For hard-working, steadfast, and luxurious Taurus: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of March.
The cosmos come in swinging this month as Venus goes retrograde on March 2. As one of two Zodiac signs governed by our planetary neighbor, you are likely to feel its effects more strongly. And indeed, these effects are substantial. Venus retrograde increases the likelihood of reckless behavior or miscommunications and misunderstandings between romantic partners or with your own inner voice. Matters of the heart or wallet become more difficult to manage. Not impossible, stargazer, just difficult. Guard your heart closely during this time, and try to avoid giving into knee-jerk reactions.
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The following day, the waxing crescent Moon transitions into your celestial domain. This creates a series of alignments with your recently retrograde ruling planet. A waxing crescent Moon encourages planning and preparation while not necessarily providing much catalytic energy. This is a time to get your ducks in a row. And unfortunately, this might be more troublesome under the cloudy haze of Venus retrograde. Nevertheless, the stars urge you to try. The potential for conflict is the greatest around March 8, during the Moon and Venus’ square alignment. By March 10, most tensions will ease as these two celestial players fall into an auspicious trine.
March 11 will prove especially potent as Venus retrograde and Mercury conjoin under Aries. Fortunately, this cosmic alignment has the potential to improve mental clarity and clear up misunderstandings in relationships. All emotions are valid. Not all reactions are. There is a way to acknowledge and experience your feelings without having them be the driving force behind your words and actions. Don’t underestimate how much you can discover simply by digging a little deeper, Taurus. Your stubborn streak is likely to try and convince you that it’s easier to justify holding your ground than ceding to the other party. Mercury helps gently remind you that a relationship is a team, not a competition. Your desire to be right isn’t helping you.
Three days later, on March 14, the full Moon reaches its peak strength in Virgo as it forms a lunar eclipse with the Earth and Sun. Lunar eclipses are incredibly powerful celestial events, signaling turnarounds and endings. The first of two lunar eclipses this year will help usher in a sense of finality and closure around chapters in our life we’re ready to move on from. As someone who prioritizes comfort and stability, these events can be more frightening and nerve-wracking than exciting and opportunistic. Even if you feel you can’t appreciate the latter positivities, keep reminding yourself that they exist. Eventually, you’ll prove yourself right.
Considering this lunar event takes place in Virgo, the final sign of the Zodiac cycle, the feeling of completeness will only become stronger. The still-nearly full Moon then forms a direct opposition to your ruling planet on March 15. This suggests that it might be time to take a closer look at the mishaps and misunderstandings conjured up by Venus retrograde. While not every wire that crosses during this time is deserving of a snip, this particular alignment suggests that a bit of pruning is necessary. Fights and financial flubs are obviously arduous parts of life, but they’re critical in developing our strength, wisdom, and fortitude. Sometimes, a lesson needs to be tough to stick.
As if the cosmos hadn’t thrown you enough curveballs already, Mercury turns retrograde the same day as the opposition between the nearly full Moon and Venus. This pesky retrograde period has an even worse reputation than Venus. It increases the potential for travel mishaps, technological errors, communicative impasses, and general disorder. Mercury retrograde is a time when relying on resources outside of yourself becomes less reliable. But it’s also a time when mental clarity destabilizes. Consequently, it can sometimes feel like there’s no solid ground to stand on during these celestial periods. Remember that the illusions our emotions create don’t always match the reality in front of us. Keep your head down. Push through it.
The Sun’s transition into Aries ushers in a renewed Zodiac cycle on March 20. With this ego-driven celestial body in fiery Aries, confidence can increase, which will become all the more critical after the bumpy ups and downs of the previous several days. On the same day Aries season begins, the waning gibbous Moon forms an auspicious trine with your ruling planet. This cosmic alignment offers an opportunity to reflect on the past weeks’ events and consider how you can use any negativity you experienced to your advantage. Based on a favorable sextile between Venus and Pluto locking into place the following day, the best way to alchemize negativity into a net positive is to use these experiences to confidently change course.
Venus retrograde and the Sun form a potent conjunction on March 23, placing a metaphorical magnifying glass over our relationships with ourselves, with others, and our financial resources. If there were ever a time to confirm or reassess how you’re navigating these connections, it would be right now. Keep in mind that this exercise only works if you’re honest with yourself, Taurus. This cosmic energy might manifest as a change in the way you present yourself to the outside world. It could also appear as an internal change, more subtle, but no less transformative. Focus on receiving information and cosmic clues with an open heart and flexible mindset.
Several days later, on March 27, your retrograde ruling planet conjoins with dreamy Neptune in Pisces. Neptune fosters imagination and creativity, but unfortunately, it doesn’t always know when to stop fantasizing. Navigating this cosmic energy will require balancing on a delicate line between not holding yourself back and not putting yourself in impossible situations. The differences between the two might not always seem readily apparent. But if you look a little closer, they’ll reveal themselves in due time.
The new Moon reaches its darkest, most restorative phase on March 29 in Aries. This event coincides with a partial solar eclipse, marking the beginning of the new chapter brought on by the lunar eclipse a couple of weeks prior. A waxing crescent entering your celestial domain on March 30 further confirms that significant change is underway.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Taurus! See you next month.