Sunday, February 23, 2025

Thomas J. Bruno: Upgrade Broomfield water infrastructure, but there are three conditions

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In 1990, I first led my own research group in a federal lab beset with constant budget woes; the agency director told me: “I will help, but don’t come to me unless you can point to what you have done to solve the problem.”

He was a true leader; tough, respected and admired. Diametrically opposite to the “leadership” of CCOB including the council, mayor and senior city staff, who collectively now demand we remedy their “run-to-fail” water/sewer negligence. With no public dialog, CCOB wants to impose a 50% increase in water/sewer rates. Ward 1 Councilmember Marsh-Holschen, in a NextDoor harangue, first offers an apology: I was asleep at the switch. No, sir, the entire council, manager and senior CCOB leadership are negligent.

Former Mayor Quinn speaks of the good old days of Manager DiCiero (Enterprise, Aug. 11, 2024); as a member of a city commission from 1986 to 1996, I share his nostalgia. I was present in a meeting when DiCiero first mused about enabling legislation for the city/county. His motivation was the reliability of the water supply and conveyance! DiCiero, unlike the current manager, was always on top of problems.

Now the CCOB plans “education” sessions to explain why, on top of unprecedented jumps in property taxes, and continually increasing fees, they now must impose a 50% jump in water/sewer fees. I have no doubt we will get stuck with this bill, but as I see it, going forward three changes are required.

First, the mayor, the entire City Council, the city manager and deputies must resign and move on. Your collective negligence is unparalleled; there is no spin, no apology, no mea culpa that can mitigate your failure. Run to fail was not the policy of prior CCOB leadership; it is, rather, a very recent breach of professionalism. A special election will be required, and an interim manager must be appointed. The process will be difficult, but it is necessary; we simply cannot trust any of you with the stewardship of the city.

Second, despite Marsh-Holshen’s assertion of the infeasibility of supplementing the water enterprise fund from the healthy general fund, it is imperative that the (departing) council and staff members figure out how to do it: one final good deed to make up for the debacle their inattention has caused. How? I really don’t care; figure it out.

Third, going forward, it is critical that the future councils and senior staff focus only on essential services and keep hands off individual freedom and individual responsibility. This would include not socializing trash collection; we can decide for ourselves. Don’t build and subsidize arenas (one final event I would buy a ticket for is the explosive demolition). Don’t waste our time jawing about a local minimum wage; California demonstrates well how to lose jobs. Stop bloviating about “affordable housing” while imposing higher home costs via cash-in-lieu fees for developers, mandated EV receptacles and fire sprinkler systems, and advocating all electric dwellings. Stop subsidizing charities of CCOB choosing. Broomfield FISH, Refuge, Precious Child, Imagine, etc. (15 subsidized charities!) might be worthy causes, but don’t force my support via taxation. I can decide for myself. And stop telling me councilmembers deserve higher pay!

Yes, we will come together and solve this debacle, but never think there is no consequence; there must be change, starting with your collective departures.

Dr. Bruno, a scientist retired after more than 40 years in research, amuses himself writing books and editing scientific journals, along with wood and metal working.  

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