Monday, March 3, 2025

Weekly Horoscope: March 2-8

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This week ushers in one of two major planetary retrogrades we’ll experience this month. The first is Venus, which begins retrograde in Aries early in the week. During this time, romantic relationships might feel strained or on edge. Miscommunication and lovers’ quarrels are more likely. Because Venus also influences our financial well-being, the chances of reckless behavior with money also increase. Think: hasty investments and living outside your means.

Venus retrograde is a time when we must guard our hearts closely. Be wary of any temptation to make a knee-jerk decision or comment. We can always push a thought from our mind. We can’t take back what we put into the world. A coinciding square between the Sun and Jupiter locking into place over the weekend further indicates potential bumpy roads ahead.

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How will your sign fare this week, stargazer?

Aries: March 21 – April 19

Planetary retrogrades can get a bad reputation for their tendency to conjure conflict and challenges, but there is merit to facing obstacles like these, Aries. Pay close attention to the dynamics in your romantic and financial relationships this week. As Venus goes retrograde early in the week, the initial transition will likely knock a few weak links loose. 

By the end of the week, your ruling planet, Mars, forms an auspicious trine with the ego-driven Sun. This celestial sequence points to positive action and assertion of your beliefs and convictions. Perhaps the trouble areas revealed to you during Venus’ initial retrograde shift deserve a second look. The potential for false alarms is there, obviously. Or, it could be worth listening to.

Aries monthly horoscope

Taurus glyphs  weekly horoscope

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

As one of two planets governed by Venus, you are likely to feel the effects of its shift into retrograde more than others. Prepare for matters of the heart or wallet to feel a bit unstable or uncertain. Things will level out eventually. But if you panic and rock the boat too hard, you could manifest the trouble you fear more quickly than you realize. Stay the course, stargazer. The world can go wobbly all it wants. You stay steady. 

Tensions are likely to peak around the weekend when the waxing gibbous Moon forms a square with Venus retrograde in Cancer and Aries. Holding your boat steady might mean refusing to let someone else use you as a life raft, Taurus.

Taurus monthly horoscope

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Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Your ruling planet begins the week in conjunction with Neptune just before it transitions into fiery Aries. This cosmic alignment lends itself to greater productivity and pursuit of your dreams and passions. Take some time to reflect on what, exactly, you want. Dare yourself to entertain the loftiest goals without committing yourself to narrowing down the logistics. 

The combination of dreamy Neptune and intellectual Mercury makes it easier to see a path from point A to point B. By the time Mercury crosses into Aries, motivation and confidence increases. Even under the cloudy haze of Venus retrograde, the stars seem to be pointing toward prosperity and good fortune. Make sure you’re not getting in the way of those rewards, Gemini.

Gemini monthly horoscope

Cancer glyph  weekly horoscope

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

As someone already prone to sudden mood fluctuations and hyper-sensitivity to your surroundings, planetary retrogrades can feel especially difficult. Venus’ transition early in the week will likely cause a few shake-ups, particularly in romantic relationships or financial situations. The waxing crescent Moon conjoins with chaotic Uranus midweek, signaling unpredictable shifts. 

Since you can’t prepare for the specifics, try to focus your energy on remaining flexible. Emotional or mental rigidity won’t help the tensions brought on by the first-quarter Moon’s square with Saturn toward the weekend. Nor will it make the same alignment between the waxing gibbous Moon and Venus retrograde any easier. Try your best to go with the flow this week, Cancer. Don’t waste your energy on problems that aren’t yours.

Cancer monthly horoscope

Leo glyph  weekly horoscope

Leo: July 23 – August 22

Your ruling celestial body transitions from a square with Jupiter to a far more auspicious trine with Mars from early in the week to the weekend. You might notice projects stalling or a string of bad luck during the former alignment. Fortunately, the latter promises far more positive results, reaffirming your beliefs and increasing motivation to act on your convictions. 

This sequence coincides with Venus’ transition to retrograde early in the week. Be prepared for matters of the heart or wallet to get dicey. The biggest challenge you’ll likely face is not taking everything so personally, Leo. As tempting as it might be to internalize external struggles, this doesn’t serve anyone, certainly not you. Roll with the punches this week.

Leo monthly horoscope

Virgo glyph  weekly horoscope

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Mercury begins the week in a revealing conjunction with Neptune on the cusp of Pisces and Aries. Your ruling planet’s communicative, intellectual energy lends itself well to navigating the rose-colored fog Neptune tends to drape over our daily lives. There are plenty of times where your skepticism might be doing more harm than good, but based on subsequent alignments, this doesn’t appear to be one of those times, Virgo.

