Friday, March 7, 2025

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

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Life starts to stabilize this month, and you are oh-so-ready for that! After a year of big moves and sweeping changes, a little more predictability is a welcome menu addition. 

So why has life been so un-Taurus-like? On May 16, 2023, expansive Jupiter began a yearlong visit to your sign, bringing new experiences and (seemingly) nonstop growth. This Jupiter cycle only happens every 12 years, and it launched you into a new decade-plus chapter. 

In many ways, you’re nothing like the person you were a year ago. We have Taurus friends who’ve closed businesses and reopened new ones, sold their homes and changed their relationships. You may have experimented a lot in the past year as your life shape-shifted into a new direction. 

While it can be healthy to break character so you don’t stagnate, too many curveballs may have left you feeling scattered. All that metamorphosis has been as exhausting as it was exhilarating! At the end of the day, you’re naturally wired for consistency. You’re an earth sign, Taurus, and you like to keep your hooves planted on terra firma. 

Well, rest your soles for a sec because on May 25, Jupiter left Taurus and anchored into Gemini, lending its magic touch to your secure second house all the way through June 9, 2025. Since the second house is associated with YOUR sign, you’ll really be in your element. 

It’s a year of prosperity and productivity, a time to be discerning about where you direct your energy. Choose quality over quantity. And while Jupiter can stoke your ambitions, this time, it’s more of a slow-and-steady build than a race to the finish line. One Taurus we know, who traveled extensively and got remarried while Jupiter was in her sign, just announced she’s taking a “contemplative summer to breathe and chill.” While Jupiter might have slightly different plans, we’re confident she’ll be able to handle her duties at a much more measured pace.

Whatever speed you choose, Taurus, start turning those dreams into reality. This is a month for buckling down and building as the Sun sprints through Gemini until June 20, activating your stabilizing second house. You can make “practical magic” happen by sticking to a simple plan and prioritizing. And since Taurus is the natural ruler of the zodiac’s second house, you should be pretty comfortable doing that.

Success could be yours for the taking, especially at the June 6 Gemini new moon—a once-a-year event that can catalyze your cash flow. You might get a fresh start around work, finances and budgeting, building momentum that will culminate at the December 15 Gemini full moon. Where would you like to be by the end of the year, Taurus? Ready, set, get to work!

The second house rules how you get yourself centered and grounded. If you’ve been talking (or thinking) about starting a fitness routine or committing to a consistent practice (yoga, writing, meditation, etc.), the Gemini new moon can help your efforts take root. The moon’s exact conjunction to beautifying Venus invites you to add a dollop of decadence. Treat yourself to an affordable luxury that will bring you pleasure for weeks (or years!) to come.

Are certain friendships or group obligations creating more drama than they’re worth? The Gemini new moon will also be at a tense square to structured Saturn in your collaborative eleventh house. You may need to put up better boundaries or make your availability limits clear. While you’ll want to RSVP “yes” to every beach bonfire and poolside see-and-be-seen party, it’s better to cherry-pick those invites and attend the ones that offer the highest return on investment. Whether that’s a new client, like-minded friends or a theme that resonates with your current goals, put your FOMO aside. Flattering as it is to be included, your time is precious now.

Control issues, anyone? Watch out for emotional fireworks on June 11, when hotheaded Mars in Taurus locks into an incendiary square with calculating Pluto in Aquarius and your tenth house of career. Your drive for individuality might clash with an authority figure’s rigid protocols. You and a boss or client may have dueling agendas, or you could feel caged in by too much routine. Someone else may be acting in a domineering way that derails YOUR carefully laid plans. Don’t cut corners or challenge the system too much today, Bull. See if you can create positive change without burning bridges.

A social season begins on June 20 as the Sun enters Cancer and your third house of communication and community. Getting out to mingle locally would be the perfect summer kickoff over the next four weeks. Kindred spirits abound now. Chat up some new people instead of hanging exclusively with your tried-and-true crew. You never know where a fun conversation by the grill could lead. You could end up with a new client or even a job offer just by being your friendliest self.

Think bigger than big, Taurus—and free yourself from the restrictions of “what’s always worked in the past.” That is NOT the direction to head in right now. Break out some fresh ideas! The June 21 Capricorn full moon is an invitation to look at possibilities far beyond your known limits. You could dream up a visionary project that brings colorful characters together from far-flung corners of the world.

