Friday, October 18, 2024

Weekly Horoscope: October 13-19

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This week is a celestial one-two punch as Jupiter retrograde continues to strengthen under the glow of a full Moon under Aries. First, Jupiter retrograde: this is a time for rethinking beliefs, values, and ideas of what it means to grow. Our perspectives might need to shrink. Alternatively, perhaps we’ve been unduly limiting ourselves, and now’s the time to expand. Jupiter’s revelations are unique to each stargazer. 

The full Moon is just the same despite this ruling celestial body having an overarching influence over the entire Zodiac. Under Aries, emotional awareness will not only be at an all-time high, but the heat likely will be, too. A full Moon in Aries promotes passion and vigor, which can be used for positive or negative endeavors, depending on how you approach it. 

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How will your sign fare this week?

Aries: March 21 – April 19

Your ruling planet, Mars, begins the week making two potent alignments. The first is a challenging square with the Sun under Libra, and the second is a harmonious trine with Venus under Scorpio. The Mars-Sun square signals a dissonance between where you are on your life path and where you want to go. Ironically, when things are going well, it tends to highlight just how much we’ve been missing out.

Indeed, Venus and Mars’ fortuitous trine is ready and willing to point out the areas in your life where you’ve been withholding stability and inner peace from yourself, Aries. Emotions will feel especially raw as the full Moon swings into your celestial domain toward the week’s end. Be kind to yourself this week.

Aries monthly horoscope

Taurus glyphs  weekly horoscope

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

While Jupiter retrograde continues to strengthen under Gemini’s celestial domain, your ruling planet, Venus, forms a direct opposition with Uranus retrograde under Scorpio and your sign, respectively. Jupiter’s backward shift under mutable Gemini will increase feelings of flux. The path you planned to take might no longer be open or accessible. Don’t waste time mourning, Taurus. Find an alternate route.

The celestial standoff between Venus and Uranus retrograde signals a high likelihood for chaos or status quo shifts within areas of love or finances. Despite what the outside world might say, there is no set way to approach these intimate matters in your life. It’s up to you to decide what works best, which is both an invaluable blessing and a frustrating curse.

Taurus monthly horoscope

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Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Mercury’s conjunction with intuitive Haumea is especially helpful under the shadow of Jupiter retrograde. While this faraway gas giant calls us to reconsider everything we once thought to be indisputable facts, your ruling planet gets a much-needed boost of clarity from Haumea. Not only will it be easier to discern what feelings you’re experiencing in real-time. But it will also be easier to communicate those findings.

With Jupiter retrograde flying under your sign, you’re liable to feel its effects more strongly than other members of the Zodiac. Keep your mind open to the possibility that your old beliefs and ideas are wrong. The more you make your mind up about any one thing, the more distressing change becomes, Gemini.

Gemini monthly horoscope

Cancer glyph  weekly horoscope

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

A full Moon under Aries directly opposing the Sun under Libra makes for an interesting celestial cocktail of fire and air energies. Left to its own devices, Aries’ assertive influence over our emotional sides, governed by the Moon, can quickly spread into a raging wildfire. Conversely, the stars advise you to be wary of Libra’s airy energy snuffing out your inner flame for the sake of people-pleasing and convenience.

This challenging alignment is represented by the Moon’s proximity to Saturn. Your ruling celestial body crosses paths with this planetary disciplinarian just before the full Moon reaches its peak, shifting your inner focus to obligations and responsibilities—the not-so-fun aspects of life. Progress often requires persistence through the unpleasant, Cancer.

Cancer monthly horoscope

Leo glyph  weekly horoscope

Leo: July 23 – August 22

Your ruling celestial body, the Sun, directly opposes the full Moon under Aries toward the end of the week. As a fiery spirit with strong opinions about virtually everything, this opposition under justice-minded Libra and passionate Aries can easily swing into emotional or mental extremes. The key to this celestial standoff is finding a sustainable balance between your desire to be right and your desire to keep the peace.

After all, what’s the point of achieving the satisfaction of being the “winner” of your game if no one sticks around to play with you? There is a way to enjoy yourself without kicking everyone down along the way. Your emotions are valid, Leo, but not all your responses to them will be.

Leo monthly horoscope

Virgo glyph  weekly horoscope

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Next week, your ruling planet, Mercury, will lock into a tense square with Saturn under dreamy and intuitive Pisces. The actions you take this week will determine whether Saturn’s arrival in your celestial alignment is a helpful motivational boost or an overwhelming mountain of responsibility. Fortunately, you have some potent alignments in your corner. One of the most notable is a Mercury-Haumea conjunction. 

