Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Ultimate 2025 Horoscope Predictions for Each Zodiac Sign, According to a Celebrity Astrologer

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Cheers to the new year!

As the calendar turns its page from 2024 to 2025, the astronomical energy that radiates the cosmos will have a different effect on each of our lives.

While the new year is sure to bring exciting new opportunities and changes our way, celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas tells PEOPLE exclusively that 2025 will bring “major new beginnings” in the first half of the new year. Its momentum will continue throughout the second half.

Not only will the last six months of the new year be impacted by this energy, but Thomas says that the new beginnings brought on us in 2025 will “usher in a fresh era” for the “second half of the decade!” It will feel “quite different” from the first half, he makes known.

Although every zodiac sign will be impacted differently, Thomas predicts that everyone’s horoscope will present “opportunities for success, love and happiness.” The cosmos are on your side, just rest assured that timing has a significant impact in addition to where your sign aligns in the universe.

That’s why Thomas’ predictions derive from patterns based on “planetary movement,” in addition to the stars’ alignment with the sun and the moon. Astronomical events that happen throughout the year, like eclipses, will “thrust” their corresponding themes center stage regardless of zodiac sign.

Moons, too, have a significant effect on a person’s zodiac sign (which is why horoscopes are always changing due to the various lunation that cycle each month). Full moons, specifically, bring culmination, completion and revelations to our lives in the weeks surrounding the event.

According to Thomas, they tend to be “more emotional periods” and their effects can be felt “two days prior and four days after” they occur. 2025, specifically, will have a significant start as December ends with the Black Moon, a rare lunation that marks the second new moon of the month.

Read on for your ultimate 2025 horoscope!

Aries 2025 Horoscope

Aries 2025.

You’re finally embracing the real you, Aries! If it seems like you’ve been trying to find a “new identity” in recent years, 2025 will bring forth comfort and confidence in who you are.

This new wave of self-love will be felt around “desires, goals and personal relationships,” says Thomas. You’ll also “seek closure” on particular pieces from the past while “receiving the karma for the good or bad,” he puts forth.

Don’t have fear if the first few months of the new year seem slow. In fact, Thomas advises you to capitalize on this pace to “reflect on where you’ve been.” Note that you may also come to realize that the universe is “laying more weight and responsibility on your shoulders” throughout the entire summer.

When looking at 2025 as a whole, Thomas predicts you’ll use the year to “set up new patterns across the board” that could potentially affect the next “three decades of your life” to come. “Choose wisely on where you place your attention,” he advises.

Taurus 2025 Horoscope

Taurus 2025.

A spectacular year awaits, Taurus! According to Thomas’ predictions, 2025 is going to bring forth many “surprises and fresh starts” your way.

If the past few years have seemed like a whirlwind without a break, take a breath now. “You’ll have more time to live in the moment, enjoy your personal life and flourish in many ways,” he makes known.

As for relationships, Thomas predicts “soulmate connections” may present themselves to you regardless if you’re single or in a relationship. The year might seem like it’s off to a slow yet nostalgic start, but he says it will only pick up as the months go on.

“Life will move into the fast lane for you!” he says. “Use the year ahead to embrace your innate authenticity and pursue your greatest desires — happiness, magic and passion could find you no matter where you go.”

Gemini 2025 Horoscope

Gemini 2025.

Great news, Gemini! “You’re in one of the luckiest periods of your life,” says Thomas, specifically pointing out the first half of 2025.

Expect the start of the year to be “filled with new beginnings and opportunities,” he puts forth. However, he warns that you’ll only be rewarded if you work towards your intentions and goals rather than waiting around for them to come to you.

Perhaps manifest or “create a vision board,” Thomas suggests. This way, you have a clear-cut plan of what you’d like your life to look like now and in the decade ahead. “Plant seeds in all areas of importance,” he says.

Around the summer through mid-autumn, Thomas points out a unique desire that may arise. “You’re going to experience a sudden surge to embrace more independence, freedom and expression in your life and you could be eager to try out a new you,” he predicts.

Try to find comfort in these new opportunities, even if they don’t feel natural. “You’re beginning a very long cycle that will certainly push you out of your comfort zone and could radically change every area of your life,” Thomas makes known.

Cancer 2025 Horoscope

Cancer 2025.

Get ready to shine, Cancer! If you feel like something is bubbling up behind the scenes in the first half of the year, Thomas says that’s likely true.

Turn your attention to the summer, though! “You will suddenly feel the curtains part and spotlight turn upon you as you step centerstage starting in June,” he puts forth.

Lucky for you, Thomas says you moving towards “one of the luckiest periods in a twelve-year cycle.” during this time, he predicts you’ll enter a new chapter of your life that’ll allow you to “easily manifest” your personal and professional intentions.

Creating a vision board could be an advantageous way to bring your manifestations to life! “Write down what you wish your life to look like and set forth to hit the ground running and make it all happen,” says Thomas. “You are worthy of everything you desire!”

Leo 2025 Horoscope

Leo 2025.

Life will surely feel very fulfilling at the start of 2025, Leo. However, Thomas predicts it will likely be off to a slow start.

Take advantage of the slow patterns and plan out what you’d like to achieve later in the year! “You’ll likely find more popularity and opportunities to celebrate the beauty of life and connect with many people and communities prior to summer,” he adds.

