Saturday, February 22, 2025

Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: February 21, 2025

Must read

Olivia Rodrigo, a Pisces.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Getty Images

Expect some strife today as the moon, currently traveling through blunt and restless Sagittarius, clashes with Mercury, Mars, and Saturn. In the morning, friendly debate can quickly become unpleasantly heated; later in the day, loneliness and insecurity — whether your own or someone else’s — could cause relationship trouble. Resist the impulse to do anything drastic — if you can avoid exacerbating the problems, they’re likely to blow over on their own.

You want an exciting life — but practically speaking, that can be difficult to achieve. Your work schedule is so busy and your loved ones place so many demands on you; it’s hard to find the time for adventures. If you feel restricted today, you might be inclined to blame others, but be careful not to lash out at the people who care about you — it’s not their fault that you feel bored or stuck. While they might be able to share your workload and help you clear up more time in your schedule, the only person who can actually live your life is you.

Lately, you feel like the odd one out. Although you trust that your friends love you, you worry they don’t get you; you know that you’re well liked at work, but it still feels like some part of you just doesn’t truly fit in. But today, try to remember that you aren’t the only one who feels this way. The people who seem most sure of themselves still have their own insecurities, and the ones who seem most firmly ensconced in the group still get lonely sometimes. No matter how much it can feel otherwise, plenty of people know how you feel.

It might feel like everyone is critical of you today. It’s not necessarily that anyone is being unkind — but even when people are trying to be friendly, the barrage of unsolicited advice is stressful and unhelpful. While it’s necessary to listen to difficult feedback every once in a while, that doesn’t mean you have to take everyone’s random input to heart. Right now, there’s a good chance other people’s comments reveal more about their insecurities than your own shortcomings — so give yourself permission not to listen.

There’s nothing wrong with sticking to the things you know you like. If you want to wear the same clothes or eat the same meals every day, that’s fine if it works for you. Today, though, your routines might start to chafe. Where they once felt reassuring, they’re beginning to feel dull. Instead of fretting about it and feeling bad about the choices you’ve made, remember that you don’t need to wait for support or permission from anyone else: If you’re hungry for new experiences, go out and find them.

It could be easy to get way ahead of yourself today — as soon as you meet someone interesting, you start imagining a whole future with them; the minute you hear of a potential career opportunity, you’re already planning what you’ll do with the money. While there’s nothing wrong with getting excited, try not to hang all your hopes on any one possibility. Life won’t work out precisely the way you envisioned, and the more you can accept — even embrace — that there will be surprises and detours along the way, the happier you’ll be.

When casual acquaintances get on your nerves, it’s simple enough to just walk away. Today, though, the people closest to you might start to irk you. Maybe their quirks suddenly seem more annoying, or maybe you’re sick of hearing about the same petty dramas again and again. It could be easy for you to spiral, imagining that this irritation signals some deeper problem in your relationships — but everyone’s allowed to be cranky sometimes. Try not to read too much into it.

You’re probably not the sort of person who chases instant gratification; you don’t mind playing the long game and putting in hard work. Sometimes, though, you look around and start to question whether you’ve gotten anywhere at all. You worry that your slow and steady strategy was the wrong one, that you’ve been wasting your time. But try not to get discouraged — while it might feel like you’re spinning your wheels, that’s not the reality of the situation.

You aren’t afraid of a challenge; it feels good to discover that you’re capable of more than you imagined. Today, though, it could be easy to overdo it, especially if you feel like you have something to prove. Remember that there’s a difference between pushing your limits and disregarding them completely. You don’t have to take it easy if you’re up for more, but pay close attention to how you feel: If your body is telling you that it’s time to rest, listen to it.

In general, you’re good at tolerating uncertainty. Instead of worrying endlessly about all the things you don’t know, you take stock of what you do know and go from there. Today, though, you might feel like you’re completely in the dark, confused about how to proceed. The important thing is not to take your stress out on the people around you — they didn’t create the problems you’re facing. If you can keep your frustration in check, they could help you come up with a solution.

You’re usually good at putting your feelings aside so that you can concentrate on the task at hand. Today, however, that might be difficult. There’s so much on your mind that you can hardly focus; you’re distracted by your emotions, by fantasies about the future, or by bigger philosophical questions. Give your mind permission to wander, just don’t lose touch with the real world. Balancing your daydreams with some tangible work is the best way to make sure you’re satisfied at the end of the day.

Your instinct might be to fixate on everything that’s wrong in your life. While some people may be happy to ignore their flaws, you’d rather make a concerted effort to remedy them. But today, counterintuitive as it may feel, try to do the opposite: Focus on your skills and assets. Instead of worrying endlessly about the projects that aren’t going well, remember the parts of your life that are. Making the most of your strengths can carry you through the tough times.

Most of the time you move through the world with quiet confidence, but today, you might feel uncharacteristically insecure. The people around you seem so much more experienced than you are; you worry that compared to them, you’re ill-equipped to live the vibrant life you want. But don’t let this convince you to play it safe. The only way to build your confidence is by embracing intimidating opportunities and meeting life head-on.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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