Slipping into old habits and ways of thinking can be particularly tempting after Mercury retrograde as the chances for cosmic mishaps and errors start to dwindle. However, we’d be remiss if we didn’t take the time to reflect on what we’ve learned from the last couple of weeks’ bumps in the road. Otherwise, we’re just as likely to fall back into negative patterns as we are positive ones.
The Sun and Saturn retrograde lock into an opposition as a new Moon slips behind the Sun. The opposition suggests a struggle between our desire to move forward on our life paths and our inability to let go of the past, which is holding us back. The restorative new Moon is practically screaming, “Let go.”
How will your sign fare this week?
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Aries: March 21 – April 19
Gemini’s influence on your ruling planet, Mars, has been fanning the flames for weeks. As the nearby planet shifts into Cancer, this water sign promises to dampen any potential wildfires that were smoldering. This energy shift will be especially noticeable early in the week as Mars simultaneously forms a sextile with the new Moon and a square with Neptune retrograde.
The square between Mars and Neptune retrograde is the most challenging aspect of this alignment. What volatile habits have you been holding onto out of fear, comfort, or both? Mars’ sextile with the Moon presents the perfect opportunity to recalibrate and cool down. There will be plenty of time to be productive, but this week is not that time, Aries.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20
Clarity is a double-edged sword, as the recent Venus and Neptune retrograde opposition has proven. Indeed, it might be better not to live a life of illusion and deception, but there’s a reason the old saying goes, “Ignorance is bliss.” Knowing the truth isn’t always easier. Still, it’s far more beneficial, Taurus.
As Venus falls out of alignment with Neptune early in the week, a dark Moon passes by your ruling planet on its way to Makemake, a dwarf planet that governs our connection to our internal and external environment. Take this time to acclimate yourself to your new reality. Avoid making any hasty decisions, and don’t be so quick to write this perspective off just because it’s foreign to you.

Gemini: May 21 – June 20
This past Mercury retrograde was a lot. It’s okay if you’re not ready to say you’re totally over it, Gemini. In fact, the cosmos seem to be setting you up for a much-needed period of respite. Mercury’s trine with Chiron retrograde indicates an intimate connection to our past hurts and most vulnerable sides, likely made raw by events that occurred under your ruling planet’s retrograde.
However, the positivity indicated by the trine aspect suggests these hardships will be worth it in the end. In the meantime, allow your heart, spirit, and body to rest under the restorative cover of the new Moon. The silver linings of your past experiences will reveal themselves to you in time, but time is the operative word.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22
No one is immune to confronting harsh truths about themselves—not even someone as sensitive and empathetic as you, Cancer. And indeed, this week’s opposition between the Moon, Sun, and Saturn retrograde promises to unveil some of these truths regardless of whether we’re ready to see them. This conflict comes to a head around Tuesday when the opposition locks into place.
Saturn retrograde encourages you to review major obligations, shortcomings, or other challenges that have been holding you back. You don’t have to act on them; just observe them. The time for mending will come later in the week as the Moon forms a conjunction with Makemake. What sort of energy are you giving back to the world? Is it the kind you want?

Leo: July 23 – August 22
Some sort of snag has been holding you back from making your desired progress down your life path. Rather than expending all this energy trying to force yourself out from under its pull, why not take a few moments to backtrack and deal with the hangup directly? Believe it or not, the slight shift backward doesn’t make this technique any less time-consuming than what you’ve already been doing, Leo.
The Sun faces off with Saturn retrograde today, shining a glaring, unforgiving light on challenges we’ve been hiding in closets and under our beds. As either side of this potent celestial alignment challenges the other, our sensitivity to these shortcomings will be at an all-time high. Use this insight to your advantage.