While you make the most of working towards goals and milestones in the first half of the year, keep in mind that they can “materialize quickly,” Thomas points out. Then, in the summer you’re destined to make more goals for yourself to work towards.

According to Thomas’ prediction, they’ll be “a newfound focus on expanding your life to vast new horizons.” New areas of interest could include academics, spirituality, travel or engaging with new perspectives and cultures, he puts forth.

The second half of the year, meanwhile, may bring “more stillness.” He says, “Life may slow down and you’ll turn toward introspection and spirituality.”

Virgo 2025 Horoscope

Virgo 2025.

Make the most o this year, Virgo! According to Thomas, “One of the most important years of your life is upon you.”

You’ll start to notice this vibrant energy at the very end of winter, he puts forth. “You are set to begin a many-year-long cycle where you change your identity, purpose and life direction.” Perhaps you’re rediscovering yourself or turning the page on a relationship, he notes.

In the beginning of 2025, Thomas says you’ll feel “especially reflective” as the universe will “encourage you to lie low. At the same time though, he says you could “still see happy progress in career.”

As the second half of the year approaches, Thomas says the period “could truly make your heart bloom.” In fact, he says “it could bring blessings, opportunities and good fortune down upon you like showers of gold… This will be a fortunate time to live life to the fullest!”

Libra 2025 Horoscope

Libra 2025.

Big changes are coming, Libra! “You could find many opportunities for new horizons, adventure and travel for the first half of the year,” predicts Thomas.

“Push yourself out of your comfort zone and be courageous!” he encourages. In mid-summer through mid-autumn, he says you may even feel “more of an urge to shake it up,” “experience freedom” and “connect” with people and cultures that are different from your own.

People from the past may resurface in the first several months of the year, Thomas predicts. “So choose wisely who you reopen the door to in your life,” he says. “You’re also entering into a very karmic period around relationships now and in the years ahead.”

Scorpio 2025 Horoscope

Scorpio 2025.

Hold on tight, Scorpio! “Embark upon a year that will bring many cosmic shifts that alter the course of your life,” says Thomas.

“The first five months of the year will be especially slow, but could give you the chance to go with the flow, catch up on life or reconnect with people from the past,” he points out. “If seeking to reunite with an old flame or lover, you’ll be especially favored then.”

“Wealth matters” will be of focus in the first half of the year, he adds, while the second half of the year will turn your attention to “adventure and stepping outside of your comfort zone.” Think outside of the box, jump into every opportunity and the universe could reward you greatly!

You might also “find fulfillment” in travel, Thomas says, so plan an exciting trip to a new destination. Have fun!

Sagittarius 2025 Horoscope

Sagittarius 2025.

Love is in the air, Sagittarius! “You’re in one of the best periods ever for relationships,” says Thomas.

This romantic energy will likely ring out throughout all of 2025, he notes, especially for those who are in long-term or committed partnerships (or are soon entering one). “The winter and early spring will be remarkably slow and could bring back people or situations from the past,” he adds.

Home will also be a focus throughout the year, while focusing on your communication-related skills may also be of interest. If you do so, Thomas predicts “more power and influence may come to you — or at the very least, a profoundly deeper perspective on people and life.”

Capricorn 2025 Horoscope

Capricorn 2025.

Expect big transitions, Capricorn! “You’ll experience shifts in each area of your life,” Thomas puts forth.

Keep in mind that the beginning of 2025 may be slow. It could even “bring some challenges” around projects, relationships, assets or family situations. Despite the “cosmic dust” being thrown around, he ensures that it will “luckily be moving you in a better direction.”

More responsibility around home, real estate or family will be “a key aspect” this year, says Thomas. “There will also be a deep need to be productive, yet explore new avenues around your routines and health.”

Beyond this, Thomas says the second half of the year “ushers you forth into one of the most magical periods in your lifetime.” It’s likely to impact relationships, unions and partnerships both in business and in love, he notes.

Aquarius 2025 Horoscope

Aquarius 2025.

You’ve been waiting for a switch-up in your life, Aquarius. Finally, the time has come!

For the next 20 years, Thomas says “you’re going to experience radical transformations, rebirths and intense moments in all areas of your life.” He explains, “If you choose to evolve in positive means, you can drastically improve your path, rather than falling into negative patterns.”

Thomas predicts you’re going to see “a wide expanse of your heart’s desires” for the first half of the year. The second half, though, puts “more emphasis” on your productivity. He says wealth matters also continue to “show prominence this year.”

Elsewhere in his prediction, Thomas says you may “attract wondrous memories” and “meet lovely people” if you travel. Adventure awaits, Aquarius!

Pisces 2025 Horoscope

Pisces 2025.

Feel the power in 2025, Pisces! Keep your head down, work hard and you’ll soar!

If you’ve felt an “extra weight on your shoulders” in recent years, Thomas says the universe is not punishing you. Instead, it’s a way to make you stronger, especially as you “continue to bear this weight” until June and then again after September.

“The first several months of the year will bring delays and confusion around many significant areas of life,” Thomas puts forth. “But on a positive note, you’re being given a chance to pivot your plans forward toward more fulfilling paths, find closure with the past or rekindle important relationships.”

You’ll also feel an emphasis on your home and family, too. “Wild changes” may occur around these themes in mid-summer and mid-autumn months. The second half of the year is “absolutely dazzling.”

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