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Even though this weekly horoscope comes with an outside temperature that’s rising to all-time highs, the last week of Cancer season is surprisingly chill. Yes, we’ll be in our feelings, but will try to vocalize them on July 20, when the planet Mars enters Gemini. Words are powerful and can hurt, so express them with care.
Jennifer Dahbura
June 21 – July 22
Although you’re typically “mother” in your squad, you are tired of having to check your besties when they’re acting poorly, be the voice of reason, and remind them how to behave in group situations. Rather than monitor their behavior, use this energy on yourself. Give yourself the unconditional love that you grant your friends. Doing so will bring the heartfelt glow-up you’ve been wanting and waiting for all summer. Yes, you can still extend your advice and kindness to your crew, but you’ll be the focus of TLC. You deserve this, so make sure you applaud your fabulousness and greatness.
Jennifer Dahbura
July 23 – August 22
After competing to win in a triangular situationship, you are beginning to see that you can’t come in first place this time and it’s making you angry. Words of advice: You are an amazing person who should never play second fiddle to anyone. If you are in a relationship where you’re not being shown the respect or appreciation you deserve — accept the red flags and run. In the end, you will be the most triumphant because you did what was best for you. Self-respect and the power to walk away when you’re not being treated correctly is all that matters.
Jennifer Dahbura
August 23 – September 22
The romantic spell you’ve been under is breaking, allowing you to see clearly for the first time in a while. It may be hard to find your footing at first, since you are still desiring your boo. Remember, you don’t have to cut them out of your life, you can still continue to be in a relationship with them as long as you take ownership and accountability for your role in situations. Nothing is necessarily ending, but everything is clear because the fog’s lifting and the confusion you’ve been feeling is fading, allowing you to reach a state of enlightenment.
Jennifer Dahbura
September 23 – October 22
You may be more psychically sensitive in the days ahead, which could make you paranoid or be on edge. Your rational mind is undergoing a challenging period since it’s questioning matters on a deep level. Listen to what your dreams and subconscious are pointing out. If possible, take note of them in a journal. Dejavu could occur, urging you to be aware of your gut feelings. Don’t ignore the messages the universe is showing and telling you. It’s pointing things out for a reason, so pay attention. Embrace the unknown. Remember, your intuition will never steer you wrong in life.
Person with a long braid looking intense.Jennifer Dahbura
October 23 – November 21