A square between the waxing gibbous Moon and Mercury locks into place by the weekend, suggesting the need to release certain ideas, attitudes, or even relationships that are weighing you down. Neptune’s romanticized perspective is nice in small doses. But eventually, this avoidance of reality will only set yourself up for disappointment.

Virgo monthly horoscope

Libra glyph  weekly horoscope

Libra: September 23 – October 22

As one of two planets governed by Venus, you are likely to feel its retrograde shift more strongly than others. This celestial period increases the likelihood of miscommunication or misunderstandings in romantic relationships. Keep in mind that this is a two-way street, Libra. As much as the other side is responsible for being honest and open, you are, too.

Because Venus governs our financial well-being, reckless behavior with money is also more likely during this time. Venus retrograde is a time when guarding your resources closely is critical. Your willingness to help others is admirable. But you mustn’t let others drown you just because they need a life raft. Don’t forget to save some of these finite resources for yourself.

Libra monthly horoscope

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Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

The challenging square between your ruling planet, Pluto, and Haumea retrograde continues this week. Under the influence of Venus retrograde, which begins its transition early in the week, this alignment between Pluto and Haumea can become even more arduous. Both your ruling planet and the dwarf planet flying through your celestial domain hold significant transformative power. Holding space for this energy is no small feat. 

Be wary of relying too closely on material or romantic happiness to provide your fulfillment, Scorpio. There are times and places to enjoy this kind of prosperity. But when you begin to equate either with your intrinsic purpose in life, things can get a bit tumultuous. Root your identity to deeper parts of yourself.

Scorpio monthly horoscope

Sagittarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

A series of potent cosmic alignments shifting into place after Venus goes retrograde early in the week suggests our planetary neighbor’s regressive period might affect you more strongly than you anticipated. To be fair, cosmic energy will already be a bit tense as your ruling planet, Jupiter, maintains its challenging square with the ego-driven Sun during Venus’ directional shift. 

Shortly thereafter, Jupiter forms a brief but potent conjunction with the first-quarter Moon in Gemini. This particular lunar phase promotes managerial thinking. Objectively speaking, what’s working in your life? More importantly, what isn’t? Use your emotions as guideposts, but be wary of falling prey to the snares of nostalgia. The passing of time can create joy where there was once strife, Sagittarius.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope

Capricorn glyph  weekly horoscope

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Venus retrograde promises plenty of emotional and financial shake-ups this week. But fortunately, the stars seem to be offering a much-needed boost of celestial good fortune via a favorable sextile between your ruling planet, Saturn, and Uranus. The former planet’s disciplinarian attitude helps stabilize Uranus’ propensity for chaos and unpredictability.

Keep a close eye on your heart, and pay the same attention to your finances and other material resources. The cosmos’ alignment holds the potential to seriously shake up these aspects of your life this week. Remember that the instability is far more temporary than our anxieties will have us believe. Before you know it, this obstacle looming over you will be in your rearview mirror. Have faith in yourself, Capricorn.

Capricorn monthly horoscope

Aquarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Just after Venus goes retrograde in Aries, your ruling planet, Uranus, conjoins with the waxing crescent Moon. This celestial combination offers a valuable clue as to how our planetary neighbor’s shift into retrograde will affect you, emotionally speaking. The waxing crescent phase encourages planning and preparing. This is the seed planting stage of the lunar cycle. 

Use any mishaps that might arise from Venus retrograde as guideposts. This period increases the likelihood of miscommunication in romantic relationships and reckless spending. Pay close attention to defiant or irresponsible urges. What are these temptations trying to tell you about your innermost needs left unmet? While it might not always feel like, there is plenty to learn from these setbacks, Aquarius.

Aquarius monthly horoscope

Pisces glyph weekly horoscope

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Your ruling planet, Neptune, begins the week in conjunction with Mercury. This cosmic combination will make it easier to distinguish between fantasy and reality. As admirable as your romanticism can be in certain contexts, the stars suggest that there is a better balance to find between your daydreams and what’s actually going on in front of you. 

Your ability to make this distinction will have a direct effect on how Venus retrograde manifests in your daily life. After our planetary neighbor shifts backward early in the week, matters of the heart or wallet can get hazy and hard to pin down. Reaffirming your beliefs and goals early in the week will help stabilize what’s liable to be shaky ground, Pisces.

Pisces monthly horoscope

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