Friday, October 11, 2024

Weekly Horoscope For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign From October 14 – 20, 2024

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The weekly horoscopes for every Chinese zodiac sign from October 14 – 20, 2024, are influenced by the I Ching hexagram Earth over Thunder (#24) changing to Thunder over Heaven (#34). It urges the collective to remain on the right path even amid chaos and conflict. 

This will lead you to the greatest manifestation of your inner power, strength, and vitality. You suddenly become a force to be reckoned with in the world, instead of just one of the many stuck in a barrel of toxicity and back-biting. Greatness calls for greatness, but greatness does not necessarily look like what the rat race says it looks like. 

Weekly horoscope for each Chinese zodiac sign from October 14 – 20, 2024:


Vectortradition | Canva

Rat, the energy this week for you is all about knowing your mind and pursuing those paths with dedication and inner strength. You may just discover a hereto unknown part of you.

Your love life may not be as significant this week as you wish, but that’s okay. It may be a better time to spend on personal pursuits or self-care. Your social life will be a grand success though! Especially if you and some of your friends have been working hard on something for a while. The fruits of your labor are coming in now!

As for your career, there’s a chance for something new to bud here. It may be a new opportunity, a promotion, or even an office romance. Keep your senses alert so you can seize the moment when it’s upon you.

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ox chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Ox, the energy this week for you has a steady quality that may feel boring on the surface, but dig deeper and you will realize that important ideas and insights are incubating. Let patience be your motto.

In love, you are called to engage with your partner from a place of trust. Let it be the foundation of your love. This is not a call to ignore red flags though!

The energy around your career is also great at this time. If something new blooms here, set a slower pace and create harmony. Everything will align beautifully when you do.

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tiger chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Tiger, the energy this week has a mystical quality that heightens your sixth sense as an important nugget of wisdom that clicks into place for you.

In love, lead with honesty and trust, but don’t allow anyone to mistreat you. True affection will shy away from questionable behavior even in the middle of anger. Work with your emotions and they will be your best friend.

Your social life will bring you peace this week, especially if you have brunch with friends or an afternoon tea with elders. Set a slower pace in this arena so you can enjoy the love and care that comes your way.

As for your career, the time is ripe to do something bold and big! Do you believe in yourself? You will need it to fuel your growth and inner fire.

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rabbit chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Rabbit, something from the past will come back to your life this week, whether that be an ex, old friend, or even memories from past lives. Observe and note down what you experience. The puzzle pieces will come together soon.

The energy around your love life is grounded. Let the mundane details be the guiding star at this time. After all, love is not just about burning flames within the heart but also the sweetness of every day.

You are called to be more proactive in your social life this week. Whether that’s throwing a housewarming party, a backyard barbecue, or inviting your friends to hang out with you as you explore the city and see the festivities, be the one who suggests the plans this week and takes charge.

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dragon chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Dragon, the energy this week for you is all about reminiscing in a good way and allowing that to soothe your heart and bring forth fresh inspiration for the future. Your love life will benefit from this, especially if you are planning to introduce your partner to your parents. Let love, not fear, guide you. Your social life will also be good this week. Steer towards fun and delights and good food and drinks.

As for your career, something needs to change here to bring vitality back. Let your creative side take over and don’t censor any ideas. Once you have a good bunch, you will know which ones are pure gold.

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snake chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Snake, you are urged to be cautious about your social life this week. You may realize you have fake friends murking up the waters for you. Your love life may feel the effects of this too, especially if someone tries to encroach on your relationship. Don’t ignore red flags and protect what’s worthy of being protected. Reciprocity is the call to action here.

If you feel called to, work with Clear Quartz or Moonstone this week. They will open your mind to the layers of reality around you and show you which paths are for you and which ones are not. Your career will benefit from this as well, especially if you are planning a bold move in business. “Listen more” is the theme for you this week.

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horse chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Horse, now’s the time to seize your destiny and carve out a unique space for yourself in the world! As long as you trust yourself and your abilities, you will be good. The cosmic forces are here to support you. Focus on your inner well-being. Your social life may get in the way of your main priority, so you may want to pull back here for a short while.

In love, lead from the heart but don’t ignore red flags. Be more outdoorsy with your partner (or when going on dates if you are single). Strolls, carnivals, and backyard parties bring fun and camaraderie into your romance.

In your career, you are encouraged to think about the future (maybe three or five years from now) and how you want it to unfold. Planning, journaling, and enrolling in workshops and classes to increase your edge are all indicated here.

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goat chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Goat, the time has come for you to anchor yourself within and allow the whispers of your subconscious to become stronger. Some of you are hiding your inner creativity. Others are one step away from understanding the true nature of your life path.

Your love life is not in focus in this. So you’ll benefit from taking a step back here and allowing yourself to know your heart’s desires first. Your social life, on the other hand, will be very good. Let the inner child come out and play!

As for your career, the energy is slowly gaining momentum here, but it’s a process that requires patience. So ground yourself, whether through a daily meditation practice or tea ritual. Soon there will be a need to move with confidence and strong inner fire!

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monkey chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Monkey, the energy this week for you is all about trusting your heart when it tells you to walk about from someone romantically or in a friendship. The cosmic forces are aligning for you in a manner that can only be called “a reckoning.” It may feel like you are stuck in a vortex of emotions, but if you ground yourself in that inner knowing, you will be your own best friend and not allow gaslighting to keep you in the bad spaces.

Your social life will be a hit-or-miss in this regard since some of you need to steer away from circles that thrive on bullying and holding each other back from living authentically. Hiwever, the energy around your career is positive at this time. So perhaps this reckoning has been triggered by your shine bringing up the darkness and envy in those specific individuals. As long as you trust in divine timing, you will be fine.

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rooster chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Rooster, the energy this week is all about centering yourself and your desires in the world. Scattered thoughts, emotional swings, and social distractions may create blocks, but centering yourself will slowly bring everything back together.

In love, listen more this week and allow your partner or date to express themselves from the heart. A fascination for the one you are with is called for here to truly anchor the love in something meaningful.

Your social life and career will both flourish this week. Let things unfold as they are and trust your inner creative and the process!

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dog chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Dog, the energy this week for you is all about food, fun, and family. Not necessarily in that order! So let the festivities and family connections uplift your soul.

Your love life will benefit from twining with the rest of your social life. So an introduction to friends and family is called for here, whether that’s you being introduced or your partner. If you feel called to, gift your loved ones and friends small tokens of your affection this week. It can be a large pack of mooncakes from everyone’s favorite shop to share and eat together, or something else. Let your heart guide you here.

The energy around your career is growing behind the scenes. You may not sense it right now, but you are encouraged to prioritize self-care and rest alongside everything else. You will need it when the cosmic currents lift you straight to a new stratosphere!

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pig chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Pig, the energy this week for you is not very significant, but that’s why it’s even more significant. Prioritize self-care and relaxation so you can recharge your soul. You will need that when the cosmic currents boost you high later.

In love, trust yourself and your ability to show love. Not everyone does it the same way and your unique style is just as valid as someone else’s. The same applies to your partner. This will allow you to truly see the person in front of you and appreciate them for their unique sweetness.

Your social life will be good this week, especially if you have a party or work conference to attend. Even business fairs will bring new friendships, so look forward to good times! The energy around your career is more about being patient at this time. Some seeds grow more slowly than others, but once they do, the bounty is neverending.

RELATED: What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect Throughout October 2024


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer, and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot, and spirituality.

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