Sunday, February 23, 2025

Why is the tech industry up in arms about Google’s search algorithm leak?

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One of the world’s biggest companies has found itself in hot water. Google is dealing with the effects of a massive leak that claimed to expose the inner workings of its search engine. The leak came to light on May 27 via tech entrepreneur Rand Fishkin, who said he “received an email from a person claiming to have access” to documents “from inside Google’s Search division.” A day later, the actual source of the leak, Erfan Azimi, the CEO of search engine optimization (SEO) agency EA Eagle Digital, came forward.

Azimi gained access to 2,500 pages of documents relating to Google’s SEO operations. This is crucial because “Google’s Search algorithm is perhaps the most consequential system on the internet, dictating what sites live and die and what content on the web looks like,” said The Verge. The documents, which Google has since confirmed to be authentic, offer an “unprecedented look under the hood of how Search works — and [suggest] that Google hasn’t been entirely truthful about it for years.” 

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