The astrology for the week ahead is off the charts. We’ll be pulled in different directions, but they all lead to love. Before heading into individual horoscopes, here’s what’s happening in the sky:
- Sunday, Jan. 26: Reflective Mercury in Capricorn harmonizes with Neptune in Pisces, making us feel sensitive.
- Sunday, Jan. 26: Romantic Venus in Pisces links up with Uranus retrograde in Taurus, adding excitement to relationships.
- Monday, Jan. 27: Mercury in Capricorn meets up with the nodes of destiny, bringing alliances our way.
- Monday, Jan. 27: Mercury enters Aquarius, allowing us to shift our perspectives and reach clarity.
- Wednesday, Jan. 29: Mercury forms a conjunction to Pluto in Aquarius, pushing us to get to the bottom of situations.
- Wednesday, Jan. 29: The new moon in Aquarius (which occurs the same day as the Lunar New Year) urges us to grow and evolve.
- Wednesday, Jan. 30: Rebellious Uranus in Taurus completes the retrograde cycle that began on September 1, 2024, allowing us to break free and seek autonomy.
- Saturday, Feb. 1: Venus and Neptune in Pisces align, heightening our fantasies and romantic notions.
- Saturday, Feb. 1: Venus in Pisces and the north node of destiny bring love and healing into our lives.
Here’s how the cosmos may affect your zodiac sign in further detail.
Typical Aries dates: March 21 to April 19.
Your energy levels will be elevated throughout the week, thanks to an emotional reset during the new moon Jan. 29. The connection between Venus, Neptune and the north node of destiny makes Feb. 1 the perfect moment to snuggle your significant other, pillow or pet before your alarm goes off. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, there will be a sense of hopefulness and emotional fulfillment, which you should allow yourself to relish in.

Typical Taurus dates: April 20 to May 20
The “Great Awakener” planet Uranus turns direct on your sun this Thursday, following Jan. 29’s new moon in Aquarius. Take time to cultivate gratitude. Try out a grounding meditation and let the universe know what you wish to achieve moving forward. Set a personal intention that aligns with your goals. Uranus is shaking things up and you can too.

Typical Gemini dates: May 21 to June 21.
The new moon on Jan. 29 makes a soft and helpful astrological aspect to your sun, encouraging you to wake up early and get into gear. If you’ve been feeling low energy lately, this could be a great time to reconnect with a passion project and awaken your lust for life. Put in the effort: Mercury’s connection to Pluto on Jan. 29 also could mean small mistakes have unintended consequences.

Typical Cancer dates: June 21 to July 22.
There is nothing wrong with spoiling yourself from time to time, but there is a risk that you might blow your budget right now, so it will be important that you set and stick to one. Luckily, the cosmic tension dissipates during the new moon Jan. 29, giving you the chance to unwind.

Typical Leo dates: July 22 to Aug. 22
Emotions run high throughout the week, leaving your friends and coworkers in funky moods. If the people around you are wearing sour dispositions, try not to take it personally. The new moon in Aquarius urges you to plant seeds for the future by asking the universe for assistance with your plans. Spend time thinking about your dreams and what you hope to nurture moving forward.

Typical Virgo dates: Aug. 22 to Sept. 22.
New romantic insights are likely to form over the weekend. You may be confronted with an issue that has been repeated throughout the past, but you are currently receiving guidance on how to break cycles and move forward in a healthier manner. Tender Venus, sentimental Neptune, and the north node of destiny’s trifecta in Pisces Feb. 1 can help you work through issues, especially concerning matters of the heart, through deep healing.

Typical Libra dates: Sept. 23 to Oct. 23.
Your artistic insights will take you for a journey during the new moon in Aquarius on Jan. 29. Look out for a sign or a burst of creative enthusiasm. You’ll be able to connect with this particular energy on Feb. 1, due to Venus’s heightened cosmic activity, so try to cut out some time to unite with your spiritual self over the weekend.

Typical Scorpio dates: Oct. 23 to Nov. 21.
People, including yourself, might be more stubborn than usual during the new moon in Aquarius on Jan. 29, which means any conflicts that arise could be challenging to navigate. Slow down, be intentional with your words and strive toward peace. If arguments continue when Uranus turns direct on Jan. 30, try not to engage or say regrettable words when baited because it will all blow over shortly.

Typical Sagittarius dates: Nov. 21 to Dec. 21.
You’ll be in the mood to take care of business affairs thanks to the new moon on Jan. 29. The same day, Mercury and Pluto will help you stay organized mentally, though keeping a to-do list wouldn’t be a bad idea either. This week, the stars are giving you everything you need to plan for your future, especially when it comes to handling logistics or foundation-building activities.

Typical dates of Capricorn season: Dec. 21 to Jan. 19.
Your empathic and psychic abilities will be heightened when Mercury links up with your sun, Neptune and the north node of destiny on Jan. 26 and 27. Be mindful of who you surround yourself with, as you’ll absorb what other people are putting out. A conjunction between Mercury and Pluto on Jan. 29 makes you uncertain of the emotions you encounter, so if you feel the need to seclude yourself, then do it.

Typical Aquarius dates: Jan. 19 to Feb. 18.
Be extra kind to yourself right now, especially during the new moon. Tension and exhaustion might push you to act in a way that you’re not proud of. Use the week to catch up on your self-care routine, eat a nice home-cooked meal or even a soak in the tub.

Typical Pisces dates: Feb. 18 to March 19.
The world will feel like a dreamy place as the sun forms a connection to Venus, Neptune, and the north node of destiny on Feb. 1. You will feel inspired and creative, so jot down any particularly striking visions you come up with. Listen to others with an open heart. You’ll also want to know that you’re standing up for yourself appropriately, since there will be a people-pleasing element in the air.
Disclaimer: Astrology is not based in science. These posts are not intended to act as a directive.