Monday, March 10, 2025

Weekly horoscope from December 29 to January 4: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them

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Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Support is available. But you may need to ask for it. Reach out and understand that everything is temporary. Moments of gloominess will be replaced with motivation and vitality. Your heart may not be at work, or you may begin to feel if there is something better. Listen to your feelings but don’t do anything hasty. Someone in the family may need you to be a lot more empathic towards their needs. Money matters aren’t as bad as you fear. Hope comes by way of interesting news or a message. Health matters show a need to be a little more careful with your diet and nutrition.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20)

Take things very slowly in this phase. People will test you repeatedly and when you realise some of them are never going to change, you shift to a better mindset. A major project concludes. Or you could find yourself thinking of whether you want to renew your contract. Family dynamics can go through a major shift or transitionary period now. You may discover the true motivations of some people. Or uncover a family secret which explains why things are the way they are. An old flame may try to rekindle things but are you really interested? You may feel like spending money on experiences and upskilling yourself rather than material things. Decluttering your old things brings a different kind of liberation.

Gemini (May21- June 20)

If there’s anything you’re gifted at, it’s communications. And the days ahead will see you busier than ever, talking, listening, writing, reading and creating meaningful content and presentations. Now’s the time to ask for what you want and if you manage to persuade your audience, you could even get it. Even in matters of the heart, you may not feel like being at home all the time. Expect a lot of socialising and meeting new faces in this period. A sparkling stranger may catch your fantasy. Or you could connect with a like minded soul. Enjoy this time dear Gemini. Money matters seem to take a back seat for now as you are intent on just having a good time. Health matters show a breakthrough, a new diagnosis or acceptance of the situation.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Trust the process. Over analysis leads to paralysis. Your anxiety may stop you from taking certain risks or making key decisions. If you focus your energy on what’s right in front of you rather than worrying about all the things that can go wrong, you can look forward to success and some form of recognition as well. Self-employed Cancerians may begin to invest more in their business. Singles can look forward to a serious romance, provided you don’t overthink things. Listen to your heart a little more. Women in the family need to be a little careful with money and valuables. A new health regime will bring in the results you seek. Start today and stop procrastinating.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

People may appear to be more critical or perhaps you find you have to deal with way too many obstacles along the way. Try not to react or get emotional about things. Take business as usual approach and stay focussed on the tasks at hand. On the personal front unexpected news may need a decision to be made immediately. Take the advice of an elder if concerned. And make sure you get so me down time for yourself especially if you’ve been feeling drained by their demands of late. When it comes to your finances, there could be some lucrative opportunities coming your way in the weeks ahead. Just make sure you read the fine print in any forms or contracts you sign. Health matters bring pleasant news your way.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

There’s a new energy coming in. Confidence returns and so do your energy levels. You won’t have obstacles standing in your path. And you won’t take No for an answer either. Sales, marketing and promotions bring success with your new-found determination. You have the power to accomplish all that you set out to do and use your words to persuade people to believe in what you’re saying or selling. Soulful connections may be made with people. Walls that had built up between you and others can come down as you allow yourself to be vulnerable with loved ones. Singles may even decide to marry in this phase. Expect great changes in the weeks ahead.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Life is anything but predictable. You’re in the mood to take a few risks. Dare to be different. And listen to what your own gut feels is telling you. There is an unpredictable quality in the energies coming up. Perhaps you are a little moody, impulsive, or perhaps you decide to call it quits and head in a totally new direction. You may feel like giving someone a piece of your mind. Or call out someone who is lying. Even in relationships, you may feel like detoxing yourself from a relationship that’s beginning to feel heavy. A younger woman may need you to be a little more understanding, and if you aren’t ready yet, ask for time. Money matters reveal a need to be a lot more vigilant about your expenses and double check any bills for errors.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

You’re slowly stepping into a new version of yourself. The old you have changed quite a lot in the past few months and you may even notice how you don’t react the way you used to earlier. Perhaps you’re mellower at work, or a lot more tolerant of other people. There is an easygoing vibe in you that if used correctly, can help you mend rifts and sort out long-standing problems. If you’ve just broken up with someone, the cards promise new more exciting connections in the days ahead. Walk forward with an open mind, and most importantly, just be yourself and the right person will come. A family member may teach you a valuable life lesson as well. Stay clear of impulsive investment decisions. Take the advice of someone more experienced if you are looking to invest your money. A nagging cough or allergy may need another opinion.

Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

You were born to stand out and succeed in whatever field you are in. Silence the critic inside you and just keep taking the next step forward. Important connections made now in the workplace could prove to be very valuable in the long run. There’s a winner in you that may be wanting to prove a point to all the people who said you couldn’t do it. One tip, do it for you, not for them. Budding relationships could get serious, or even intimate in the coming days. A friend could turn into someone closer. Insurance and medical policies may dominate your financial discussions. Though it may feel cumbersome, it will help in the long run. Health matters show swift and steady recoveries and some good news ahead.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

Security and stability are topmost on your mind. Recent developments at work may have made everyone feel a little insecure and anxious, but you are determined to get past this with hard work and self-discipline. Businesses can expect a lot of enquiries from overseas. Or you may even plan a short business trip to forge connections in other countries. Home matters may appear quiet and you’ve organised your routine well. A small get-together with loved ones brings joy and the sharing of some happy memories together. The Universe continues to reward you financially, remember to be generous with the blessings you receive. Watch your digestion, especially while indulging in the good stuff.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

There’s a part of you that no longer wishes to please people or be the one who always rushes forward to volunteer. You may feel taken for granted, or at worst, exploited. Set boundaries if you must. Speak to your bosses if it gets too much. And if the situation continues, you may even consider applying for other jobs within the company or elsewhere. Even in matters of the heart, you resolve to delete people who can’t love you when you’re at a low. And may feel they don’t deserve you when you’re on an upswing. Releasing this energy from your life will give you greater wellbeing and even a sense of liberation. You may explore investment opportunities and even start planning to buy property. Regular check ups with your doctor should keep your health manageable.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

The past is way behind you. As you take the next step, remain optimistic. New doors are opening, new connections and new learning lie ahead of you. Be open to newness and discover a renewed sense of clarity and purpose at work or at study. At the work place, observe the changes taking place and hold back on expressing your thoughts until you’re sure of the facts. In matters of the heart, do remember to prioritise self-care over everything else. If your sleep patterns are off, or if you are not exercising enough, bring in the necessary changes. Socially, this is a great time to be out and about, entertaining or just heading out more often. The more people you interact with, the more enriching the experience. Meditation helps quiet the mind and eases bouts of insomnia.

Published By:

Ayush Bisht

Published On:

Dec 29, 2024

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