Haumea, a dwarf planet that governs our connection to our inner voice and instincts, will help guide Mercury’s curious and communicative energy in the right direction. The problems you’re facing now won’t disappear just because you swept them under the rug. This will only make them harder to identify and easier to trip over later on, Virgo.

Virgo monthly horoscope

Libra glyph  weekly horoscope

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Two powerful oppositions dominate your celestial forecast this week. The first is a standoff between the full Moon and Makemake under Aries and your sign, respectively. The second is an opposition between your ruling planet, Venus, and Uranus retrograde under Scorpio and Taurus. Makemake typically governs our relationship with the outside world, be it personal or natural. The Moon, of course, rules our emotions.

As Uranus retrograde adds a chaotic flair to Venus’ domain over love and finances, you might find that relationships or investments suddenly become less stable than they were last week. Feeling jostled or uncomfortable will be a normal part of this process, Libra. It isn’t your job to get rid of these emotions. It’s your job to experience and process them.

Libra monthly horoscope

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Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Venus ends its long trek through your celestial domain in a challenging opposition with Uranus retrograde. An appropriate finale to this lovestruck, money-minded planet’s path through your sign, a Venus-Uranus opposition opens the door for unexpected change-ups in romance or finances. Relationships might become cooler than they once were. Investments could fall flat.

An unfortunate reality of life is that even the most effortless of good things require some work to keep them around, Scorpio. It can be easy to assume that these feelings of prosperity and good fortune will stay of their own accord, but that simply isn’t true. Allow Mercury’s presence under your sign to show you how to keep up your momentum in the days ahead.

Scorpio monthly horoscope

Sagittarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

The harder you believe in something doesn’t necessarily make it more true, Sagittarius. Jupiter retrograde’s topsy-turvy effects over your ideas and values have only just begun. The quicker you start using a flexible perspective to navigate your emotional and professional endeavors, the easier this retrograde period will become. A humble appreciation for the potential to be wrong goes a long way.

Just after the waxing gibbous Moon flies through discipline-minded Saturn, it forms a tense square with your ruling planet under Pisces and Gemini, respectively. The stars warn against letting Pisces’ self-deprecating energy get the best of you. Wallowing won’t fix what’s already gone wrong. There is plenty of work left to do, and you won’t be able to do it from your comfort zone.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope

Capricorn glyph  weekly horoscope

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

As the ongoing square between Ceres and the Sun under Libra and your sign, respectively, begins to wane, this alignment makes way for a similar aspect between Ceres and Makemake. This is a natural progression from the former square. Whereas the Sun-Ceres clash shifted focus on how you treat and nurture yourself, Makemake swings your attention outward.

The things we say and do aren’t as self-contained as we might like to believe, Capricorn. What messages are you putting out into the world when you forsake your own needs for others? You must stand up and be your own advocate. No one else will do it for you, not even those who likely have the most loving intentions of doing so.

Capricorn monthly horoscope

Aquarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

The most notable celestial alignment in your forecast takes place toward the end of the week, when your ruling planet, Uranus retrograde, forms a positive sextile with a conjunction between the nearly full Moon and Neptune retrograde. Neptune and Uranus have fairly negative reputations among the planetary players, but they have a tremendously positive influence when you harness them correctly.

Uranus challenges the status quo. Neptune expands the mind and imagination. The nearly full Moon promotes emotional clarity and foresight. Mix these energies, and you get out-of-the-box thinking that could provide the solutions you seek. So what if it isn’t your usual approach, Aquarius? The worst that could happen is having to start over and try again.

Aquarius monthly horoscope

Pisces glyph weekly horoscope

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

An almost full Moon conjoins with your ruling planet, Neptune retrograde, the day before it reaches its peak lunar phase under nearby Aries. Allow this lunar influence to open your heart and mind to new ideas or beliefs presented by your ruling planet. Paired with a sextile with Uranus retrograde, all cosmic signs seem to point to an upcoming and long-overdue shakeup in your daily life.

Even small changes can make a big difference, Pisces. Try to resist the urge to fall into self-pitying rabbit holes. Changing your life completely overnight isn’t possible for most people. The stars urge you to zoom in your focus. Start small. These minor tweaks can make a dramatic impact overall.

Pisces monthly horoscope

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