This is the first of a rare, back-to-back pair of full moons in Capricorn. The second one, which arrives on July 21, will bring another opportunity to expand your horizons. Pack your bags—or a backpack. This is also your moment to exit city limits (or perceived limits) as the ninth house emphasizes travel, study and personal growth. A budding business venture could take flight under these entrepreneurial moonbeams, or you could be offered an opportunity to speak in public or appear in the media. The only “requirement”? Be willing to take a leap of faith—and a calculated risk—and seize the moment!

Be mindful whom you invite to join in on these adventures, though. From June 29 until November 15, cautious Saturn will reverse through Pisces and your eleventh house of groups. Has an unreliable person slipped onto Team Taurus? Fortify your borders and don’t be too quick to trust, even if you feel strong chemistry with someone. Time is usually the best revealer of trustworthiness, and with Saturn in reverse, you should take twice as long to evaluate whether or not someone has earned inner-circle status.

The eleventh house also rules technology, and with old-school Saturn running in reverse here, a slow and steady process is best before you start adopting and integrating AI. If you’re planning to launch an online venture, test it thoroughly and implement extra data security measures. Update your public profiles, strengthen passwords and run a search on yourself to see what comes up. Mature Saturn wants you to put your most polished image forward now, so use the retrograde to clean up your digital persona. Do your tech skills need some polish? Take a workshop or do your own rigorous research to get up to industry standards.

With Jupiter in your refined second house and Saturn in this position, the rest of 2024 really is about “who you know.” Focus your energy on ambitious, generous people whose goals complement yours. Building a strong network will be one of your main keys to success.

Let the summer sizzle commence! Randy and red-hot Mars is in Taurus from June 9 to July 20, a sexy cycle that only occurs every two years. Get ready for a surge of life-force energy that makes you feel sexy and desirable (which, of course, you are!). Active Mars could inspire you to start moving your body after a sedentary spell—and you’re so ready for that. You want to feel awake, alert and alive.

But easy does it, Bull. With lusty Mars in your sign, you’re prone to blindly stampeding after your hedonistic desires. Dole out that Taurus magic in digestible doses. With the pushy red planet here, you can also come on extra strong. While it’s great to express your needs directly, make sure you’re not being demanding or steamrolling anyone.

Some of your intensity will be tempered by the other love planet, Venus, which is in Gemini and your grounded second house until June 17. A strong attraction could quickly turn into a serious thing with one special person. With pleasure-loving Venus (who happens to be your celestial ruler) and adventurous Jupiter in this luxe-loving zone, some five-star date nights are in order. 

On June 17, Venus rolls into Cancer and your social third house. From now until July 11, your love life will have a lighter, more upbeat vibe. If you’re single, start hanging out more in your neighborhood, especially once the Sun moves into Cancer for a month on June 20. 

An attraction could spark with a local shop owner or a fellow regular at open-mic or trivia night. Don’t forget what a rich source your own friend circle is. Ask people if they have unattached friends who might be a good match for you. Couples will have fun doing things together without it being a formal “date.” Take a class or workshop together, explore your neighborhood, hop in the car for a day trip. The duo that plays together stays together.

A little financial stability for you, Taurus? Lucky Jupiter is now in Gemini and your grounding second house through June 2025. And until THIS June 20, the Sun is warming up Gemini, grounding you in the basics of work and money. Translation: You’ll go further by prioritizing and keeping things practical. 

The June 2 alliance of Jupiter with Pluto in your career zone could bring an exciting leadership opportunity or a chance to join forces with a well-connected person. Play your cards right, and doors could open that you might not otherwise walk through. If you’re the one with the connections to pay it forward, this is a powerful time to share the wealth.

On June 6, the annual Gemini new moon could offer up a profitable new pathway. The key this month? Focus on things that can really move the needle. You don’t need to mediate coworker disagreements or scatter yourself with side projects. The local beach volleyball tournament could be a blast, but if you have deadlines or a job search underway, keep your nose to the grindstone.

Of course, if you DO finish your tasks early, by all means go do something fun and physical. With action planet Mars in Taurus from June 9 to July 20, you’ll have lots of energy to burn. The June 21 Capricorn full moon will beam into your entrepreneurial ninth house, bringing a stroke of good fortune. Even better? It’s the first of a rare two full moons here, spaced a month apart. A second hit of this visionary energy could come in on July 21. Start spreading the news and sharing your boldest ideas!

Love Days: 13, 18

Money Days: 6, 24

Luck Days: 4, 21

Off Days: 28, 15, 19

See All Signs

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