Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Weekly Horoscope: November 10-November 16, Uranus Brings the Unknown to Our Doorsteps

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Expect some rocky shakeups of this as the full moon arrives on Nov. 15.

Nicknamed the Beaver Moon and doubling as a supermoon, we’ll start to feel rattled by its power several days before and after its rise as it’s filled with many twists, turns and intensity. This is because Uranus will thrust the unexpected into our lives.

Uranus is known as the planet of surprise and chaos, which explains why some people may experience blessing-filled events and others may receive bad news or sudden falls from grace. It always brings the unknown to our doorsteps.

Venus is our planet of pleasure and links to the nodes of destiny, which could bring up karmic situations around money, love or a fated connection to us around this time too. It will grace the icy slopes of Capricorn on Nov. 11, prompting focus on building relationships and legacies.

Saturn is our planet of karma, which will awaken from a long retrograde on Nov. 15. Energies are especially noticeable any time a major planet freezes or shifts direction, so an aspect in your life may proceed now if it’s been delayed in recent months.

Read on for what the cosmos have in store for your zodiac sign this week!

Aries (March 21 to April 19)


Pay attention to your finances this week, Aries. The scales are likely to tip one way or another.

For example, you could find out that a stream of income that you have been building for quite some time suddenly is being cut off — like a layoff, a client pulling out at the last minute or a check you had been ready to deposit bouncing with no way to contact the person who owes you.

On the other hand, you could strike it lucky and win big with a new contract instead or a larger payout than you had hoped for — but this would be in relation to steady income, as opposed to a lottery win. No matter what, watch your budget and save for a rainy day!

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)


This week into next could be one of the most pivotal periods of your entire year, Taurus. It will somewhat feel like you’re rolling the dice.

This could be a rather significant spotlight moment for you. Perhaps, you may experience a winning stroke of luck, the breakthrough you’ve been praying all year for or an opportunity to assert yourself and reach toward your next milestones.

However, it could also bring a reverse of fortune out of nowhere, especially if there has been nefarious action on someone’s part behind the scenes. A major relationship seems to be in focus at this time, whether that’s in love or business.

On a separate note, watch your health. You could feel exhausted or find that something surprising pops out now.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)


Your nerves seem to be especially high-strung now, Gemini.

While you can juggle a lot, it appears that something behind the scenes is going to come out and leave your jaw on the floor for better or for worse. If you were involved in shady business, it could come to light out of nowhere.

Your physical and mental energy could feel quite deflated, too, so meet with any doctors or specialists at this time if something seems off. On a positive end, you could find that you have an “ah-ha!” moment that brings you clarity moving forward.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)


The week ahead could swing from gorgeous to stormy in an instant, Cancer, so keep your wits about you.

There is an added focus on your heart’s desires clashing with your social life or pursuit of long-term goals. This can be in relation to dating, children, creativity, hobbies or your pursuit of pleasure.

Things could also swing towards joy, instead, especially if there’s a sudden opportunity to reach a milestone you’ve hoped for, connect with a wider network of friends or even meet a new love.

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)


Your jaw could be left on the floor this week, Leo. This could work in your favor or against it.

Your sense of recognition, career and legacy are a major focus now. You could win big and soar higher than you have all year, but it could also spell a fall from grace if the cards aren’t in your favor.

It also appears your home, family and domestic life are somehow involved. Perhaps the way you’ve been living isn’t making others happy or you’re forced to move for a job.

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)


The week ahead may be a bit easier for you Virgo, than the other zodiac signs.

While you tend to be set in your ways and follow the plan, you also possess an ability to multitask and problem-solve better than almost anyone. This will be put to the test this week and next as sudden opportunities or challenges are thrust upon you.

This may open doors for you to pursue vast new realms, or rather instead feel limited by restrictions being placed. You appear to be craving a change personally or professionally and the turning point could now be at hand — perhaps involving travel, a new pursuit or legalities.

Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)


Yet another week of topsy-turvy energy is here for you, Libra! It will spill into next week, too.

The best thing to do when the universe tests us is to roll with the punches and reflect on what it may be trying to teach. A key focus in the days ahead? How you give and receive in a core union, whether that be in business or love.

On a side note, be sure to watch your finances (especially around big money matters)!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)


This week and next could bring big changes to your most significant relationship, Scorpio. It could even happen out of left field.

On a positive note, you and a sweetheart may realize you’re ready to make long-term plans, get much closer or merge as one. However, if there’s been lava boiling beneath the surface, it could erupt now like a volcano.

You’ve had several years of important lessons around partnership and your personal life, and yet another turning point has come. Above all, focus on how you can work together or realize it’s time to walk your separate ways.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)


The week to come could be a bit like walking through a lightning storm with a metal rod, Sagittarius, so you may want to tread forward carefully.

Your intuition will likely be telling you that something is amiss and you won’t be sure where it’s coming from at first. It may affect your routines, employment, coworkers, pets and physical health this week and next.

Something could spiral off the tracks for better or for worse, so you may want to lie low and practice caution due to the unpredictable nature of this storm. Even if you are provoked by an outside source or sense something is off, breathe through it and do your best to be practical.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)


Explosive energy is coming your way this week and next, Capricorn. It could be pure bliss and euphoria or an outburst of anger.

The heavens are quaking at this time and several areas of your life could be affected, such as your love life, children or fertility, hobbies or sense of art and expression. It also appears that a friend or contact could have it out for you, unhappy with your actions or jealous of your happiness.

On a separate note, you could feel like you’ve been struck by lightning in a good way. Perhaps you’ll meet someone who captures your heart, find out you’re pregnant or receive cosmic inspiration for exciting projects.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)


The upcoming two weeks may make you more emotional than you’d like, Aquarius.

While you often like to take a more intellectual approach, assessing your strategies forward, you could find that the situations that pop up in the days ahead force you out of your comfort zone. They’ll likely center around your family or domestic life.

Somehow, though, your career seems to be influencing it. Perhaps, you’re feeling too pressured with work and can’t tend to family matters — or rather, family is taking away from your desire to build toward your next goals.

This energy could also bring a sudden shift to your domestic life. Maybe you’ll find out you have to move or something in your house breaks and you have to fix it.

Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)


You can go with the flow like no other zodiac sign, Pisces, no matter what the universe throws at you.

The energy is a bit chaotic as the planets are clashing — however, it could work in a positive way for you as it may impact the areas of travel, intellectual pursuits and friends. For instance, you could have an opportunity to take a quick trip or be offered a new work project.

On a separate note, you could find that you’re able to attend a lovely gathering with friends and neighbors. You may also find that someone nearby you is acting a fool and causing all sorts of ruckus.

No matter what, try to flow like the breeze!

Kyle Thomas — who’s known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE’s weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!

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