your own, and you want to be in the driver’s seat, no matter how stressful it gets. Even so, your ability to efficiently make decisions has its limits, and sometimes you need a bit of assistance. Today, don’t hesitate to turn to your friends for advice. You’re not giving up any power by admitting you need help.

Lately, everything seems so unpredictable that you wonder whether it’s even worth planning for your future. No amount of hard work or careful preparation can guarantee you a good or happy life, so what’s the point in all this thankless striving? Today, though, it’s important not to give up: Your actions make more of a difference than you realize. The plans you set in motion now will bear fruit — maybe not exactly in the ways you expected, but in valuable ways all the same.

Sometimes, success requires patience, forethought, and careful strategy. Setting your sights too high or taking on too much at once can lead to setbacks and mistakes. Every so often, though, it’s better to be too bold than too cautious, to put your trust in passion rather than good sense. Dream big, set outlandishly high goals, ask for everything you want and more. You might be surprised by what you can pull off today — and even if all your wishes don’t come true, you won’t regret trying.

Sometimes, you wonder whether it’s actually possible to find the serious connections you’re looking for. People seem content to keep relationships on a surface level — casual small talk feels safer than going deep and getting vulnerable. It’s frustrating to feel that you’re never getting quite enough out of your relationships, like you’re always left wanting more — but today, you could finally connect on a deeper level. Others might finally let you in; don’t push them, just give them the space to open up.

Lately, it’s been harder than usual to navigate your relationships — everybody’s energy seems erratic, and you struggle to figure out the “right” thing to do or say. But as complicated as people can be, it’s also possible that things are simpler than you’re making them out to be. There’s no secret formula to good relationships, no special tricks you have to learn: For now, at least, just treating people with basic kindness is enough to smooth over all manner of problems.

Some people seem to love optimizing their lives, constantly seeking out new and better ways to do things, but you question the utility of it all — at least past a certain point. You worry that expending that much energy fine-tuning your everyday routines will leave you with less for your bigger, more time-intensive projects. Today, though, it might be surprisingly helpful to devote some energy to your habits. Small changes now could lead to changes in the big picture down the road.

As much as your friends say they’d like to know what’s on your mind, you sometimes suspect that it isn’t really true. You worry that nobody actually wants to hear ideas they don’t fully agree with, and that if you were candid about how you feel, people would find it odd and off-putting. Today, though, other people’s reactions aren’t the point. What matters right now is that keeping your innermost thoughts bottled up is hurting you. Your creativity doesn’t have to be for everyone: Express it anyway.

Today, you can think clearly about your life, without getting bogged down by absolute pessimism or letting idealism cloud your judgment. It’s a good time to reflect on the past, as well as to look toward the future — any plans you make today are likely to be solid ones. You understand that nothing in life is certain, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to leave everything up to fate: You’ve got skills and wisdom, and you’re ready to put them to use.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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