Sunday, October 13, 2024

Weekly horoscope from October 13 to October 19: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

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Here’s what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

People will begin to notice the new energy within you and begin to look up to you for advice or support. Now is the time for making all kinds of decision especially financially decisions. Your mind is sharp and your business skills are sharper. Property matters bring good news. On the personal front, singles may look forward to a period where they come closer to finding the right partner. Relationships thrive in this phase, and you enjoy the blessings bestowed upon you by your elders. Watch out for paperwork, you may have ignored some important documentation, or worse, misplaced something. Keep your papers in check and make sure everything is in place. An important chapter in your life has ended, and now you are ready for Version 2.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

Great things are ahead of you and if you’re clear about what exactly you want, you are going to get it. A month for writing, negotiating, and being crystal clear in your communications, the weeks ahead will see you planning, dreaming, and envisioning a future that only you can make happen. Don’t rely on anyone in this period. You will meet smooth talkers and those will promise, but not deliver. Important changes may take place in your life, and you could soon be seeing yourself changing careers, getting married or divorced, relocating and leaving the past behind. Health matters show steady progress. Something is working, just remain positive.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

Happy days are here again. If you’ve been struggling of late, this phase brings clarity, answers and direction. Work matters begin to look up. And Geminis in creative fields could find their popularity soaring. You may find yourself more interested in environmental affairs, or could start volunteering for something you believe in. Don’t hold back when it comes to social connections. Reach out to more people, and tell them what you think and how you feel. This phase brings you back into the limelight and the last thing you want to be right now is shy. Money matters perk up after a bit of a lull and you may plan some renovation in the domestic front.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

When you let go of micromanaging everything and expect things to go according to plan good things happen. The cards indicate stubbornness and obsessiveness in you, which could lead to problems. Relax, let go and learn to trust your instincts and other people. Your determination to succeed could bring you accolades. And on the personal front, a reunion or reconciliation with a loved one is on the horizon. Remember to listen to everyone’s point of view, even if it’s contrary to yours. Surrender your ego. Money matters show an increase in the coming months. Health matters require you to be a little less stressed.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Time to be a little cautious. Be extra vigilant with your ideas, your possessions and your documents. Dishonesty surrounds you and someone may try to deceive you in the subtlest manner possible. Before you trust someone blindly, pause and reflect on your gut feel. If something doesn’t feel right, it isn’t. A loved one may test your trust and you may feel let down by someone who promised much more than they delivered. Be realistic in your dealings and expectations with people and you won’t be brokenhearted. Job seekers may find themselves having to deal with temporary delays before they get an answer. Health matters look good.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Calm is a superpower. And your composure and ability to keep your emotions in check could help you get through an emotionally charged moment with ease. When it comes to work and dealing with difficult customers and co-workers, rely on your experience, learn from your past mistakes and make sure you don’t shoot off your mouth. You can achieve anything by clearly defining what you want in the weeks ahead. Your confidence will draw beneficial people and alliances your way. People will be drawn to you and will cooperate with your wishes. A great time both professionally and personally, you can revel in the attention and appreciation you receive. You deserve it. Financially, you enter a period of slow and steady growth. A recurring ailment may need attention.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

You may feel that you have little or no say in important matters. People may try to dominate or coerce you into doing things you don’t want to, but you may have no choice but to quietly do what is expected. Not a phase to ruffle feathers, the cards speak of karmic obligations and doing our duties. Sometimes it is better to be quiet than to hurt another with the truth. You may reach a turning point in a relationship and wonder whether it is time to move on. Remember if things can no longer be sorted, it would be wise to walk away with your head held high. A good week to seriously think about getting fit again. Money that was owed to you will be returned.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

If something or someone has been tiring you unnecessarily, the cards urge you to take a break for a while. You may have been working too hard. Or fretting about something which is beyond your control. Either way you look at it, nothing is going to happen right away so put the matter on the back burner and focus on other things. Expect delays and minor disappointments in work matters. A company you’ve been interviewed for may take its time in getting back to you. A business lead may let you down. Stay aloof from family gossip and focus on your own personal development for now. Long-term investments may need to be relooked.

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Get in touch with your emotional side. You may tend to get so caught up with intellectualising everything that you forget the power and the importance of the heart. Speak your heart out. Tell someone how you feel. Allow yourself to listen to your feelings. A wonderful month for personal relationships, you may begin a romantic new association or renew an old tie. Get out and start meeting people. Professionally a time for ideation and putting your thoughts onto paper. Don’t promise more than you can deliver. Health matters may be slow, but there’s recovery along the way. An old acquaintance reveals his or her true colours with remarks and behaviour.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Your willingness to take on responsibilities and care for others comes to the forefront in this phase. People appreciate your concern and respect your efforts. A warm loving time is ahead of you with family and friends. A project you’ve dreamed of begins to take shape. A good period begins for travelling and going to places you’ve never been. Meditation and introspection will allow you to centre yourself and receive insights into yourself. Take time out and do something for a cause you believe in. Acts of charity will shower blessings your way. The more you do for others, the more you will receive.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

If things have been stagnant or slow till now, expect a complete turnaround very soon. Things happen rapidly and success is assured. Follow up on your promises, complete unfinished projects and tie up all loose ends. A wonderful time for some stimulating intellectual exchanges, expect to connect with some brilliant minds and if you’re the kind who finds intelligence sexy, you may just find yourself falling for a bright-minded soul. Positive, exciting and soon to be very busy, just make sure you keep a check on your eating habits. Jobseekers and business owners will be able to negotiate a good deal.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

The card of gratitude comes to remind you that for whatever we have we need to be thankful to the higher force. Say your thanks and sit back as the Universe blesses you for all that you have done. If you’ve been at loggerheads with someone or something, realise the futility of effort. If it had to be resolved, it would already have happened by now. The very fact that you’re resisting reveals it’s time to lay down your weapons and walk away. And remember that for every defeat, another victory of another sort is around the corner. You’ve become a lot more careful with money and health and your efforts are beginning to pay off.

Published On:

Oct 13, 2024

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