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Weekly horoscope from July 14 to July 20: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

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Here’s what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

The tension begins to lessen. You overcame a challenging situation. A disagreement can be resolved. Cooperation with others begins again. You’re enroute to peace and understanding especially in your relationships, professionally and personally. You do not have to prove yourself to anyone anymore. Keep an open mind while connecting with loved ones. They may have something valuable to teach you. In financial matters, evaluate things carefully before rushing to spend or invest. Health matters look good.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

Someone’s not being honest with you. Or you could find yourself dealing with a number of delays and excuses. Stop being the nice guy and be a little more assertive if you want things on time, or a particular way. A budding friendship begins to get a little frustrating when you realise just how different you are. A good time to just disconnect for a while and focus on self care and setting down some long term plans for yourself. Identify the obstacles and make a plan to slowly push through them. A new fitness regime may require greater self discipline.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

You’re in your element and have the potential to reach greater heights. Don’t let anyone stop you from living your dreams. And don’t listen to your critics. The more you believe you can, you will. Your quick thinking abilities allows you to get straight to the point. And you may even choose to give someone a piece of your mind. Relationships tend to be more cerebral. And if single you may find yourself attracted to someone’s intelligence and wit. Boundaries may need to be set with a friend who may only connect with you when they have a favour to ask. Progress is indicated in health matters. And money matters get better.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Prioritise long term stability and security over anything risky right now. Proceed with caution. And do your research before you sign the dotted line. A deal may seem too good to be true and it would be wise to stick to the tried and tested. On the personal front, you may start thinking about getting more involved in a community project. Or lend your time and talents to a cause you believe in. Spiritual seekers make progress on their path. Singles may receive a proposal for arranged marriage. Financially a period of gains and growth begins to make you feel more secure. Health matters look good as long as you remain mindful.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

You’re no longer who you used to be a year ago. So much has happened. And you’ve evolved into becoming the best version of yourself. Along with this transformation will come an awareness to start making some major changes in your life. A job change may be possible. Or even new responsibilities and power. In matters of the heart, nothing matters more to you right now than total honesty with those you love. Legal matters and negotiations that may have been stuck have the potential to be resolved in the days ahead. One tip, don’t rush to unnecessary conclusions, and avoid judging someone without knowing the full story. Money matters show steady growth. An old recurring health problem may need attention.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

You’re tired. And as a result may be snappy and impatient both at work and at home. Step back a little and realise your mind and body may be just needing some down time. Things have a way of sorting themselves out when we step back a little and stop trying to micromanage everything. Restore your energy levels before making any important decision especially in your personal life. Marriages and partnerships may go through a phase of temporary stress as you realise you are no longer willing to tolerate certain behaviours. Temporary delays in paperwork may cause stress. Meditation and any therapy which helps you relax will be extremely beneficial. Health matters look okay as long as you can quieten your racing thoughts.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Even if life has been up and down of late, remember you have it in you to be flexible and adapt to any situation. You may find yourself multi-tasking more. Or juggling furiously between home and work responsibilities. And you will manage perfectly. Try to evaluate where you are putting your energy and cut back on what is not necessary in order to maintain balance and peace. Another source of income may open up. Freelancers may get several opportunities to grow and you may even refuse an offer or two because you simply don’t have the time. One tip, if you want to make a relationship work, you may need to put it higher on your priority list. Relocation or shifting house may be on the cards. Health matters look very manageable.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Remain hopeful. Positive changes come slowly but surely. If you’re wondering if you are on the right path, you are. In any interaction, listen more to your inner voice and not what everyone else is telling you to do. An old colleague may reach out for a favour or bring some interesting news or gossip. On the home front, you’re content doing your own thing, surrounded by the comfort of routine and family. Young children may need your patient guidance. Scorpions in creative fields can look forward to a lot of interesting ideas and discoveries. Money matters require you to be a little more relaxed and less worried about the future all the time.

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

When it comes to determination and going after what you want, nobody can match you. Your razor sharp mind and focus helps you solve disputes, make an impact and advance professionally. Just be mindful not to step on too many toes in your quest to reach the top. Relationships especially friendships may be a little tense as someone resists your attempts to tell them what to do. Or you find someone distancing from you for a while. Step back and see what you need to change. Money luck improves. Watch out for a minor ailment that can heal with a little rest and remedy.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Good karma and the joy of giving. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Mentor a junior colleague. Give praise and credit. And watch the positive vibrations rise. A wonderful phase begins to share, nurture and uplift others and in the process you evolve. Working for a charitable cause brings a deeper meaning in your life. Friendships overseas begins to blossom. You may find yourself connecting with new people from all over the world. Or meet up with an old friend who lives abroad. Money matters are directly connected with giving, the more you give, the more you will receive.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

You’re able to handle any situation with tact and grace. Negotiations proceed with ease with your charm. And you may be able to win over the heart of an opponent with your persuasive abilities. A proposal or invite may lift the spirits. And if you were wondering if that special someone likes you as well, they do. Couples may get more romantic. If you’ve been waiting for a job offer, or some news regarding money, expect a pleasant surprise or two. You may think about signing up for new classes or returning to an old hobby. This time, make sure you don’t give up half way or get bored in between. In money matters, be cautious not to think with your heart, but to use logic instead.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Time to learn from your seniors. A man in authority could bring you under his wing. Or mentor you. You leave a positive impression on the professional front. And a promotion may be due in the weeks ahead. Job seekers could find a job with the help of a powerful contact. In matters of the heart, work out any difference you may have had with your father. You are in charge of your own life now, set some rules and boundaries. The more you learn about finance and the markets, the more confident you become. Money matters show a steady increase. Watch your diet if you like junk food.

Published On:

Jul 14, 2024

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