Saturday, March 1, 2025

Weekly horoscope from January 26 to February 1: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

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Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Lady Luck smiles on you. And you could slowly find that things that were blocked begin to move in your favour. Expect a few lucky breaks or even escapes in this period. And you may even discover a passion project as well. Motivation comes back and so does your self-confidence. Home matters proceed happily. Women and children come into focus and you may spend a lot of time planning around a celebration or an event for a young person. Creative Ariens could make a breakthrough, or work on an idea that sells. Health matters look good, women are advised to go for their annual check-ups. Money matters bring promise.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

A spirit of enthusiasm and adventure returns. You’re eager to try out new things, learn new skills and go outdoors even more. Professional networking allows you to meet some fine minds to learn from. And if there’s a conference or public appearance, you can be sure it will be quite an experience. In the home front someone may deny the truth of a situation or refuse to take responsibility for a mistake. Let go for now, you cannot change anyone but yourself. Healthwise, your energy levels are high and you may feel like completing quite a few personal chores and tasks at this moment. Money matters may be slow, but it doesn’t mean they are not happening. Remain optimistic.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

Nothing is worth stressing over to this degree. Practice a little self-care. And put your own emotional wellbeing first. At work, you seem to be the one people turn to for advice and care. Just make sure you don’t burn out in the process. Young team members could do a workshop or skill enhancement, and you may choose to take the role of guide or teacher. Geminis in education will find opportunities to advance themselves. In matters of the heart, expect a loving reunion or a deep emotional moment with a special someone. Your gut feeling about someone is true. You may spend money on charity, donations or contributing towards a friend in need. A little more patience is required when it comes to health and healing.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

If there’s anything that is important to you its professional integrity. Your strong work ethic and professional outlook earns you respect and if self-employed, repeat customers. Negotiations proceed smoothly as both parties work towards a win-win approach. An important decision needs to be made soon, and you’ll be glad you took it in the long run. Relationships could reach points of tension when you realise someone is not as honest as they appear. Or you discover a white lie. Don’t feel bad about it too long, clear up the issue with a heart-to-heart chat. A logical and long term approach helps with financial matters. Health matters look stable.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Cherish your blessings. Don’t take those who support you for granted. And don’t assume things will continue the way they are. Strengthen relationships with key people at work. And remember even if no one is watching, do your best. Deep down you may start to feel a sense of stagnancy in your life, address the feeling and make whatever changes you need to feel better. A friendship no longer stimulates you, or you may find yourself drifting towards new groups and people. Explore all you like, dear Leo. You are bound to be charming regardless of who you are with. Watch out for overindulgence and impulse shopping.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

This will also pass. Remind yourself how capable you are and do whatever needs to be done. Don’t make work your refuge to avoid dealing with some unpleasant feelings regarding relationships. Address what is truly going on deep inside and then make progress. A senior colleague may reach out to you for some valuable inputs and advice. Stay this way and you could go higher up the ranks. In the home front a parental figure may be a cause for concern. Honest, patient communication should help smooth out differences. Be patient with loved ones. Health matters requires extra care to be taken, especially when it comes to managing stress. Money matters reveal a growing sense of security.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

You may take a long hard look at your life and your habits and decide to make some necessary changes. It could be a bad habit, or an overflowing inbox that needs clearing, or even a connection that is turning toxic. Simplify, declutter and work towards finding inner peace. A confrontation in your personal life with a dominating soul may teach you a valuable life lesson. You may need to set a few boundaries with people as well especially if you’re active on social media. Health matters show recovery but a follow-up visit may be necessary as a preventative in the days to come. Businesses and financial matters slowly pick up pace and there’s relief ahead financially.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Good vibes. And you’ve earnt the rewards from the Universe. Make a conscious effort to focus on the positive side of life, you attract more good things your way. Pleasant surprises may be in store for you as you find yourself smiling a little more, and worrying a little less. A chance encounter could lead to a special love affair. An introductory business meeting lands you a contract. Or money that was owed to you is suddenly returned. A good week to pay good energy forward, random acts of kindness bring good karma. Acts of charity and voluntary service bring blessings. Health matters bring relief.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Better time management and self-discipline required. Push yourself to get things done and things should work out fine. No slacking. Pending tasks and chores may pile up on your desk but you should be able to handle things promptly and efficiently. Just watch your tone with others especially if you’ve a tendency to be a little impatient. Others may not be so forgiving this time. Or a bad review from an unhappy customer may prove costly. On the social front look forward to action and activity. People you met ages ago, may remember you for an interesting proposal. Friends and family may act aloof, and if you’re missing them, then make amends. Your health may need attention -timely treatment will help.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Things work out better than you imagined. A pleasant surprise or turn of events makes you realise that worrying is simply a waste of energy. Time to start believing more in your abilities and eliminate all self-doubt. Praise comes your way from unexpected places. Students and jobseekers pass with flying colours. A special person could express their feelings for you. Not a week to feel shy or hide away from public appearances. The world could do with more of people like you. Get out and show them what you’re made of. Just watch out for overindulgence, especially in food or drink. And make sure you’ve got all your accounts balanced.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

You discover a new passion or hobby and your earlier enthusiasm returns. Suddenly you feel excited to learn something new, to try out a new strategy. And people begin to sense your renewed energy and enthusiasm. Just make sure to stick through the process. Once you understand something, you may lose interest and just move on to the next big thing. Students and jobseekers begin to understand what is expected of them and shift gears on the way. A good week to socialise and catch up with friends you haven’t met in a while. Older men in the family may act unreasonably. Money matters require a need to watch out for impulse purchases.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Now is the time to keep going and keep doing it. Consistency and constant action are your keywords. If you’ve made a plan, stick to it till the end. If you’ve made a promise, don’t break it. Though you may not see results instantly, the Universe assures you that your labour will be rewarded. Businesses show the signs of recovery and if your energies were low lately, expect things to perk up a bit. A new source of income may come through networking or an old contact. In matters of the heart, make the effort to stay in touch with those special souls in your life. Friendships that begin in this phase have the potential to be long-term connections.

Published By:

Ayush Bisht

Published On:

Jan 26, 2025

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