Virgo: August 23 – September 22
Unfortunately, this week promises to have about as much celestial conflict as last week, if not more so. While Venus has since slipped out from under your sign and out of its opposition to Neptune, the nearby planet shifted signs just in time for the Sun, also under your sign, to lock into a standoff with Saturn retrograde. But if you think about it, this sequence of events makes sense.
Neptune and Venus’ opposition pointed out potential pitfalls in matters of the heart, home, and wallet. Now, the Sun and Saturn retrograde are serving as a metaphorical clean-up crew. Identifying the problem(s) is a good thing, yes. But what’s the point if you don’t do something about it, Virgo?

Libra: September 23 – October 22
Sometimes, the only way we can truly know which way forward to take is to try all the other paths that don’t work. You seem to have had plenty of practice doing the latter under the chaotic rule of Mercury retrograde. Now that things are starting to settle down in the cosmos, it’s time to start forging ahead.
The most notable alignment for your sign this week occurs around Thursday, when a tiny sliver of a waxing crescent Moon conjoins with Venus, your ruling planet, and Makemake under your sign. It’s time to start taking tangible steps toward actualizing the dreams you created under the past weekend’s darkest lunar phase. Don’t wait for someone else to come along, Libra. You are the perfect someone.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21
An ongoing trine between Pluto retrograde and Uranus sets the stage for a potent conjunction of the waxing crescent Moon and dwarf planet Makemake on the cusp of your sign and Libra at the end of the week. This lunar phase is a breeding ground for action, assertiveness, and change. The waxing crescent Moon encourages us to turn dreams into reality and hard work into reward.
The Moon’s conjunction with Haumea indicates you’re about to see the fruits of your labor finally ripen. While Uranus’ connection to your ruling planet does present a potential for chaos or unpredictability, isn’t that what you’re looking for? If you want to get outside your comfort zone, you must be willing to acclimate to something different, Scorpio.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
Other people’s emotions don’t operate on our timetables. While it’s true that accidental synchronicity may occur, you mustn’t let this convince you that you can force someone into a feeling or resolution they’re not ready to face. Ironically, that also includes you. Indeed, Sagittarius, someone as definitively principled as you can often find themselves torn between what their head and heart want.
As your ruling planet, Jupiter, forms a challenging square with the new Moon, the stars indicate you are in one of those arduous situations. A sextile between Mercury and Jupiter is promising but largely uneventful. The best goal to work toward this week is not burning any bridges in your rush to get across.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19
The longer you try to have it all, the harder it will be to have much of anything. In other words, your unwillingness to see when you’ve overloaded yourself is eventually going to lead to such a severe state of mental burnout that you can’t even keep up with the obligations, tasks, or otherwise that you actually enjoy. And then what, Cap? Suddenly, all your hard work is for naught?
You are one of the signs most affected by the Moon, Sun, and Saturn retrograde opposition taking place around Tuesday. During this time, situations will arise that highlight who and what you should be prioritizing. Allow the Moon’s restorative energy to motivate you to let anything else fall by the wayside.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18
Despite what your freedom-loving, esoteric spirit might like to think, everyone needs to take a break from time to time. And yes, that includes you, Aquarius. As the Moon calls for all signs of the Zodiac to rest, regroup, and recharge, it comes at a particularly taxing price to you as the Moon goes dark as your ruling planet, Uranus, forms a challenging square with Mercury.
Fortunately, that dark Moon also forms a harmonious trine with Uranus. So, while Mercury’s obstacles might make understanding why you needed this break difficult right now, take comfort in knowing that it’ll ultimately be for your benefit. When you can’t see the forest for the trees, you have to trust the process.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20
Be wary of our emotions’ ability to convince us there’s no other way forward than the one we’re staring down with anger and hurt. While the revelations presented by last week’s Venus and Neptune retrograde opposition are difficult to process, that doesn’t mean you should skip the healing part and jump right to a knee-jerk reaction. Rest assured, Pisces, this is liable to cause more damage than you had at the start.
These conflicting feelings—a desire to react, a need to heal—will come to a head toward the end of the week when Neptune retrograde and Mars form a challenging square. It’ll be tough to hold your tongue in these moments. However, your future self will be grateful that you did.