Friday, September 20, 2024

VR/PR | Long Island Business News

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VR/PR, specializes in community engagement on behalf of real estate developers, nonprofits and companies seeking to leverage community support for legislative approvals.

Victoria Ryan began her own company more than 12 years ago, and today is viewed as one of Long Island’s top community outreach specialists.

She first became interested in her industry upon reading news stories about failed land-use projects. She explains, “I recognized that community opposition played a big role. However, in many cases, the community was reacting to misinformation or perceptions that ran counter to the intent of the proposed project, and decision-makers reacted to the opponents in the room. So, I began cold calling real estate developers–and was also introduced to some of them through a successful female lawyer who believed in me–and convinced them that a proactive strategy of community engagement was essential for success. I was able to parlay my government and marketing experience into a successful business that allows me to utilize my particular set of skills.”

A strong supporter of women in the workplace, Ryan notes that, “The best professional advice I ever received was from a former employer, a female elected official. She said to always support other women. I’m continually shocked at the lack of support among women toward other women, but it’s the special ones that make a difference, and truly shine. I like to think that I have been a champion for women who have worked for me; I think I have been, and I encourage others to do similarly. Our daughters and granddaughters will thank us!”


This profile is part of LIBN’s In The Lead : Women Owned Businesses list. Information used in this profile was sourced from the honoree.

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