Ready to start your week on a positive note? You’ll need to begin by considering what may lie ahead in the coming days. Horoscopes can help make this easier as they predict future life events big or small. This way you’re prepared for what each day will bring. Here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign this week, November 4 to November 17, 2024.
Aries (March 21–April 19)
From November 3 on, while go-getter Mars is in your fifth house of romance, enjoy more spontaneous get-togethers with your nearest and dearest. Around November 15, give yourself credit for all your hard work on a personal moneymaking project.
Taurus (April 20–May 20)

You’ll be more motivated than usual to dive into ambitious undertakings with loved ones from November 3 on. Around November 15, when the full moon falls in your sign, you’ll crave self-care. Take a step back from your usual hustle to prioritize you!
Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Your social life should feel busier and more fulfilling from November 3 on, while go-getter Mars is in your third house of communication. Your curiosity will soar! Around November 15, finding more time for R&R benefits your overall wellness.
Cancer (June 21–July 22)

From November 3 on, you can make strides on income-related goals. Stay focused on your intention! Thanks to the full moon in your eleventh house of networking on November 15, you could be crossing the finish line on a key team effort very soon.
Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)

While action-oriented Mars moves through your sign from November 3 on, you could be even more ambitious than usual. Around November 15, you could be asked to step into the spotlight or a leadership position. Be confident and listen closely to your heart.
Virgo (August 23–September 22)

While sweet Venus is in your fifth house of romance from November 11 on, infuse your life with more lighthearted fun with loved ones. Around November 15, your restlessness kicks up, nudging you to step out of your comfort zone. Embrace newness!
Libra (September 23–October 22)

You’ll be inspired to take a bold approach to a long-held dream from November 3 on. While relationship-oriented Venus is in your fourth house of home life from November 11 on, more downtime with loved ones warms your heart and bolsters bonds all around.
Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

While go-getter Mars is in your tenth house of career from November 3 on, you’ll enjoy a surge of ambitious energy you can channel into your aspirations. Around November 15, you could be prepared to begin a transformative new chapter.
Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

You’ll be revved up to dive into a learning or travel opportunity while action-oriented Mars is in your ninth house of adventure from November 3 on. Around November 15, you could be ready to say no to overwhelming day-to-day commitments.
Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

While romantic Venus is in your sign from November 11 on, you’ll be a magnet for pleasurable, heartwarming moments with loved ones and friends. Around November 15, give in to any impulse to lean into fun-loving, artistic activities, which are sure to feel enlivening.
Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

If you’ve been wanting to build momentum on a goal, you’ll have the wind in your sails from November 3 on. Around November 15, when the full moon is in your fourth house of home life, confront an emotional issue head-on with loved ones.
Pisces (February 19–March 20)

While social Venus is in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes from November 11 on, bounce your long-term goals off of friends. Their feedback can support your success. Around November 15, streamlining your to-do’s will enhance your inner peace. One step at a time!