Saturday, February 22, 2025

Weinmann Emergency – high-tech “Made in Hamburg”

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Headquartered in Hamburg-Stellingen, Weinmann Emergency now has seven braches worldwide in Atlanta, Dubai, Madrid, Paris-Les-Ulis, Shanghai and Singapore. Their medical products including 60,000 ventilators are used in over 100 countries. Commenting on Weinmann Emergency’s 150th anniversary, Peter Tschentscher, Mayor of Hamburg, said: “Medical technology is an industry of the future, which is also based on the innovative strength of many SMEs. Weinmann is a hidden champion that has positioned itself worldwide with its products,” Almost  500,000 emergency calls were made in Hamburg in 2023 alone. Given this backdrop, Tschentscher stressed: “In around 340,000 cases, the emergency services were alerted, i.e., an ambulance, emergency doctor or rescue helicopter was called. It wasn’t always a matter of life and death – but a Weinmann device was most likely used.” The same applies to ambulances donated by Hamburg to Ukraine as part of the “Pact for Solidarity and the Future”. “Six ambulances were donated including those of Weinmann as part of the Hamburg Fire Brigade’s aid campaign for Ukraine. We are also part of the #WeAreAllUkrainians initiative. We have close links to aid organisations and will continue to support projects in future,” said André Schulte, CEO, who manages the company with Philipp Schroeder.

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