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PSA: The weekly horoscope ahead is energetically intense. The next several days are some of the worst of 2024. The super blue moon in Aquarius on August 19 is pushing us to change and evolve during Mercury retrograde, which is seemingly impossible. We may find that our efforts are met with resistance from the universe. Keep in mind that it’s best to think of ideas and wait to implement them until Mercury turns direct on August 28. The days ahead are complex because energy from three of the four mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces) are intermeshed with each other, causing anxieties and annoyances to heighten. Pay kindness forward and be empathetic to others, but uphold boundaries to protect your energy. Luckily, when Virgo season begins on August 22, the vibe will begin to shift and soften over the weekend.
Jennifer Dahbura
July 23 – August 22
The following days are similar to Love Island — but the friends edition. Being the social butterfly of your peer group means that you often set up all the arrangements for get togethers. Since you’re initially reaching out, you are starting to recognize that you’re the one always making the initial plans. Step back from your friendships and see who texts first first. The people who do are the ones that value you the most, and you should cherish them for loving you unconditionally. It’ll be clear as to who you want to keep in your inner circle by week’s end.
Jennifer Dahbura
August 23 – September 22
You are the epitome of demure and you’re now applying it to your life. Instead of posting messy photos on Instagram, you are refining your posts and carefully curating what you want others to see — very mindful. You want to keep matters private and don’t want anyone to make judgments over what you’re doing, who you’re hanging out with — very cutesy. Truth be told, it’s no one’s business but your own, which is why you’re holding back in what you make public in what you decide to share with the world.
Jennifer Dahbura
September 23 – October 22
You’re getting a little tired of playing the supporting role in your own life and yearning to elevate your status back to the main character. In order to do this, you must set limits with people to ensure that they aren’t making their problems more important than yours. Cut out all the unnecessary elements in your life and do things that make you happy. If that means putting people on ice and giving them a time-out, then do that. Reclaim your power to unlock your potential and to take back your power. You are the #1 person in your life.
Person with a long braid looking intense.Jennifer Dahbura
October 23 – November 21
The games people play aren’t a match for your wit and intellect. Being a natural-born investigator means you can cut to the core of situations in the blink of an eye. When a friend decides to manufacture and share scandalous tea about another pal, you will take a stand and try to make things right between them. The caveat is that your frenemy might try to manipulate the situation to their advantage — which is why you need to expose the truth to ensure that your reputation is intact and no one’s feelings get hurt.
Jennifer Dahbura
November 22 – December 21