Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Weekly horoscope from February 2 to February 8: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

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Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

New beginnings. The energies begin to feel fresher and so invigorating. You can do a lot in this phase so roll up your sleeves and get cracking. This phase favours partnerships, start-ups, brand launches and even going solo. You may finalise your plans for a new business. Or connect with investors or people who possibly fund your dreams. Even in matters of the heart, you feel energetic and cheerful and may spend time reconnecting with friends or even hosting a party for loved ones. Health matters look good. And one of your financial worries eases a little with some good news.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

Be open-minded about the changes that are taking place around you. Figure out what truly excites you and channelise your passion in this direction. Long-term success is indicated for those who do not quit when the going gets tough. Trust your abilities when it comes to managing a sudden crisis at work. Domestic matters require you to be less impulsive and a little more methodical. You may see someone’s true motivations and be wary. Or you may decide to just play along with someone’s game for now. Do what works for you. An ongoing relationship may need more quality time if you want to make things work. A good phase begins to actively managing your finances and taking the necessary steps for future prosperity.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

It’s hard to choose when both options appear equally tempting. A crossroad appears, and only you know what’s best for you. Jobseekers can look forward to some interesting opportunities and offers in the days ahead. Don’t procrastinate. If there’s a decision to be made do it as soon as you can and move on. Property related matters may require you to be a little more careful with documents. And if you were planning to buy or sell in this phase, matters may start moving pretty quickly. A friend may confide about their struggles or ask for some help. Healthwise, you may think about incorporating a new routine or trying out new therapy. Money matters look satisfactory.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You’re in a good time and a good space to work towards achieving your goals. There could even be a celebration or victory ahead. Cancerians in the field of Marketing, Strategy, IT and Analytics discover new ways to progress and leave a mark. Keep an eye on the time and make sure deadlines are met. Even in personal relationships, people will pick up on your cheerful mood. You may interact with a lot more people, or even attend a social event. Singles can find romance in this period. Watch out for bouts of bingeing. Money matters show a need for self control, especially when it comes to splurging.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

It’s all about the community. It could be the team, the neighbourhood, the relatives. You will want to reach out to as many as you can. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to give back, donate and help others. Not only will you be blessed by the Universe, you will earn the respect of many for making this world a better place. Missing objects can be found. Or you could discover some hidden money stashed away. Windfall gains may happen financially. Health matters show slow and steady progress. The more you give back, the more you will receive.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Get out there and show them what you’re made of. No need to minimise your achievements and play shy. The spotlight is yours to grab. Ask for the promotion you deserve. Speak to a larger audience. Step out of your comfort zone. And start networking. In matters of the heart, it may be wise to tell your loved ones what is really going on, instead of telling everyone you’re fine. Ask for advice or help and you will get it. An old friend could come up with an innovative solution to a long-standing problem. You may want to solidify your future security and even consult with a financial guru to help your savings grow.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Bring in a little work/life balance. If you’ve been working too hard, it could be time to take a short break and just chill. If you’ve been partying too much, you may need to bring some moderation in your routine especially with the late hours. At work, you may have to contend with the whims of a fickle person who keeps changing everything at the last minute. Pay attention to your instincts when it comes to the mental health and wellbeing of a loved one. They may not be telling you something is wrong or asking for help, but you can surely do something for them. Unexpected bills and expenses may take you by surprise. A makeover may be in store for you personally.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

You have no choice but to go with the flow. Trying to control too much, and trying to fix things that do not want to be fixed is only frustrating and tiring, you. Find your space of peace and give space to others. You may not feel like socialising much in this period. Or you may have to contend with the feeling that you’ve been used by someone who no longer connects with you because they no longer need you. Let them go. Recalibrate your energies and socialise only when you’re truly ready for it. A nagging health concern cannot be ignored. When you know what you’re dealing with, you know you can do something about it. Money matters remain stable, and you may look at buying a new car or a phone in the coming weeks.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

You’ve had enough of the negativity. Detox if you must. And delete all the connections and the memories that only stress you out. It’s time to guard your privacy a little more, and not give access to so many people. At work, you may realise someone doesn’t have your best interests in mind, and you may choose to adopt a new strategy with them. Family matters could get tense with an immature sibling. Keep yourself from speaking out impulsively, hold your opinions until the time is right. Money gains are indicated. And if you were planning to go for a health retreat or spa, this is the week to do it.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Improve your listening skills. Be a lot more present to the people who reach out to you. Your busy mind may be missing out some important facts someone discloses to you. Double check all documents as a mistake may prove costly later. Meetings conclude well with a collaborative approach. A heart-to-heart conversation with a partner or loved one may reveal feelings you didn’t even know existed. A young person may need your compassion and not your lectures. Health matters take a surprising turn for the better. Don’t take it for granted. Some of the money that was owed to you will be returned.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Focus on being productive rather than busy. A little time management now will go a long way as the days become more hectic soon. You may choose to be selective about the people you interact with. People who are good for you. No more drama and negativity for now. Even while interacting with family, concentrate on finding solutions instead of repeating the problem again and again. Reaching out to a friend you haven’t heard from in a long time brings in some much-needed joy and laughter. Money matters require a little more concentration on paperwork and balancing accounts.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

If you want to live your dream, then there are no shortcuts. Roll up your sleeves and get a lot done. You may have to cheer yourself on especially if you’ve been feeling ignored at the workplace. Jobseekers succeed with a self-confident approach. In matters of the heart, you may be learning to accept the imperfections in one another. Some things can be tolerated, and you may even start thinking about settling down with someone. Home repairs and renovations may be needed urgently. Watch out for sudden aches and sprains, slow down and stretch.

Published By:

Ayush Bisht

Published On:

Feb 2, 2025

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