Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ukiah Advances Major Infrastructure Projects – MendoFever – Mendocino County News

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The following is a press release from the City of Ukiah:

Workers transforming Ukiah streets [Photo from the City of Ukiah website]

The City of Ukiah has tackled some massive infrastructure projects in the last year.  This work has been tremendously impactful—both from a traffic circulation perspective and from a community benefit perspective.  In fact, these have literally been once-in-a-lifetime projects, building and replacing infrastructure that has either been or will be in the ground for 100 years. City Staff are grateful for the community’s continued patience throughout these projects.

Phase 2 of the Downtown Streetscape Project is nearly finished, having transformed the main artery of the downtown core from an abandoned highway to a vibrant, walkable neighborhood.  This project was paid for through a combination of grant, utility, and Measure Y funds.

Also, the distribution system of the Recycled Water Project is done, marking a significant milestone in the nearly-complete fourth phase of this momentous project. Once complete, the project will supply recycled water to Vinewood Park, Frank Zeek School, Pomolita School, soccer fields, Ukiah High School, the Ukiah Cemetery, Anton Stadium, Giorno Park, Todd Grove Park, and the Ukiah Valley Golf Course.  This project was made possible with a grant of nearly $54 million from the State Water Board. With the completion of that part of the project, part of Low Gap Road was also repaved.

One major project continues—the Urban Core Rehabilitation and Transportation Project (UCRT), which consists of major street reconstruction and utility replacement on Main, Gobbi, and Perkins Streets. This project, also largely grant funded, will continue through roughly the summer of 2025.

Work began on Main Street early this construction season with the replacement of water lines. Once school let out for summer break, crews moved over to West Gobbi to replace sewer and water lines. As frustrating as it is to have work left undone (on Main Street), it was imperative to get the majority of the work on West Gobbi done before school starts, so as to avoid conflicts with school bus routes and children walking to school. Work will continue in this area through the fall with sidewalk reconstruction, ADA ramps, and street reconstruction.

Beginning later this week, utility work will begin on East Gobbi starting at Orchard and moving west to State Street. East Gobbi will have one lane closures on blocks with active construction; in those areas, traffic will be allowed westbound only.  Residents, emergency, and delivery vehicles will be provided access at all times.  Alternative routes are encouraged for through traffic during construction hours; it is anticipated that East Gobbi will be reopened to two-way traffic at the end of each workday.

Current plans are that, once the work on Gobbi is complete, crews will return to Main Street, where they will replace the water mains and laterals, construct sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and finally, reconstruct the street surface. The hope is that, weather providing, all of this can be done before winter sets in and it is too wet to work.

The final part of this project, Perkins Street (addition of storm drains and repaving) will not likely occur until 2025. Additional information about this project can be found on the City of Ukiah’s website at www.cityofukiah/ucrt.  From the same page, people can sign up for emailed construction updates.

With some traffic signals still “on flash” and school starting next week, the City urges community members to be extra vigilant while driving and to allow a few extra minutes during commute times.

Construction days/hours are Monday – Friday 7AM – 5PM.

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