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Get ready for pure DRAMA with this weekly horoscope! The beginning of the week brings the new moon in Leo on August 4, Mercury retrograde (which back spins through the signs Virgo and Leo from August 4 PT and 5 ET until August 28), and Venus’s entrance into Virgo on August 4. It’s a time of change, but not without growing pains. Watch out for miscommunications — especially in matters of the heart. We may be more critical of ourselves and others, which means we’ll need to practice self-love. Try to offer TLC to others and yourself.
Jennifer Dahbura
July 23 – August 22
You love being on stage and putting on a show for others, but this week you want to spend time focusing on your private life. The issue is that you might be drawn into the limelight when a pal asks you to host an event like a poetry reading, party, or a bonfire at the beach. You don’t have to be the one who always brings the gang together. Set boundaries to ensure you aren’t swayed into doing something you’re not in the mood for. If you do decide to help out, making a quick appearance should be adequate enough.
Jennifer Dahbura
August 23 – September 22
Since your BFF is having relationship problems, you’re projecting that drama into your life due to fears and insecurities. As a result, you’re scrolling and trying to be messy on social media to find clues that prove your partner is being unfaithful and acting foul. Words of advice: When you look for issues, you’ll find them. A minimal thing can turn into a huge issue when you overanalyze matters and assume the worst. Be direct and ask your S.O./crush about an Instagram or TikTok connection that you think is sus. You’ll get more information that way rather than leaping to judgments.
Jennifer Dahbura
September 23 – October 22
Your schedule is all over the place, making you yearn for stability this week. In order to add structure to the day, it’s vital that you don’t detour from the objectives set in the morning. If your BFF invites you over to hang out and you have to finish errands for your family, stick to the task at hand and then see what your evening is like before committing. First, complete tasks and then pencil in fun time. Even though you want to have fun during the last dog days of summer, you still have to stick with the program.
Person with a long braid looking intense.Jennifer Dahbura
October 23 – November 21
The hot summer weather has nothing on you, Scorpio, because you’re bringing the shade this week. You’re defensively clapping back and dropping tea about your crew. You aren’t trying to be bad, but you want to warn your besties about how some peeps act and allow them to see that they can be affected by their actions. Your plan might backfire when you’re called out, which ultimately puts a rift in your relationships. So, don’t run your mouth to people who are fair weather friends and will repeat the information you spill. Make sure you confide in those you trust.
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Jennifer Dahbura
November 22 – December 21