Sunday, March 9, 2025

Weekly Horoscope, February 2-8, 2025: Exploring Your Magic

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At the close of last week, magic began to imbue the air. That magic, inspiration, and dreamy vibe continue as Venus comes together with the north node in Pisces, Jupiter finishes its retrograde in Gemini, and the north node and Neptune partner in Pisces. Your weekly horoscope for February 2-8, 2025, explains how to navigate the vibes of a week that has much on the horizon.

Weekly Horoscope, February 2-8, 2025, Preview

February 2 | Moon Enters Aries
February 3 | Venus Conjunct North Node in Pisces
February 4 | Venus Enters Aries; Jupiter Direct in Gemini; Moon Enters Taurus
February 6 | Moon Enters Gemini
February 7 | Neptune Conjunct North Node in Pisces
February 8 | Moon Enters Cancer

Venus Conjunct North Node in Pisces

Venus is beauty. She is art embodied. She is grace and love, fairness and harmony. She is abundance and magnetism, creativity and self-worth. And as she comes into a position of influence in our cosmos, the Venus within each of us comes alive, too.

The north node in astrology is a point of destiny. Rather than a physical body, it is a calculation based on the Moon’s movement along the ecliptic, or the Sun’s apparent path. The year 2025 began with a major astrological movement when the north node entered Pisces, where it will remain for the next 18 months. And on February 3, 2025, its energy becomes heightened and activated within us all.

As Venus and the north node conjunct, or come together, in Pisces, it brings forth an opportune wave of surrender, creativity, and intuition. Your weekly horoscope for February 2-8, 2025, is an invitation to unclench, take a breath out, and attune to the universal flow of life always moving and dancing through the ethers and through us.

(Illustrationt: mikroman6 | Getty )

Venus Enters Aries

Following her final moments in Pisces, Venus enters Aries on February 4, 2025, where she begins a new cycle.

Aries is the first of the zodiac. Any planet entering this dynamic sign is rebirthing itself. Infused with Aries’s inspiration, courage, passion, and initiation, Venus receives the will, confidence, desire, and guidance to begin this new journey of self. As above, so below. As Venus creates herself anew, so do we. We begin a new era of authenticity and inner worth, we receive an influx of inspiration, and we find the courage to claim our direction.

Venus will retrograde in Aries beginning on March 1, 2025. The time before then is an opportunity to draw insight from their collective medicine before we begin retracing the steps we are currently taking and start seeing them through another lens. Your weekly horoscope helps you understand how.

Jupiter Direct in Gemini

A cosmic opening takes place as Jupiter finishes its retrograde this week after a four-month spin in the underworld.

Jupiter is our planet of growth and hope, inspiration and aspiration. While retrograding through Gemini these past four months, it has been asking us to reflect on the power of the mind and how it shapes and creates our lives. We have been reviewing our beliefs related to what is possible for ourselves, exploring what we desire for our future, and observing just how malleable our minds, and therefore lives, truly are.

Jupiter retrograde has been cleansing and clarifying what lives within our mental realms, releasing old narratives and questioning perspectives we have been living through.

Whenever we connect with Jupiter, we are prompted to look forward, expand our belief in ourselves and our potential, and strengthen our faith in ourselves and in things happening for us in life.

As Jupiter stations direct on February 4, 2025, we tap back into that future dreaming and welcome new visions for our lives. and using the immense creative potential of our minds with intention and purpose. Continuing through Gemini, curiosity, openness, and learning calls our names while playful exploration of ideas, information, higher wisdom, and communication come front and center. Your weekly horoscope explores this more.

Neptune Conjunct North Node in Pisces

Sprinkling more magic, intuition, creativity and imagination into an already beautiful week is the coming together, or conjunction, or Neptune and the north node in Pisces on February 7, 2025.

As Neptune rules Pisces, their essence holds a similar vibration. They are both portals into the sacred, an influx of imagination, and a heightening of intuition. Both cosmic energies are here to remind us of our origins and the sacredness flowing through our bodies.

As Neptune comes together with the north node—which relates to destiny, evolution, and expansion—it’s as if a door is opened for Neptunian and Piscean vibes to pass freely through. It allows us to access our intuitive knowing of our own direction and truth an it heightens our senses and imagination so we may access our creativity and allow it to carry us forward.

Black and white quote about love of self by an unknown writer as relates to the weekly horoscope
(Illustration: Unknown)

Weekly Horoscope, February 2-8, 2025

There is an intuitive feel to this week. It is a time of remembering yourself to be  sacred and, at the same time, experiencing the sacred beauty etched into each moment, person, emotion, creation, and environment. It is a chance to open yourself to dreaming, visioning, and the courage to move in your own way. And it is an invitation to surrender to the inspiration floating through the ethers so you can harness it by moving, creating, and living intentionally within it.

Aries Rising

It is through surrender that rebirth awaits. And it is through falling back into the arms of the sacred and letting intuition present desires that you will birth yourself into a new chapter of self with courage, confidence, and passion.

Taurus Rising

May you open to a new relationship with security, abundance, resources, worthiness, and potential. This week invites  dreaming as you expand into different ways of seeing and thinking. It also invites you to let surrender heal and nourish your very being.

Gemini Rising

Purpose is calling your name this week and inviting you to listen to your heart and create space for intuition. What vision appears as you look ahead? What is a life of fulfillment? What effect do you desire to make? As Jupiter moves forward in your sign, you too, are ready to move forward.

Cancer Rising

Open your heart and speak to life. Speak to the stars, the silence, and the wisdom waiting for you in each experience. Unleash your mind, expand your horizons, and courageously follow your intuition as you come closer to life itself.

Leo Rising

Long-term visioning and dreaming open to you this week. At the same time, there is profound healing of the emotions held within your body. Surrender, love, trust, and liberation are your key words. Repeat them daily and allow them to guide you.

Virgo Rising

Open your heart and allow it to be a portal into the beauty that is made accessible this week. Inspiration, purpose, guidance, and healing all come from the heart in the days ahead. As Jupiter stations direct beginning again, let your long-term visions, career, and affect on others and situations begin again with it.

Libra Rising 

Tune into your body, for it is a wellspring of wisdom, guidance, inspiration, and healing this week. Bring moments of magic into your days, whether through meditation, journaling, art, or something else. Don’t be afraid to declare your love and desires courageously, passionately, and boldly.

Scorpio Rising

 This week invites an immersion in creativity. However that might appear for you, lean in. Create art. Play with inspiration. Invite visioning and self-expression. Bring greater intention and love into everyday habits and living. It is a week welcoming deep empowerment and transformation.

Sagittarius Rising

Holding space for inner child healing and emotional tending, this week also asks you to courageously declare your desires. To boldly claim what it is that you want to create and express, experience and feel. Awaiting on the other side is healing of your relationship to love.

Capricorn Rising

Your voice is magic. Use it to inspire, heal, and clear any stagnant within your body. Your mind is a wand. Use it to create and direct, tap into ideas and unlock your path ahead. Deep self-love is available this week, the kind that liberates foundational hurts.

Aquarius Rising

This week, it’s time for a new dream when it comes to your resources and abundance, security and worth. This week brings courage, a reminder of your power, and an invitation to create and play, make art and remember joy.

Pisces Rising

Turn up the volume on your inner worth and abundance, your play and imagination, your intuition and trust in your emotions. Then tune into the permission you give yourself to inhabit and imbue your own body.

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