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Today’s daily horoscope for Oct. 30, 2024

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Cosmic Courtroom Drama

First, it’s the moon, and then its Mercury arguing in the courtroom of the sky, but finally, a trine from the lunar persuasion in Libra and an amenable Jupiter position balances all with the spirit of fairness. Arguments are not always negative. They can, with great respect, be tools of understanding. It’s all about turning the heat down and the warmth up.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There’s no benefit to obsessing about one relationship or project as it puts too much pressure on the situation and stifles the energy and outcomes. Diversify your energy. With a few different things cooking, none of them feel too heavy.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The one calling the shots is doing so quietly, secretly even. You’ll operate within intricate social systems and seek understanding of the power dynamics, which are not always so obvious. Keep your eyes open, observe and learn.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’re trusting the wild unknown today. You’ll let the wind guide your flight to unexpected places, though you’ll also sense when it’s time to land. Rest, build and gather strength before the next flight.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The gentle way you live respects the places and people you encounter. You’ll be an astute observer of your surroundings. You’re a part of it, but you still feel you need to learn it. “Take only memories, leave only footprints.” — Chief Seattle

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There are those who press your buttons every time said buttons are in reach. Oddly enough, it’s not about you, just a function of their strange history. When you consider where they are coming from, you’ll invite compassion.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). A good life is impossible without a kind relationship with the self. You’re the one who has to hold you through, beginning to end — a responsibility worthy of executing with compassion.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Stretch the boundaries of your heart. Don’t let small grievances block meaningful connection. Later, when you look back at your many relationships, you’ll be most proud of the ones that challenged you to hang in there.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You feel someone is standing in the way of your progress, but as long as you see yourself as someone who can and will prevail, you’ll eventually break through whatever barrier you need to and make it happen.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Trust your instincts — they’ve flown you through storms before. Being untethered is nothing to fear. You’ve got this. You might be daring and unbound, but it’s still your wings, your sky, your horizon.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). In the web of humanity, all are joined. People may feel alone at times, but no one ever really is. It is possible to send love to your own heart. In fact, it is advised. When you do this, you are also sending to what connects us all.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). People have opinions they present as facts as they try to make reasonable arguments for some righteous choice. It’s a subtle negativity you want to avoid today. Give no attention to these attitudes born of unexamined irritation.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The core self needs something that can’t be satisfied with shiny objects. You don’t have to waste energy chasing all that glitters. Use all your fuel to go for the gold.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. 30). You’ll be a hero, not for making grand gestures, though you will certainly make daring ones, but for your beautiful predisposition to help. Your internal compass guides you to act selflessly. More highlights: You’ll thrive in a devoted relationship and enjoy shared adventure. Strides for a cause will bring good fortune, goodwill and followers galore. Virgo and Leo adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 4, 23, 33 and 18.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: In the upcoming comedy “Encore,” Henry Winkler plays a former Broadway icon in a talented group of new residents of a retirement home. True to the transformational powers of Scorpio, Winkler embraces the challenge of playing against type, or creating iconic characters that could only come from him. From his iconic role as Arthur “Fonzie” Fonzarelli to his award-winning portrayal of acting teacher Gene Cousineau in “Barry,” Winkler is a beloved figure in decades of American entertainment.

Holiday Mathis’ debut novel, “How To Fail Epically in Hollywood,” is out now! This fast-paced romp about achieving Hollywood stardom is available as a paperback and ebook. Visit http://www.creatorspublishing.com for more information. Write Holiday Mathis at HolidayMathis.com.


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